
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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41 Chs


Alfred is in the car going with Diana at home and while on the road he stares at Diana for quite a long time that Diana 's cheeks start to turn pinkish due to embarrassment that she rarely ever has.

Diana: If you look at me like this, I might start thinking otherwise about you so keep it on the low.

Alfred: Don't you like it?

Diana: Like you looking at me like I am food, no I don't.

Alfred: Well , today you looked so appealing.

Diana: But I always am appealing it's just that many find me intimidating to even complement my good looks even you.

Alfred: It's not that you are intimidating but rather you tend to act like an idiot sometimes.

Diana: You do know I can kill you right now and make your corpse never to be found by anyone since we are only two.

Alfred: You can't.

Diana: Why?

Alfred: Because I know that much as you are ruthless and annoying, you still are a human and have a beautiful heart sometimes.

Diana: You have really described me in few words. What is the conclusion?

Alfred: That you are a mysterious being.

Diana: Thank you.

Alfred: When are you totally grateful about something in your life if I may ask?

Diana: Why that question?

Alfred: It's just that you keep blowing hot and cold and I want to understand when genuinely you can be okay with something without strings attached.

Diana:Give an example of when I appeared like this because I can't relate to what you are saying.

Alfred: Okay, I will give you the most recent incident of Skylar .

Diana: What about her?

Alfred: Please talk to me because I don't like to be caught up in the middle and to make matters worse when you got angry with her you never returned.

Diana: But I can take care of myself.

Alfred: Ofcourse you can but have you considered how I will look like without knowing your whereabouts.

Diana: So you do care.

Alfred: Ofcourse I am responsible for you.

Diana: You can barely kill a fly and yet you think you can care for a whole human being wow, you amaze me.

Alfred: This is what we were just talking about.One minute you are nice the next you are not and I keep wondering if by any chance you have a personality disorder.

Diana: I care less.

Alfred: Don't change the topic, what was it that you hated about Skylar that you had to treat her like an enemy?

Diana:Well I didn't like how she was wearing and besides she dressed like she was going to a club or coming from a club and if some one saw how she was dressed coupled with how she locked hands with you ,they would assume there's something between you two and news would start spreading right from the company to the whole world. Do you get it.

Alfred: But she is like my sister.

Diana: Ofcourse she is like one but not your blood sister .You of all people should know that we are in the lime light and every slight thing that happens in our lives can ruin our lives but also bring lots of money for those media platforms.

Alfred: Okay, now I get it and I apologize for being so irrational.

Diana: I am glad you understand my point.

The whole entire journey after the conversation is so quiet but Alfred is glad that he is able to understand what caused the arguments before and he feels that despite Diana being beautiful, she is also intelligent and not like what most people assume she is.

Once at home, a white haired lady in her 20's dressed in a skimpy round black skirt and a sleeveless blouse comes running towards the couple but only hugs Alfred and leaves Diana as a watch man for what is happening between the two and that lady is Skylar.

Skylar: Hey, I missed you.( she says this looking directly into Alfred's eyes)

Alfred: I know that.

Skylar: You don't.

Alfred: Why?

Skylar: Because if you did know you would have come home so early so that I can spend some quality time with you .

Alfred: Skylar, don't you ever get tired of being with me .

Skylar: Are you trying to say you are tired of me Alfred?

Alfred: Not that but i want you to know that am quite a busy person with a lot of work on my chest so expect such things from a serious person like me and we have just started, there might even come days when I am not even in sight at all so this is a small thing to dwell on.

Skylar: I even was at your office today to check up on you but by the time I arrived, all the lights were out and the watch man told me there was no one in there .

Diana: Ahhh, excuse me , I will take my leave and leave you two to yourselves.( Diana walks ahead giving the two space.)

Alfred: I had a meeting to attend. What's with the questions ?

Skylar: It's nothing serious I am just being so caring. Let's leave that .Come and have some food I prepared macaroni and chicken soup for you .

Alfred: Thanks but am not hungry.

Skylar: Why, I took my time to get you something and you don't even mind eating with me.Do you hate me that much?

Alfred: No, I don't. I am really so satisfied and I had a very long day so I just want to go to my room and have some rest.

Skylar: Okay but before you go, I am thinking of staying here for more than one month.

Alfred: Why is that aren't you returning home?

Skylar: I will when I feel am ready, besides am old enough to do what I want and what o feel I don't want to do.

Alfred: Ofcourse no one said you aren't old enough just make sure you communicate to aunt and Uncle about this because I don't want them thinking I am cohabiting with their daughter.

Skylar: You are so cautious and rigid I tell you but I love you regardless.

Alfred: Good night.

Skyla: Goodnight, dream about me.

Alfred: Hhahahaa you are the last person I want to see in my dreams. I can't bare to remain seated the whole night.

Skylar: Hhahahhha you are funny see you tomorrow.

Alfred: Okay.

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