

"Stir that portion you rotten fool!" Ursela shouted kicking an old woman with her short dirty wrinkled legs until the old woman fell to the ground.

"Mother!" an handsome young boy dropped his stiring spoon in alarm and ran towards the old woman on the floor.

"Are you okay?" he asked helping her up.

"I am. please go back to work I'll be OK" the old woman assured.

"Ahhhhh" Ursela laughed loudly looking at both mother on son clingy softly to each other. Ursela was a witch, a very wicked witch at that, she had committed a lot of murder and so many bad deeds with no one to stop her, she held in her custody a man and his wife with their son. Ursela laughed even louder as memories of how she got to get an entire family as her slave surged up.

There was once an over ambition young man, he was a citizen of Norlandia, he was a greedy young man Indeed. He was not of royal blood but he so much desired to become the king. He came to Ursela the witch for help and she made a pact with him. Their first pact was that she was going to take hold and keep the current king and his wife for her self which eventually turned out great become the queen was pregnant and she gave birth to a strong son. Their second pact was that Ursela the witch gets to keep the offsprings of the young man when they turn 20. The young man agreed and he became king. He was now the great King Gaston of Norlandia. Ursela laughed again, his daughter was soon to turn 20 in a few days and then Ursela will have her. And then she will have 4 slaves.

"When will my father return?" the young boy asked frowning at Ursela.

"Amir!" the old woman caused trying to get up.

"That bloody fool should be back by now, all he is to do is get me a leaf from the tallest tree in the forest and he's been gone for 3 bloody days. He should die before he can come back empty handed" Ursela the witch answered.

Amir, as the young boy was called looked at Ursela with hatred, why? why was he and his family in slavery under a wicked witch, how did it happen? what was their offence.

Ursela was a disgusting dirty witch that never bath, She had a hunched back and was beyond ugly, a sour to the eyes. She had crooked teeths and yellow aging skin with ugly wrinkles. She was simply undesirable.

"I need to go to the city. I will be back before the sun sets. Make sure that portion is ready before I get back or else!" Ursela the witch pulled out a magic wipe and stuck Amir twice on his back. The young boy groaned in pain and held his back with his hands.

Ursela the witch laughed and in a minute, she was flying through the sky on a magic broom stick on her way to Norlandia to see king Gaston and remind him of their pact.

"Oh my son!" the old woman said helplessly with tears streaming down her face.

"Let us get out of here mother, the witch is away we shall run far away from this ugly cave" Amir said still groaning from pain.

"What about your father my son" the old woman ashed.

"We shall find him" Amir sneered.

"Mother let us run" he said

"No my son, she will find us. She is very powerful and sharp my son"

"Then I will go alone but I'll be back. I'll gather an army that can fight the witch and I will come back for you" he said determined.

"Oh no my son please do not go" she pleaded.

Amir stood up and looked at his mother. He hated himself for seeing her in a position like that and there was nothing he could do. He squeezed his fists together in anger and broke into a run. He ran out of the cave and into the wild. He ran as fast as he could, he has to do something to save his parents but what! where will he find an army. He remembered the only kingdom the witch ever flies to, Norlandia, there must be some one who can help there, he thought. Away he ran.

Ursela got to Norlandia in her invincible Clark and sneeked in to the kings palace. She moved about tirelessly through the palace until she reached the king's chambers. She got inside without opening the door.

"Guards!" the king shrieked when the witch suddenly appeared.

"Do not be scared your majesty. I am Ursela the witch" Ursela said quickly