
The Kindest Demon Hunter Nym

This is the tale of a human boy who decides to follow a goddess of death to hunt down demons and creatures from hell and purgatory. The twist is this young man is freshly on his own and is extremely kind. Will this be his down fall or will it allow him to rise to the task?

Tensa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Do Horned Rabbits Bite? Yes.

Leaving Danny's shop I head to the woods near the town. From what I understand I'll need to head a decent way in to find the Palate grass. I'm careful in choosing my path so I don't get lost and try to avoid anything dangerous.

The forest is lush and beautiful, leaves rustling in the wind on occasion or due to an animal. I hope. It seems so peaceful too. Hearing water I head that way to find a creek with small fish. Watching them makes everything seem calmer but I have to keep going.

I stay vigilant as I walk and look around, occasionally seeing an owl, which has four arms and feathered wings on its back. They seem to be asleep so I pass by as quietly as I can. One wakes and stares at me but doesn't move, closing its eyes again when I'm some distance away.

There are all kinds of bushes and plants but none match the description Danny gave so I head deeper into the forest, starting to become worried since I didn't bring a weapon. That was honestly stupid on my part. Who knows what I could run into. I'm sure it's fine.

The trees get larger and I can hear more animals the deeper I go. I finally spot the teal colored grass I was sent after so I set my pack down and start harvesting them carefully. Each bundle is placed carefully in my pack and I begin to hum a bit as I work.

As I place another bundle in my pack I hear rustling and freeze, slowly looking to the sound. Seeing a small black horn I grab my pack and slowly move back. The horn also moves.

I tense for a moment before a white fluffy rabbit comes out of the bushes. I sigh in relief and shake my head a bit. I offer it some of the grass smiling and it sniffs it.

As I wait for it to take the grass it does something unexpected. It quickly ducks below the grass and my hand before spring up and latching onto the side of my hand.

Freaking out and unable to get it off I race back to town. Even while sprinting the rabbit stays latched on, blood from my hand getting on its fur. I still try to get it to let go by prying at its mouth with my other hand but it won't.

I head straight to Danny's shop unsure of what to do. He smiles at first but it quickly falls as he sees my hand and the rabbit. "Nym what in the world are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything! I thought it was hungry and tried to give it grass! Now it won't let go! Please help me!" I cry out mainly due to the rabbit still not letting go.

Danny sighs and comes around the corner gently prying the rabbit off my hand. I immediately try to wrap my hand in my shirt, "Thanks Danny…"

"Mhm. So you tried to feed it and it bit you?" Danny looks skeptical as he goes to put the rabbit outside.

"Yes… I thought it was hungry… why did it bite me instead though..?" I sigh and shake my head. I'm sure the rabbit didn't mean it. Maybe I'll try again later.

Before I can continue that line of thought though the rabbit manages to get back in before Danny closes the door and starts for me. I smile before hearing Danny shout, "Nym move!"

Just as the rabbit springs at me horn first I drop backwards, landing on my back with a grunt. As I get up and look to the rabbit it is pulling its horn out of the wall. "This can't be good…"

"I suggest you run." Danny replies. I start to do so as this crazy rabbit starts to chase me around the shop. I stumble and fall, getting grazed a few times. After a few minutes of this I manage to get my shirt off and throw it up as I drop to the floor again.

The rabbit gets tangled in it and hits the wall, which worries me. Sitting up though I see it still struggling so hurry over and wrap it up tighter, careful of the protruding horn. I look around the shop and frown.

There are holes in the walls and floors and the place is a mess. "I'm really sorry about this Danny… I'll come by tomorrow and repair the holes…"

Danny sighs and shakes his head, face flush red for some reason. I hope he isn't mad at me. "It's fine Nym… get the horned rabbit back out to the woods and come back for treatment okay?"

I nod and head out with a sigh, holding the rabbit away from me. As I get close to the woods I'm approaching by another elf. He has a black beard with speckles of gray, just like his short hair. "Hey Nym. What's that?"

"Hey Benny. A horned rabbit. I'm gonna let it go in the woods." I smile at the man I had helped the prior week chopping wood.

"Why don't you let me have it? I'll handle it so you can get home to your mom." Benny replies while holding a hand out.

Not having a reason not to I shrug and hand it to him. "Thanks Benny. You're a good friend." I rush off back to Danny with a smile. He treats me and gives me three silver for the Palate grass. Makes sense to me given he now has to purchase stuff for me to fix his shop. I go to buy ingredients for dinner and head home to tell mom about the crazy rabbit.

Mom was worried about me going into the woods with nothing to defend myself but laughs at the story. Seeing mom laugh helps me to relax. She seems weaker today and that worries me. After cleaning up I head to my own bed for the night.