
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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Diana is preparing to go to sleep but receives a call from her dad at 11: 00 pm

Diana: Yes, old man.

Santana:Come to Olsen right now!

Diana: What is the time by your watch dad?

Santana: It's time to make money so get out of bed and meet me in the basement.

Diana: You do realize that am under surveillance in my own home and any mistakes made can cost us.

Santana: Trust your daddy he is so smart.

Diana: But I am tired can't this work wait?

Santana:You are Lands not Waits okay dear?

Diana: Let me see how I get myself outside .

Santana: Sebastian is outside your house so just do the needful.

Diana: Okay.

Diana gets herself dressed in black pants coupled with black boots and a black pull neck sweater shirt to see herself outside the villa.

She tiptoes down stairs to the living room then slowly opens the door to the compound.

However as she is on her mission "don't get caught", someone is in the corner seeing her opening the door to the living room and is quite inquisitive to see where it all ends.

Diana walks to the compound and jumps over the wall in one swift long high jump that even the person watching is shocked by what they see .

Diana gets in the car and is taken to Olsen where everyone is awaiting for her arrival.

Diana: Where is he?

Sebastian: He is in the office.

Diana: Okay, thanks.

Diana walks towards the office and meets up with her dad .

Diana: You do have the nerve to ruin my sleep dad.

Santana: I know but I can't trust anyone with this so I need you to do it for me.

Diana: Spill it.

Santana: I need you to drive Chainsaw 's product to his warehouse.

Diana: Oh, no dad, I don't know where it is .

Santana: I will give you a map that you are to use so no worries.

Diana: Am I doing it alone?

Santana: Yes.

Diana: What happened to your hit men and bodyguards?

Santana; Let us just say I don't feel like using them on this trip.

Diana: How far am I going and how big is the product?

Santana: You are going as far as 100 kms approximately one hour and the product is three tonne.

Diana: That's insane.

Santana: Yes and we have 1.5 of cocaine and cannabis.( marijuana).

Diana: Okay. But what is in it for me?

Santana: one million dollars.

Diana: That is little but I will do it for family's sake.

Santana: I owe you big time.

Diana is almost leaving but the dad stops her.

Diana: What is it now dad?

Santana: Be careful.

Diana: I will be fine.

Santana: Before I forget, as you take the product you are coming back with the money in full quantities and ensure it is properly counted.

Diana; Can I make a suggestion if you don't mind?

Santana: Say it.

Diana: Can I invite Alexa over to drive along with me?

Santana: Well ,first of all this business isn't for everyone and this is our secret venture but I assume you trust her and if you are sure she is no snitch, then I clearly have no problem with that.

Diana: Thanks dad.

Alexa is in deep slumber and her phone starts ringing grrrrrrrr grrrrr.

Alexa in a froggy voice.

Alexa: Hello!

Diana: Wakey ! wakey !

Alexa : It's 12: 00 am and you are calling me , what for?

Diana: I got a deal for you.

Alexa: What kind?

Diana: The sort that can get you rich in few hours and killed in a short time.

Alexa: I don't like where this is going but the bit of money I will take the risk.

Diana: Come at Club Olsen.

Alexa: I will be there .

As Alexa is fully dressed and leaving, she encounters Connor her husband who is seemingly busy doing his office assignments.

Connor: Are you leaving right now?

Alexa: Yes.

Connor: But isn't it too late for a girl like you to move out at this time.

Alexa: I am a nurse remember and I always have to be ready when called upon.

Connor: So are you trying to say that today you are having a night shift in the hospital after working tirelessly during day time?

Alexa: Yes, it's a pity that this hospital doesn't consider human rights but if it were possible I would sue it for over working it's employees.

Connor: It's so sad but if you are needed for a night duty then do so because your role a s a nurse is to save lives.

Alexa: Okay, but don't worry I might return before 4:00 pm.

Connor: I will wait for you.

Alexa: No, you can sleep .I will find my way in.

Connor: Okay, good day.

Alexa: Thanks.

Alexa enters her car and heads to Olsen where she meets her friend who takes her to the basement and they both enter the trailer truck and head out for the road to stinky street .

In one hour, the two ladies arrive at Chainsaw's warehouse where they are greeted by gigantic heavily muscled men with guns .And among all of them is a small man all dressed in black with shabby hair who steps out to meet with them and that is none other than Chainsaw.

Chainsaw: Long time no see Diana.

Diana: Long time no see uncle.

Chainsaw: Is everything as planned?

Diana: Yes .But if you doubt them check for yourself.

Chainsaw orders his men to check and once all is well, 2 big sacks of money are handed over to Diana who uses the currency counters to cross check the validity of the money with her friend Alexa and once all is confirmed, they set off to go to the club.

Along the way, the two ladies are attacked by some unknown men but Diana armed as she is uses her combat skills as well as her shooting skills to protect her father's money as Alexa takes on the role of driving so fast that the trailer threatens to fall yet it is just Alexa drifting it.

By the time they arrive at Olsen, it is 3:00 am in the morning and both girls are exhausted with a successful mission fulfilled.