
The Kiss Of Death

depressed_person · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

I hear Ptolemy's voice as he mind links me, "do you really think this'll work?"

"I'm really unsure to be completely honest. We have to drain his body without killing him. Clean the blood. Find a way to get his DNA to get along without letting his heart fully stop." Asher's parents hold the book out for me to take back. I watch them closely wondering what they've decided, I have a chance to save their son. But it could kill him sooner. His father nods slowly. That was all the confirmation I needed. I turned around and headed back downstairs. Ptolemy follows me, I can feel him behind me. Both too close and not close enough, I push the thoughts from my head as I continue down the stairs. Reaching Asher's room I closed the door once we were both in. Sitting on the windowsill I pull out the book again. It's old, the cover is worn and the spine is cracked. Where did Valsilos even find this. Part of me didn't want to know. I flip through the pages, the paper was yellow and stained. Finding the page about halfbreeds, I started reading.

"Half Breeds have always been around, things are usually alright but in some rare cases I've noticed that the two dominant genes will fight each other. In the case I'm studying right now is a werewolf and a vampire crossbreed. With others of the same breed, normally one cancels the other out to an extent and the child is fine but in this case the child is dying. The body doesn't know if it wants blood and will reject it unless from another crossbreed of the same species and even then it can still reject it. A colleague of mine suggested removing all the girl's blood by a vampire and feeding the blood back to her. Hoping that it gives the vampire genes what it needs to take over. He also suggested we could try another werewolf but it would be a slower and more dangerous process due to werewolves not being able to digest blood as easy or make new blood as quick." Alright so this is a journal, I sigh dreading the actual process. I hear Ptolemy shift the way he was sitting and I glance over at him. His soft blonde hair is slightly a mess and he's on his phone. I can see the way the light from his screen lights up the blue and gold in his eyes. Snapping my attention away from him, I look back down at the journal and continue reading.

"I'm going through with this, I have permission from the parents and have an elder pureblood vampire assisting me. I'm going to have him drain the child's blood completely and in the few moments before the body starts to fail have him feed her his blood. In theory this should override her genes." i flip through the next few pages that are just how he set everything up and moved to the paragraph about what happened.

"The theory was mostly correct. However the child will still remain under my care for a bit longer while she recovers. There were a few hiccups during the procedure, the elder vampire almost fainted but kept himself conscious till we finished it. We started it by having him drain her blood by the throat. I'll admit I was getting worried the more pale she turned. Once he finished he bit his wrist and forced her mouth open making her drink his blood. It only took five minutes before she started to respond and grab his wrist to drink as much as she could from him. She opened her eyes at one point and they were black, the sign of a starving or angry vampire. She kept drinking till she fell unconscious. Her body went into shock at the sudden life given back to it. When she awoke again she seemed fine. She could walk and her breathing sounded better and less labored. For now i shall deem this a success"

I closed the book and looked outside. So he chose a full moon for the added strength. Overwhelming the girls genetic code with solely vampire dna. An interesting thought. Only problem here was I wasn't just a vampire. My genetic code was a mess in and of itself. Every humanoid species flowed through my veins. Demon, angel, vampire, dragon, werewolf, witch, even extending to the fae and sirens. I could only access a fraction of any of them but they were still there flowing through my blood. There was a chance here I could let him choose both or either one. But how i have no idea. If I mark someone and their human I can let them choose what to turn to since I carry the blood. But it takes conscious communication.

"Hey Ptolemy, I need to head home and start getting ready for this." I slid off the windowsill and went to stand next to him. He stands up and we head out. On the drive back to my place he grabs my hand.

"You really think you can do this? Be honest with me."

"To be completely honest i don't know but trying is better than doing nothing and watching him die. He has his whole life ahead of him. Getting his drivers license, his sixteenth birthday, finding his soulmate. everything, he's turning 16 in a few months and I don't think he'll even make it that far" I stare out the window and watch the trees whip by, i glance at the speed he's going. 90 in a 70, again.

"What do you need me to do, I'll do whatever I just need to know."

"Make sure I don't blackout. There's a chance I will when I give him my blood.'' I looked over at him carefully, his grip on the wheel tightened a little. More than likely because I said I'd be giving my blood to someone besides him.

Reaching my place I leaned over to give him a hug. "Will you stay tonight?" I wasn't ready to let go of the one person who would help me sleep instead of worrying all night. He nods and we both head inside.