
The Language Mage

I'm Richard, a well-known linguist, and my life was all about decoding ancient and dead languages. I've spent years immersed in the intricate tapestry of countless dialects and scripts. My most ambitious project, the culmination of my life's work, was finally complete. I'd uncovered something that could rewrite the history books and shock the entire world. But fate can be merciless. On my way to celebrate this breakthrough at a restaurant, everything changed in an instant. A car crash, and I was gone. At least, that's what I thought. The next thing I knew, I was waking up, but it wasn't in the cold sterility of a hospital room. No, it was in a young man's body, and the world around me was unlike anything I'd ever seen. Magic was real here, and it flowed through the very air. My name was still Richard, but this was a world far removed from my own. What could I, a linguist, possibly do in a world of magic? My body was physically weak, and I was a stranger in a realm where words held the power to shape reality. As I navigated this bewildering new world, I faced not only the challenges of adapting to my new life but also the potential to use my unique skills to unlock the secrets of this magical realm. The journey that lay ahead was an enigma, but one thing was certain – my life had taken a turn into uncharted territories, and there was no turning back.

RiverGoat · Fantasy
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48 Chs

B-Class III

The effects of alcohol were taking their toll on Richard, and they made him more susceptible to anger. As he stepped into the classroom and felt the collective gaze of his new classmates upon him, that familiar sense of injustice welled up within him. The judgmental stares from those who had likely never experienced his struggles began to irritate him more than they should.

Richard found it immensely challenging to ignore the condescension that emanated from one of his classmates, Isabella Shadowmoon, the embodiment of snobbery and entitlement. She bore distinct physical features that only accentuated her airs of haughtiness. Her raven-black hair cascaded like a waterfall, framing her delicate face with its stark contrast. Her slender, elegant form added to her overall regal bearing, and her striking silver eyes held a dazzling, almost piercing quality, which she used to her advantage in conveying disdain.