
From ordinary soldier to lost prince

I was so surprised all I could say is 'what. The guard repeats I was sent by the king to bring you before him so he can reward you for your actions in battle. your family can come to, says the guard. with that I quickly got dressed in my second uniforms that is only for party's and/or audiences with the king. My mom and sister quickly dressed in there finest dresses and we all went to the castle to meet the king. As soon at I walked into the throne room I see Raven kneeling by the throne in front of the king so I quickly but slowly rush to her side and kneel before the king. as soon as everyone the king asked for was kneeling before him he said rise heros of the kingdom. Raven Rose from her kneeling position first then I did and as soon as I did the king jumped in surprise I was his spitting image from head to toe. The king immediately called for the royal magician to inform a parental spell to see whether or not if I was his son or his blood relative when the royal magician took a drop of mine and the kings blood in a bowl the said a spell and when he was done he said if it shines bright red you are the kings son bright blue you are of distant blood relation to the king if it shines dark red youbare not blood related. everyone in the room gasped as contents in the bowl glow bright red making me the prince of the kingdom. the king took one look at my mother and sister and decided to marry my mother and adopte my sister and with a flick of his hand it was so. he proposed to my mother right there in front of everyone who was still in shock that the king had a son and no one knew. so I'm now a prince is what's on my mind before I faint from over thinking it. Kow I wake up in a room I don't know and everything that happened comes back to me. Your Highness are you alright now, says Raven who is right next to me.