
Chapter 1- The Rouge Rider

A town on the south end of Asiarith, theres a town called DragonRidge. A small town with a lot of power, they are a clan of dragon riders. They are the only clan in the land to be able to ride and tame dragons. They were great warriors and people, but they only ask for resources and supplies from the neighboring clans and towns. But the most important people in this clan are three brothers who will change the entire land of Asiarith. The oldest is William, age 7 and he is already very fluent with a sword. He also can battle strategize as well as the generals. The second oldest is Draco, age 6, he's a feisty kid and is very good with a staff and theres something special with him. Then the youngest is Raymond age 4, he's a gentleman and loves history, but will pick up a shield and a axe if needed be.  They are treated well since their father, Drakon is the lord of the town. He is very generous, and fair, he was nominated to take the throne, but he declined it. But one person will change the fate of not only them, but the entire land of Asiarith.

"MY LORD!!" A rider yells from his dragon


"What is is Tyrell, what happened?"

Tyrell is the second highest commander in power, the lords secondary right hand man.

"It's Kale, she's flown off course, towards the capital, Ryrith. We tried to stop her and change her course but...."

"But what?! WHAT HAPPENED!!" Drakon yelled

Kale is Drakon's right hand man and commander of the army and leader of the dragon riders.

Unknowingly his three sons were eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Why is dad getting mad... I'm scared.." wined Raymond

"He's just gettin fired up, somethings happening ooooooooooh I hope something happens!" Said Draco exciting.

"Would you two shut up! We are going to get caught and get in trouble again! Especially if you don't follow my plan again! Draco!" Explained William.

Draco huffed and the three continued to eavesdrop.

"SHE DID WHAT?!?! Kale would never do that!!" Screamed Drakon.

"The other rider will tell you the same thing. We tried to stop her but she attack us and flew off, nearly killed Theo."

Drakon thought to himself, concerned he said, "Keep every guard on a tight shift, make sure you double check everyone coming and going from our town. I want two riders in the air taking shifts, and I want you to guard my wife and children, who are probably listening into the conversation so don't lie to them, but don't tell the who truth, find out what they know and don't let them find out anymore."

As Drakon started to tell this to Tyrell, William told his brothers to leave now and they did so.

The brothers get back to their room without anybody noticing.

"Wow, we actually had a successful eavesdropping." Raymond said.

"Yea thats because Draco didn't give us away." William  said.

Draco leered at William and stuck his tongue out at him.

"But I got a bad feeling about this and dad did that wrong."

"Why you say that?? He's the smartest man here!" Draco said.

"He shouldn't have double check points and everything, it's going to scare everyone and put the guards and dragons on edge. Plus it will alert any spies or scouts in the area." Raymond explained.

"This is why your dad's favorite, you think like him all th....."

"He loves you all equally and has no favorites!"

The boys looked over by the door and see Tyrell.

"Uncle Ty!!!" Raymond yells and runs over to him, "How was flying?! Wheres Kale?!? Why did she fly away? Why is daddy mad?!?"

Draco facepalms, and William said, "wow, I'm surprised but not surprised he ratted us out."

Tyrell laughed  and told them what happened but not everything.

"I wonder why Kale went rouge." Draco said.

"We don't know that but.....

The alarm bell ring and heard a soldier yell, "Rouge rider!! Kale has returned!!"

"Kales back?!" Raymond said excitingly and started running to the door.

Tyrell sprinted to the door and closed and locked.

"I'm sorry, but I have to keep you here and keep you safe."

"But what if dad needs help?"

"Have you forgotten? Has got his dragon, Abraxas."

Abraxas is Drakon's dragon, and the leader and elder of the dragons.

Kale and her dragon land in the landing zone and all the soldiers surrounded her.

"Step off of the dragon and put your weapons on the ground." On of the soldiers ordered. 

Surprisingly she gets off and puts her sword and crossbow on the ground. The guards go and arrest her. Once she got arrested and taken into the dungeon, a roar fills the sky and Abraxas flys by and drops a chain net on Kales dragon, but it doesn't resist.

"Somethings not right, its way to easy, there needs to be some resistance." Raymond concerningly said.

"Well we will find out soon enough, Kale is probably in the dungeon now and the interrogation is about to start." Tyrell said.

Back at the capital of Asiarith.

"My king!!!!! The lands, farms and villages are all on fire?!?"

"Fire? What happened peasant?"

"Dragon... A dragon swooped down and started burning the area, and houses.."

"General, get my carage ready, we need to make a visit down to Dragons Ridge."