
Escaping the Planet Part 2

Disclaimer: i don't own Marvel or any of the characters except this planet and characters in this chapter which I made up. Credit to whoever owns Marvel.



Crystal and Luke spent every moment with their Aunt, Aaron and their two other younger cousins, Mia and Coal. Life went on as normal for the prophesied three until one day...


Narrator POV

Until one day Crystal was walking through the castles halls to get to her and Luke's room. When she passed one room she heard voices. She stopped and eavesdropped on the conversation. "Lukas I will pay you 1000 Acreilies (currency on their planet and is universal on any other planet) if you kill my sister and her family so I can be queen" her mother said. Crystal couldn't believe her ears and listened to the rest of the conversation.

She then turned invisible and silently went to her room to wake her brother and tell him. When she got to her room she shook her brother up and told him everything. They quickly went to warn their aunt, uncle and cousins. When they got there they were met with the bodies of their relatives. Crystal slid down to the bloody floor with teary eyes, Luke hugged her from the side and cried into her shoulder.

They heard a gasp and looked to see their cousin Aaron faintly breathing. They rushed to his side immediately. Crystal felt the sudden urge to sing so she sang and then her hands were glowing green. She looked at Aaron's wounds immediately closing and his clothes turning back to normal. After a few moments Aaron's eyes opened and took in his surroundings with shock and sadness.

3 years later and Crystal learned to control her many powers, but became depressed and lost her emotions due to her miserable life. Her mother was a terrible queen and hurt her every chance she got but Crystal's wounds would always heal immediately due to her healing factor.

One day there was an earthquake and Crystal checked the planet using the ability that allows her to check the lifespan of planets and found out that     Aucturia was about to explode. She tried telling the rest of the Aucturians but they just yelled at her. So she told Luke and Aaron to pack their things and to meet her by the royal hangar. She put all her stuff in her little side bag and ran to where they were waiting.

She ran past them into her ship she had prepared in case of this and waited for them to get in. When they were strapped in, she flew them out of the hangar and light sped away from Aucturia towards their sister galaxy the Milky Way. While they were flying an asteroid hit one of their thrusters and they spiraled out of control towards an nearby planet, Earth.