
The Knight & The Dragon.

In the land of Astafell, where towering castles touched the skies and ancient forests whispered tales of magic and danger, lived a young boy named Vesper Cristan. From a tender age, Vesper was captivated by the legends of noble knights who safeguarded their realm from the fiery wrath of dragons. These majestic creatures once roamed freely, their scales gleaming under the sun, until one fateful day when tragedy struck. Vesper's mother, a kind-hearted healer known for her gentle touch and wisdom, fell victim to a vicious dragon attack. It was a day etched in Vesper's memory like a scar upon his heart. He was just a boy then, too young to protect her, too powerless to save her from the beast's fiery breath. From that moment, Vesper vowed to become a knight-a protector of the realm-to avenge his mother's death and ensure no other family would suffer such loss. His resolve burned as fiercely as the dragon's flames, driving him to seek out training in the ways of swordplay, strategy, and valor. But fate has different plan instore for him.

Mintcat · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 Not so sweetdream

My body ached as I was jolted from a deep sleep, my shoulders burdened with a weight that seemed to crush me. I forced my eyes open and scanned the room, seeing only a few others scattered about, the dim light revealing an infirmary's sterile walls. 

A sharp, piercing pain shot through my head, and I groaned, the memory of an unending, haunting lucid dream clawing at my mind. How long had I been unconscious? 

The echoes of the others' voices training somewhere close by reached my ears, a sign that we were safe, for now. A wave of relief washed over me, though it did little to ease the dread lurking in the corners of my mind.

I rose from the bed, each movement a struggle against the lingering fatigue, and made my way to the nearest window. The grey sky outside seemed to press down on my chest, its weight almost unbearable. The dream felt so real; I almost didn't want to abandon the search for my mother there, even though I knew she had been gone from my life for so long now.

How long has it been since I last heard your lovely voice, Mother?

I stared into the forest stretching across the land, the wilted trees signaling the arrival of fall. It reminded me of my favorite soup, the pumpkin soup you promised me.

I remembered how we used to carve pumpkins, making the silliest faces and laughing at our creations. The bonfire nights after we cleaned your little yard, stealing apples from the farm across the field from our house. Those days, our days, are gone forever, lost to an unknown reason, a reason i have yet to unravel. I will never experience them again.

Slowly, my mind returned to the present. 

In the distance, I saw a group of horses marching toward the fortress. Felix and Abel were at the front, with people trailing behind them. Their faces were etched with sorrow and grief. What had happened while I was unconscious? I made my way toward them, seeing others gather to help.

 Felix looked different.

I couldn't quite place it. Their eyes were hollow, their expressions empty.

Alexa stood there, her expression a mask of sorrow, her eyes telling stories of the man she loved who was no longer there.

Felix ignored her and strode past without a word. Shock hit me like a wave, and I approached my friend, who seemed just as stunned.

I grabbed her shoulder, desperate to see if she was alright. She wasn't. Quiet tears streamed down her cheeks, a silent testament to her pain.

"Vesper," she whispered, her voice trembling. My heart shattered at the sound of her breaking voice. I pulled her into my arms.

"There must be a reason," I murmured, trying to offer some comfort. Her body shook with sobs in my embrace, each one a testament to her breaking heart. I held her tighter, trying to shield her from the pain.

Hendry approached, seeking comfort. I looked at him, his brow furrowed deeper than I had ever seen, his face a portrait of worry and grief. He must be thinking of his family.

I pulled Hendry close, knowing he sought solace, while Alexa stood beside us, both burdened with pain and worry breaks my heart. They weren't just friends; Hendry and Alexa were like my own brother and sister. I care for them.

General Hawker approached me solemnly.

"To be someone's light is truly admirable," he said, his voice filled with wisdom. "I see that in you, young man. I will teach you how to protect those you care about." His words struck a chord, soothing the ache in my heart that mirrored theirs.

"I am deeply honored to be chosen as your student, General Hawker Phoenix," I replied, my eyes gleaming with newfound resolve and hope.

We made our way to the hall, summoned to hear the news Felix was about to share.

The evening was enveloped in grey, as if the weather itself sensed the challenges awaiting us on our journey ahead.

In the hall, we waited in anticipation until Felix finally appeared. Important commanders and generals stood alongside him.

Felix strode towards the podium, commanding attention with every step, and began to deliver news that sent a chill through the hall.

"I will not delay this any longer. From today onward, I am your king. I am King of Astafell," Felix announced, his voice carrying a tense edge. Many questions roused me but I will ask him another time if I have the chance.

"All hail King Felix of Astafell!" The proclamation echoed, but amidst the cheers, tension lingered like a shadow.

My cheers faltered as Alexa silently left, her departure speaking volumes. Hendry gripped my arm, signaling that she needed space. Amid the celebratory atmosphere, my heart felt uneasy, a gnawing sense of foreboding settling in. It was too familiar, it was like the time I lost my mother.

I glanced at General Hawker; his demeanor was stoic, almost cold, as if he bore knowledge we did not.

Pushing aside my unease, I joined in the celebration for Felix. As night fell, I sought solace by the bonfire, surrounded by official knights. Yet, the night felt eerie, unsettling.

The vigilant Dragon Knights patrolled, but unease grew as the patrol hadn't returned for hours. The air was unnervingly quiet.

"Something isn't right here," I murmured to a nearby knight, sensing his agreement. He signaled others to secure the perimeter, his gaze scanning the darkness.

"Follow me, boy," the knight commanded abruptly.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed nearby—neither human nor animal. They were swift, elusive in the darkness, and impossible to pinpoint.

Then the knight who was with me immediately blow the horn to warn the others.

"It's a demonwolf! We're under attack! Abyssal has struck first!" the knight urgently exclaimed. His words baffled me, but memories of my mother's tales about demon wolves tearing bones from human graves raced through my mind.

"Oh no," I muttered. "I must warn the others!" Without hesitation, I dashed through the-covered castle. I alerted the guards stationed inside, and soon everyone is gathered in the central hall, reassured by the proximity of Felix's room. I head back to the knights who ordered me, following him.

Outside, eerie howls echoed, sending shivers down my spine. The clash of metal followed, fueling panic. Silence descended, broken only by distant cries.

I nervously fingered the shifting gem in my pocket, seeking comfort. The other knights stood poised, ready for the impending threat. We all move inside the castle, sealing the door shut.

A piercing scream from outside  shattered the tense quiet. We heard one knight reacted swiftly, rushing towards it.

"No, it's a trap!" I shouted from behind the shut door, but my warning came too late. The knight's armor rang with a slashing sound behind the doors, his voice abruptly silenced. Dread washed over me; this creature was cunning, using cries for help to lure us in.

My mother's stories flooded back—how demon wolves mimicked human screams to ensnare their prey. Only a true cry for help would be a coherent plea, while the demonwolf's screams were filled with agonized deceit.

Abel come to my side, asking "how do you know it was a trapped?" He asked me whispering. 

"From my bedtime stories," I whispered to him, catching him off guard.

"What should we do? King Felix is in a deep slumber," he said anxiously.

"What about General Hawker?" I asked.

"Guarding the king, you dumbass," he snapped back angrily.

"Ah, my mistake," I muttered.

"Shhh," the knight shushed us abruptly.

Abel responded with a defiant middle finger, leaving me bewildered by his behavior.

"The only option is to wait until dawn when their sight and sound weaken. Then we can strike back. They'll retreat into the woods," I said to Abel.

Another knight asked me how I knew this, mentioning it was classified military information.

"My mother told me," I replied, seeing their puzzled expressions.

"Was your mother a knightess?" one of them asked me.

"No, she was just a regular woman," I replied, noticing their confused frowns.

"Impossible," he muttered.

Suddenly, the massive door banged loudly, its echo reverberating through the hall. We remained silent, knowing we must defend this place with our lives. Though I wasn't yet an official Dragon Knight, I was already in action.

"If that door opens, two magicians upstairs will fire light magic to blind their eyes momentarily. You and Abel will finish them off while me and my knights immobilize them," he explained urgently.

Me and Abel nodded simultaneously. 

Then a voice—a voice we all knew too well.

"Open the door, youngsters," it commanded in General Hawker's demeanor.

We were stunned into silence, unsure how to respond. Should we open the door or seal it shut?

"I've never heard of this," one knight muttered in disbelief. "Did you know this was possible?" They turned to me. "It was just a bedtime story," I replied, feeling unease creep in.

"We're all doomed," Abel complained.

Again, the voice rang out, "This damn useless knight," in General Hawker's tone.

"Are you sure he's guarding Felix?" I questioned Abel skeptically.

"I saw it with my own goddamn eyes, not using my asshole!" he exclaimed, causing some knights to chuckle nervously. "This is serious," another remarked.

"Someone needs to go out there," I suggested.

"Bad idea. You'll lead them right in to the others," a knight countered, visibly sweating as he pondered a solution.

Once more, the voice demanded, "Open the goddamn door, will ya?!" It screamed, and we continued to question who could be yelling outside the door.

An explosion threw us against the walls, the impact ringing in my ears. Knights lay impaled by metal rods, but Abel shielded me, keeping us safe amidst the chaos.

"Finally, I'm in. Where's the wussy king?" the beast growled, its voice dripping with malice. "Some delicious royal delicacy tonight, boys," it announced, as other demon wolves crawled down from ceilings, walls, and floors. Their grotesque half-human forms oozed with bubbling pus, emitting a putrid green substance that made me gag.

I summoned my shifting gem and transformed it into a spear, taking a stance as if I could actually fight. My hand is trembling due to the aftershock.

"You will not take another step," one of the remaining knights commanded, their voice trembling but resolute.

The pack of demon wolves ignored the warning, advancing with eerie confidence.

"You may find me disgusting, but that's only my appearance. Your former king, however, was spawn of the devil himself," the beast taunted, its voice low and menacing.

"Not another word," the knight interrupted sternly, his eyes blazing with defiance.

 Abel and I exchanged shocked glances at the beast's chilling revelation.

"What do you mean? Devil? He was our king," Abel replied.

"King to you, devil to me," the figure responded, his eyes piercing through us..

I gulped and took a deep breath. "Great, now he's coming to kill us," I said to Abel, who rolled his eyes in annoyance.

With a guttural roar, the beast commanded his monstrous army to attack. Fear gripped me, but Abel remained steady, waiting for me to grasp my spear and stand by his side. An arrow whizzed past me, narrowly missing my arm before a demon wolf could sink its teeth into me.

"Focus, Vesper," Alexa called out sharply.

Hendry and his swordplay gang then sprinted to our aid, shielding Abel and me. Abel was bleeding, half-injured. Tears of relief welled in my eyes; I had thought we were doomed. But now, strength surged through my veins. The spear no longer felt heavy in my hands. I was ready to fight for the people I care.

Quick question . Do you its Piper Cristan or Piper Whitestone?

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Thank you for reading.

Please don’t be shy to point my mistake, Im inexperience, share your thoughts, I might post some chapter late due to my working shift.

This chapter is less because I was really tired from working night shift, I work in a coffee shop, I had coffee but Im still tired. Thank you for you time.

Stay tune!

Mintcatcreators' thoughts