
The Kindest Demon Hunter Nym

This is the tale of a human boy who decides to follow a goddess of death to hunt down demons and creatures from hell and purgatory. The twist is this young man is freshly on his own and is extremely kind. Will this be his down fall or will it allow him to rise to the task?

Tensa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Nyms Childhood and New Tragedy

Waking the next morning I first make breakfast, humming a tune mom used to sing. It's a simple meal but it'll do. Mom is a bit harder to wake up today and we eat.

I kiss her cheek and promise to be home to cook lunch, heading for the apothecary. I still have repairs to make after all. Danny is outside with Benny, Benny having delivered the wood. "Hey Benny. Hey Danny."

"Morning Nym. I brought the wood Danny request. Do a good job you hear? It's always your responsibility to fix what gets broken as a result of your actions."

I nod smiling more. "Of course Benny. I'll put what you taught me to good use."

Danny interjects here. "Oh? Have you been learning wood work from him? Do you plan to be a carpenter?"

"No nothing like that. My dad was an adventurer to make ends me. When I was really small the town was attacked by something… a um…"

Benny chuckles, reminding me. "A demonic chain beast."

"What's that again?" I ask, not really remembering. I didn't get to finish the adventurers academy since I had to work when mom started getting sick.

"A parasite that looks just like a chain. Burrows into a creatures heart and takes over, using it to generate more chains until the whole creature is made up of 'em. Nasty creature to deal with and hard to take down since it uses some chains like whips." Benny answers. Danny looks scared at this.

"Yeah. It was shaped like a bear I think. Unfortunately dad could only hold off until a stronger adventurer from the city could come and defeat it. Dad died of blood loss not long after the adventurers arrived. The guild compensated mom well and she worked as a waitress at the tavern until she got sick a few years ago. So I dropped out of the adventurers academy to do little side jobs where I can to make ends meet. Benny taught me a lot of skills to earn money at the time."

Benny nods. "The boy is a hard worker. He'll have the shop fixed in no time. Though I'm surprised you've been here a few years and haven't heard that story Danny."

"W-well I don't like to discuss monsters so… especially if I can talk about medicine or plants instead…"

Benny laughs and I shake my head, going to head inside. Benny calls after me, "I'll bring some soup by for you and your mom for lunch, okay?"

I smile more at this and reply "Thanks Benny! You're the best!" Before closing the door.


Danny looks at the closed door and to Benny before asking "Rabbit stew..?"

Benny chuckles and nods "Yup. Horned rabbit. Hard to catch but good for stew. Especially if you let the horn boil in the stew for awhile."

She shakes her head and sighs. "Don't tell Nym you killed that rabbit…"

Benny nods in agreement. "Yeah the boy would be heart broken. I worry he may never be able to leave the town with how much we sheltered him. But after his dad stood ground to protect us when our magic was too week we decided to help him and his mom. How is she by the way?"

"Nearing her end I'm afraid. She is old for a human. She says Nym was a miracle for her since she was so old. Right on the edge of menopause apparently. I go see here when Nym is working. I don't think she has much time left…"

Benny sighs. "I'll inform the church and get a plot ready in the grave yard."

Danny sighs and nods, heading into the shop as Benny leaves.


I hum as I work, doing my best to stay out of Danny's way. I stop for lunch and head outside, meeting with Benny who had the soup for mom and I. "So what kind of soup is it?"

"It's something really good. I'm hoping it'll help your mom at least a bit." He responds with a smile, handing me the bowls and leaving.

"Thank you!" I call after him and head home. I smile seeing mom reading in her bed. She is still up. Good. I set my bowl down and try to hand mom hers but she struggles to hold it and feed herself.

I just smile and feed her instead, getting a warm smile in return. I love getting that smile. Once she is done, only eating half of hers, I eat my own bowl of soup. It's really good. I should ask Benny for the recipe later.

Mom suddenly speaks up. "How is that Danny girl doing these days?" I of course look at her in confusion but mom just chuckles. "The one that runs the apothecary."

"But… Danny's a guy mom…"

She chuckles again and shakes her head. "No Nym, she isn't. I know she dresses plainly but are you that oblivious, dear?"

I feel my blood run cold at this. That explains some of her reactions. "I hope she isn't mad at me… I'm gonna go apologize. I'll see you at dinner mom." I kiss mom on the head and rush out.

Upon returning to the shop I enter and see Danny mixing something. "Danny I'm really really sorry!"

Danny looks confused at me and around the mostly repaired shop before looking to me again. "Sorry for what Nym?"

"For assuming your were a guy! I should have realized sooner!"

"O-oh that's okay… it's fine really…" Hearing her reply I sigh and nod, getting back to work. I spend the rest of my day on fixing her shop before heading home to make dinner.


After Nym left Benny enters the shop. "Hey. The preparation were made just in case. Nym already gone for the day?"

Danny nods and sighs. "Let's just hope we are over reacting a bit…" As she finishes this sentence both pause as a heart wrenching wail fills the town. The two look to each other and bolt for Nym's house.

Danny manages to reach the door first, out of breath and shaking a bit. She throws the door open and freezes, covering her mouth.

Benny looks past her and sighs, shaking his head. Inside they see Nym, sobbing as he holds his mother, who no longer seems to be moving. Benny places a hand on Danny's shoulder and gently guides her, whispering to her, "Let him mourn for a bit then we will help him."

She just nods, stepping out and gently closing the door. "Poor Nym…"