
Baby Blues

AN: Aoi's world is a very similar parallel to ours but in this one there is no religion at all and the only thing people worship is science. So yeah, not trying to offend anybody here. Also, me no own Naruto. (If the grammar makes you gringe, I don't own Naruto.)

'Ajggkjsdj gnjfkljgansgjefkbambgklgemwLghnkgbanagnmw.. H-how... can there…. Be something….. In this world.... That hurts more than fucking bullet holes!!'

Rewind to three months ago;

Aoi was submerged in deep and eerie darkness. It wasn't the kind where you went to sleep and knew you were going to wake up from. It was just… darkness. It was the kind of black that said "You will be stuck in here for all eternity; there is no escape!" And that's what this darkness was supposed to do. Trap it's prisoners for all of time and watch as their very souls errode from the sheer isolation. For even if there is a god, there is no god in this universe willing to waste all of their eternal life judging people who have deserted their mortal shells. After all, why would such beings care for people who have forgotten them? Who knows, maybe there's a god who has a heart of gold in another universe, but there is not one in this universe. Such is the reason that Aoi has simply indescribable luck.

You see there is another universe that is neighbors with the one Aoi lived in. A young cultivator in that universe ascended to the highest level and created a spatial ripple that lasted but an instant. That very special spatial ripple lost much of its power having traveled through the dimensional walls but, it still had a smidge of power left, far enough to transport a low level soul to the next dimension over. And that's the tale on how Aoi has the luck of the gods. But enough of that, as there's no use in overemphasizing what has already happened. What matters now is that Aoi's soul was transferred into that universe's reincarnation site.

The place wasn't.. really all that nice. There were piles of corpses that reached towards the clouds, a solid foot of blood everywhere, and the moans and groans of battered souls on the verge of being extinguished. But still at least here you had a chance of being reincarnated instead of being eternally condemned to oblivion in the other universe. Aoi regained her consciousness just as she was about to be reincarnated.

'What the hell?? I'm actually in hell (who knew that it actually existed)… I wasn't that bad, right?'

Just as Aoi was processing this new information, the reincarnation site started to rumble. Mounds of earth split apart with unlucky and unsuspecting souls being flung into their depths. Never to exist again. The wails of the spirits resonated and they were all agreeing on something for the first time in history. They were all horrified. Even Aoi with her exceptional mental strength could not avoid this fate with the symphony of death and terror roaring in her ear. Humans were both social animals, as well as beings capable of feeling after all.

'Nonononononononononoononono, Idon'twanttobeerased!! Stop! Stop! St------'

Amanya Aoi fell straight down into the cracks of the earth. However this wasn't the end of her story. For Amanya Aoi was so close to the portal that led to reincarnation and this specific crack managed to create an opening in the space above the portal. Her luck was truly astonishing managing to drop right in front of the portal where in was embedded in the earth. But all luck is limited and she managed to use all that she had stored up over the course of a few hours. Who knows what atrocities she will be forced to endure in the future? In any case, she managed to get a pretty good bargain for the little luck she had left. A reincarnation and a reincarnation with memories at that. Unfortunately, little Aoi-chan wasn't appreciating what she had and was cursing up a storm.

'Am I going to be erased??! Please take mercy on my pitiful soul! I'm too young to be erased! Please?!!'

Aoi continued to say those words in her mind over and over again like a broken record. She eventually calmed down after a couple of hours when she realized that, no she wasn't going to be erased. That relief soon turned to boredom three days later. She continually thought about the internet and how she wanted to play RPG games. There were also some more.. disturbing thoughts that weren't suitable for kids when she was especially bored. Three months in she had run out of things to say to herself and just repeated saying bored over and over again. Her thoughts literally went like this, 'bored,bored,bored,bored,' Until that is when she had a rather rude awakening in the wee hours of the night.

Back to present time:

'Ajggkjsdj gnjfkljgansgjefkbambgklgemwLghnkgbanagnmw.. H-how... can there…. Be something….. In this world.... That hurts more than fucking bullet holes!!'

This agonizing pain continued for on for four hours. A full four hours of an scared and unwilling baby fighting and a stressed and annoyed mother-to-be screaming is not a good way to start life. But, well that's what happened. Thus when Aoi entered the world in pain, exhausted, and very very scared she did the most sensible thing. Cry. Oh wait, there was also screaming too. In any case, at least she had a good pair of lungs. She needed all the advantages she could get in this world.

"Waaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

Cradled with bundles of cloth in the arms of a male giant, Aoi slowly started to calm down. Maybe it was because of baby instincts, or the warmth, or maybe it was simply because Aoi thought it was possible that she was being reborn. Maybe it was a combination of all three. In any case, Aoi stopped screaming. As if seeing Aoi fit to be held in the woman's arms he slowly walked over to his wife and transferred the little bundle over to her with tender love. The woman's face was filled with an exhausted smile but her eyes were holding so much love. So much that it couldn't be mistaking as anything other than a mother's love for her child. Holding the little child to her chest she turned towards her husband.

"Takashi, what should we name her?"

"We originally wanted to name her Ayako, but I feel like we should change it." stated Takashi

"Me too, I mean just look at her eyes."

Aoi's eyes were a brilliant shade of greenish blue sapphire. She had her tear drop shaped head, and a little fluff of hair the shade of royal gold. She was an adorable child.

"How about Aoi?"

The mother only smiled then turned toward her child.

"Welcome to the family, Koizumi Aoi."

Total Words: 2,372

Chapter's Words: 1,144

As for the portal and the crack, think of an indented portal in the ground and a diagonal crack that spits you out a few feet above the portal. Also, I hope you enjoyed this, my favorite part was the last line. Like my own writing is going to give me diabetes!

C_Sunlightcreators' thoughts