
Rin trinity

this is going to be hard to believe but I went from being the son of a witch to the son of a king in 7 years yeah that's right just 7 years oh almost forgot my names Rin trinity please enjoy my story. Ok I'll start on the day I joined the army. It was a hot summer day I was in my reqruit uniform among 100 others waiting in line to see how much my magical compacity. so as we are waiting in line the person in front of me ends up my best friend and would one day be the woman I marry. Her name is Raven Quinnly with long black hair beautiful brown eyes pale white skin large bosom and buttocks she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen and loved and will till the end of my days. As we get up to the huge gem like stone that will measure our magical capacity I find out that she has a magical capacity of 200 now all this left is for me to find out as I place my hand on the stone it begins to glow and then crack and blow up but somehow I was unharmed as the person who would announce my power level says power level on unmeasurable that's impossible but as it turns out being a son of a witch has it's perks in the magic department. So that's how I became a knight I trained every day since I was 18 and graduated the knight's academy at age 24 now I'm one of the top knight's in the kingdom of sprigen. I've fought many battles including the battle of burner Hill where I defeated the leader of the foreign army and put his head on a pike. It started on a rainy day in the mist of battle me and raven are back to back when raven says, you go right I go left. I nod as I already understood what she meant so we attached at the same time left and right our swords swing we are both exhausted by the time the battle ended and as we raise the leader's head on a pike we hear the cheer of all our fellow soldiers that survived the battle as they see we had won the battle. I was given 2 days of rest after the battle and on the third day I had just come down for breakfast with mom and sis when I big banging sounded on the front door it was a knight of the kingsguard come to tell me that the King has requested my presence in order to reward me for my performance in the battle and how I had a hand and it coming to an end.