
The Knight & The Dragon.

In the land of Astafell, where towering castles touched the skies and ancient forests whispered tales of magic and danger, lived a young boy named Vesper Cristan. From a tender age, Vesper was captivated by the legends of noble knights who safeguarded their realm from the fiery wrath of dragons. These majestic creatures once roamed freely, their scales gleaming under the sun, until one fateful day when tragedy struck. Vesper's mother, a kind-hearted healer known for her gentle touch and wisdom, fell victim to a vicious dragon attack. It was a day etched in Vesper's memory like a scar upon his heart. He was just a boy then, too young to protect her, too powerless to save her from the beast's fiery breath. From that moment, Vesper vowed to become a knight-a protector of the realm-to avenge his mother's death and ensure no other family would suffer such loss. His resolve burned as fiercely as the dragon's flames, driving him to seek out training in the ways of swordplay, strategy, and valor. But fate has different plan instore for him.

Mintcat · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 One last kiss.

Will we make it through this nightmare? A few more demons cornered us, and we, the inexperienced knights, were clueless about the horrors we faced. I had a vague idea but doubted if I could take down even one of these fiends. Could I fight as I always imagined? Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, ready for any order from the knight in charge.

"Remember our plan, you two!" The knight's voice was stern, cutting through the chaos. I nodded, giving him an assuring sign, and whispered to the others to hold our ground until I gave the word. They nodded, their eyes wide with fear, but we had chosen this path.

"Charge!" the knight roared. For the first time in my life, I witnessed the raw power of offensive magic. Blinding flashes erupted around us, searing the air, but this was our moment. My legs trembled, as did my friends'. The demonwolves howled in terror, stunned by our sudden onslaught.

"Charge!" the knight commanded again, but we held firm, watching in awe as he and his comrades slashed through the demonwolves with breathtaking skill.

"Now, boys!" he called, his eyes locking onto mine while he held a demonwolf at bay, its jaws inches from his neck.

"Nowwwwww!" Abel and I screamed in unison. 

We sprinted, scattered and disordered, finishing off the gravely injured monsters. 

Their blood, green and glowing, was a horrifying sight, yet I was fascinated by the existence of such creatures. Alexa supported us with her bow, her movements so swift and precise it seemed she was born for this.

One of the monsters retreated to their leader, who looked almost bored, as if waiting for a worthy opponent. His eyes gleamed with cunning as the other monster relayed our actions to him. 

"We should retreat!" I screamed to the knight who had ordered us.

"Too late," whispered the demonwolf leader in my ear. He appeared out of nowhere, his presence freezing me with terror. Before I could react, he sent me flying across the room with a single punch.

"VESPER!" Henry's voice called out to me. 

It was the first time he had used my name. My vision blurred, and I coughed up blood. Was this the end?

"You son of a—arghhh!" Alexa yelled, firing an arrow at the demonwolf leader. He caught it effortlessly, his evil laughter echoing. Abel and the others turned pale, witnessing his immense power.

"Show us the way," the demonwolf demanded.

"No!" Abel retorted defiantly. 

The demonwolf sighed, amused by our resistance. 

How could we fight such monstrosities? Why was he sparing our lives?

"You're not the brightest, are you?" the monster sneered, advancing towards Abel. My body refused to move. I wanted to save my friend, but the others could only stand and watch, paralyzed by fear after witnessing what had happened to me.

"I'm sparing you because I only need the king to claim the Abyssal Land," he revealed, sharing his grand scheme.

I attempted to move my arm to grab my spear lying amidst the rubble beside me.

"Fetch me their soul." The words slipped from my mouth instinctively, but nothing happened. For a moment, I was bewildered. 

What was I spouting? It almost felt like I'd experienced this before.

"Did you say something?" The demon wolf leader turned to me. "I thought you were dead. Guess you still have some fight left in you." He laughed at my dire situation.

Suddenly, a long sword flew across the room, piercing straight through the demon wolf's head, severing it from his body in a powerful, deadly strike.

 Everyone gasped.

 Who was this person capable of such an attack? He made his appearance grandiosely, His silver emblem glistened, and his grayish beard looked as dashing as ever. It was our beloved general, General Hawker Phoenix.

The remaining demonwolves scattered, fleeing with their tails between their legs.

"What did I miss?" he said nonchalantly, reminding me of Felix.

"You just killed it, General!" the others announced.

"That dog? You guys lost to that stupid dog? What a humiliation upon the Dragon Knight name," he spat with anger. But his expression softened as he saw me, bruised and injured, sitting on the ground. "Young Vesper," he called, making his way towards me.

"Tch—look at you, all beat up," he remarked.

"Yeah," I replied, coughing up blood. "Am I dying?" I asked as he knelt beside me, checking my condition.

"Certainly not, you're just a wimp," he said, as he shook his head. I was flabbergasted by his comment.

Hendry rushed in. "He is not dying, old man?" he asked General Hawker.

General Hawker turned to Hendry. "You will do two hundred slashes for addressing me casually," he ordered.

The look on Hendry's face was full of regret. The rest of the knights sat down with ease, knowing the situation had come to an end thanks to General Hawker.

"Pick up your fellow knights and treat them," General Hawker ordered again. Abel finally passed out as his adrenaline subsided.

The dawn began to shine upon us. "What a mess," I muttered to myself. Alexa sat next to me, and I leaned on her shoulder.

"So damn tired," I said to her.

"Yeah, I thought I was going to lose you too but Im glad we didn't but thanks to this I realize I'm still weak," she confessed. I just nodded in agreement. Hendry then sat in front of me.

"You called me by my name," I said to him and smirk to him.

"Clearly you must've misheard," he answered as attempting to escape the conversation.

"Stop! Everyone heard you," Alexa interjected, giving his shoulder a playful shove.

"I did not!" Hendry denied. I wanted to laugh, but my body did not allow me such luxury at the moment.

In the infirmary, the healer told me my body was strong due to my training, and that the pain was bearable. They moved on to heal the others as well. I lay down on the bed, obeying their demand to rest as much as possible; we never knew when the next attack would come.

Beside me, Abel sat with his broken arm, his face a mask of unreadable emotion.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing," he replied, sitting up straighter as if to prove it.

His friend arrived, and though they glanced my way with smiles, they quickly turned back to their private conversation. I tried to rest, but my ears couldn't help but strain to catch their words.

They spoke of Alexa, how fierce and captivating she had been in battle the night before. I silently agreed, picturing her fiery presence. Then they mentioned Felix, who had fallen ill, his body rejecting the bond with the golden dragon. There was a hushed mention of a secret burial that followed. My brow furrowed as I struggled to hear more.

"What are you doing?" Hendry's voice broke through my thoughts. He stood at the foot of my bed, eyes curious.

I opened my eyes and met his gaze. "Nothing sly," I chuckled, rising slightly. He handed me a new pair of clothes, though he doubted they would fit. "When are you supposed to leave this place?" he asked.

"One day will suffice. I'll join the training regiment with General Hawker," I replied.

He nodded, and the healer requested everyone to leave as visiting hours had ended. Lunch was served—mushroom soup. I glanced at Hendry as he turned to go. He was different now; the immaculate soldier I had known at Dragon Horn training ground was disheveled, frustration evident in his unkempt appearance.

"Come get me tomorrow," I called after him. He waved to me, his scrawny frame was no longer there; he had transformed into a figure of strength and resilience.

After eating, I lay back down. Exhaustion from the day's events washed over me, and I drifted into my sleep. 

                              ~Alexa Goldfit~

"Hendry, make sure it's big!" I tell him, watching as Hendry rummaged through the chests for clothes. We had snuck into the knights' relief area while they were off at their morning briefing. We were stealing, and I refused to help so I stood guard, keeping watch.

"I'm trying! Why don't he just grow into a bear with a body like that?" Hendry grumbled.

I chuckled. It was true; Vesper is as big as a bear, though his personality was far from one.

"Make haste, Hendry!" I urged, my voice low.

"Finally, a clothes fit for a bear," he declared triumphantly.

"Aye, let's go!" I said, and we both ran from there, our sly chuckles echoing through the empty hall.

As we passed through the hall from the earlier battle, I noticed a red silhouette and halted. "Hendry, you go first," I told him. He nodded and left.

I approached the figure, his shoulders burdened as if carrying the weight of the world. He was staring at the wall where Vesper had injured earlier.

"Greetings, Majesty," I said softly. His brilliant ruby eyes no longer shone upon me.

"Milady," he muttered, his voice a ghost of its former warmth.

"I—I," I stammered, but suddenly, his lips pressed against mine. His embrace was something I had yearned for, but unease seeped through me as his body radiated heat. 

My eyes widened. I tried to push him away, but his grip was too strong. I had to use force. "Stop it!" I shoved him. "You are unwell, Your Majesty," I said, taking a few steps back to create space.

"I'm your king, Alexa, how dare you opposed my affection." he replied, his words piercing through me. This was not Felix. Realizing this, I tried to leave.

"Apology your majesty, I'm taking my leave, Your Majesty," I said, bowing and starting to go.

"Wed me, Alexa. Be my queen," he called out. 

The words would make any woman fold, but was there sincerity behind them?

I turned back, fire in my eyes. "Those beautiful words mean nothing if your heart no longer belongs to me," I said fiercely.

"I'm in great pain, Alexa. I need you," he pleaded, his voice breaking.

My weak heart wanted to heal him, to help him, but my mind refused to accept. It was a battle I could not win. However, I came to a conclusion. "No, sire. I kindly refuse to be your queen." 

It was my resolve. I might regret it, and my family might disown me for giving up this opportunity, but I knew better. 

This felt like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I could see shadows cast on the tree trunks from afar; it must be the patrolling knights or, even better, the general. Hopefully, they heard my objections and if anything happens to me. My friends would figure it out. Even if he came to force me, I would still deny him. The Felix I loved would support my ambition, not take it away from me.

"Your Majesty," the knights greeted him. I took that moment to slip away. I would save Felix, but not until I found the reason behind his sudden change.

I waited for Hendry near the stairs, my mind racing. Had I made the right choice? 

His warm kiss still lingered on my lips, my face still flushed.

I still loved him, but I didn't understand what was wrong with him—or with me.

Loud voices echoed down the stairwell as a group of boys approached. They fell silent upon seeing me, but I smiled, waiting for Hendry.

"Your skills were exceptional," said a guy in a green tunic.

"Thanks," I replied. The others cheered for him, excited he had interacted with me.

I sighed. Boys will be boys, I guess. 

Then I saw Hendry, exhausted and on the verge of collapse. "Alright, let's get some rest, Hendry," I said, pulling his arm as we headed down to our station.

"Great, I can't wait to wash my hair," he said.

"I don't think there's any water here," I teased.

He stopped in his tracks. "Wha—what did you just say?" His eyes were about to well with tears.

"I'm just joking," I laughed. His expression relaxed, and we continued on, the brief moment of levity a welcome respite from the turmoil swirling around us.

After Hendry and I departed, we went to our separate quarters.

I lay on my bed, observing the remaining girls who hadn't left.

 There was Flemi Zuri, Anaisha Arav, Seraphina Ai, and Bai Lee. They came from distant places that required either a magic portal or a sea voyage to get back home. I looked at Seraphina, her eastern features mesmerizing me.

"Hina, you're so beautiful," I called out to her.

She turned to me and smiled warmly. "You're prettier," she replied.

"How is your magic training going, Hina?" I asked, curiousity evident in my voice.

"I don't know. Lately, my magic has been acting strangely. I sense great danger coming," she explained. Then, she added boldly, "The boy with the brunette hair, can I talk to him?"

I was stunned by her sudden request. "Sure, Hendry said he'll be discharged from the healers tomorrow," I said.

She nodded and continued reading her book, which was written in a script I had never seen. 

Now that we were together in the same room, I found them all intriguing, each unique with their equipment and style.

I had never thought Seraphina could be so bold. I had assumed she was the shy type. 

Too bad for Abel; Seraphina has her eyes on Vesper, I thought with a grin. Flemi then jumped onto my bed, curious about my smile.

"Aye, girl, have you lost your mind after losing your boyfriend?" Flemi teased, her Southern accent lilting.

"No, something funny crossed my mind," I replied, though some of her words cut me like a blade.

"I heard them say we're not going to have an inauguration until we save a few places from the monsters running amok ever since the king departed," she whispered, her breath warm against my ear.

"You're too close, Flemi," I said nervously.

"What could go wrong?" Flemi jested, then she tickle me mercilessly.

 It reminded me of Hendry and Felix's playful bantered before the incident. "Stop it, Flemi," I said, my voice high and my brow furrowed in frustration.

The others looked at me, stunned. "Op—Did I go too far?" Flemi asked, worried.

"No, I'm sorry," I said, rising and leaving the room. I sat outside my thoughts was in disarray.

The evening horn summoned us to gather at the central hall.  Upon opening the door and seeing me. Flemi came over, brushing my shoulder and apologizing repeatedly. I nodded, assuring her it wasn't her fault. I went down and the rest of the girls followed.

We gathered, and I could sense the gravity of the situation as General Hawker stood before the crowd of knights.

"Aye, evening, my dragon knights," he began. "I bring unpleasant news. The inauguration is halted because we must send the disqualified trainees and those who do not wish to participate as our fellow brethren. As you all are aware, we are short of knights. I will send the king to Astafell Castle  The Golden Hall to celebrate his ascension. As for the rest, I will assign a knight and organize a secure team for each region. Some of you trainees will be in these teams. Take this opportunity to grow stronger. The monster you saw yesterday was formidable, but not stronger than me. We can defeat them. Show us your credibility; show us that you are worthy of your king."

"All hail King Astafell!" the crowd cheered. Some faces were etched with nervousness, others with excitement. I glanced at Hendry, noticing the worry etched on his face. We both knew we had to inform Vesper, hoping we would end up in the same group.

As the cheers subsided, I made my way over to Hendry. "We need to tell Vesper about this," I said urgently.

He nodded, his eyes reflecting my concern. "Let's tell him tomorrow," he replied.

General Hawker's voice cut through the murmurs, "We have discovered that one of you holds militant information. If there are others in the same position, raise your hand."

Seraphina raised her hand without hesitation. I wasn't shocked; she had admitted her father was a commander in her region.

"That's all?" General Hawker asked, scanning the room.

Silence followed.

"Good. You are all dismissed. Return to your stations," he ordered.

We watched Hina leave, and then we turned to go back to our quarters. Before I left, I saw Felix approaching Seraphina. My heart sank, praying she wouldn't provoke him.

"Let's go. We don't want the king to see your furious face," Bai Lee said, pulling my hand. She knew me too well.

With all my strength, I turned and left the hall, my emotions swirling like a tempest. The weight of our mission and the uncertainty of the days ahead pressed down on me, but I knew we had to stay focused and united.

Thank you for reading! I will try to update regularly. Hopefully I can finish the book.

Special Shout out to QW_Jihi for gifting me powerstone. I truly appreciate your support ! Your gift is motivation for my creation ❤️

Alright. The answer to the previous question is; Piper’s surname is Whitestone. From the very beginning her name was always Piper Whitestone and never Piper Cristan. So this left us with the next question. Who is Vesper Cristan truly? stay tunes!

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