
Chapter 9

Myranda arrives back at Homra.

Yata: Where the hell have you been. I thought you said you were going to a damn gift shop. Why weren't you there.

Myranda looks down, not saying anything. She moves her hands to her eyes as she starts to cry.

Myranda: I'm sorry Yata, I really am. I wanted hear myself think for once and wanted to talk to someone other than anyone here. I did it because I heard you talking about how you were going to follow me every time I went out.

Yata gives her a comforting hug.

Yata: I'm sorry for making you cry, baby sis. I just want to know that your ok, 24/7.

He says in a whisper. He lifts her head up.

Yata: Now quit crying, ok. Nothing bad is going to happen. Not if I can help it.

She wipes the few tears she had left away and nods.

Yata: If you need to talk to someone, I'm always here to listen, got it.

Myranda: Yeah, I got it.

She leaves the comfort of her brothers arms and goes to her room.

Mikoto: I wish I knew how to calm someone like that. That was amazing Yata.

He says lighting a cigarette.

Yata: It's not that hard, Mr. Mikoto. All you really do is tell the person your comforting, that it will be ok. That's all.

Mikoto: Alright, I'll try one day, thanks Yata.

He walks back down the hallway towards his room.