
Chapter 8

Myranda walks the streets of Skizume trying to clear her head.

Myranda: Why does he think their going to come after me. Like what's there to want, other than a few water fights.

She says to herself. She thinks this over and over by the time she got to the beach. Myranda sits down under the bridge that crosses the water to a high school.

Myranda: I feel bad that I had to lie to Yata, I hate myself for it but if they really are going after me, then I won't let them get in the way. I don't want them to get hurt. Dad.... what should I do.

She says putting her hand near the water, looking out over the ocean.

Myranda: Yep, I forgot. You can't talk to your child because of the stupid Greek laws. I won't lie sometimes I wish I could see you again, but that'll probably never happen, right.

There is silence only the ocean breeze can be heard while it's blowing and nipping at your hair, ears, and nose.

Myranda: Well, it was good talking to myself again. I just hope that you really are there and you listen. Goodbye dad, till next time I come back to visit.

She gets up and starts to head back to Homra, walking the empty streets of Shizume. She notices something is off, she stops and checks her surroundings.

Myranda: Hello, anyone there.

She asks

Munakata and Fushimi come out from around the corner.

Munakata: Well, lookie here, Fushimi.

Munakata circles around Myranda.

Munakata: Hmmmm, I don't see it.

Myranda: You don't see what.

Munakata: How someone like Mikoto, would go for a girl like you. I mean don't get me wrong you have the attitude but you don't seem like his type, with your mid-length, dirty blonde hair, those deep ocean blue eyes, that look as if they could pierce you. Wouldn't you say that Fushimi. I mean look at her, her lips are very thin but very pink and her nose, ugghh. Oh and look her birth mark is right beside her left eye, it's a very unusual spot to have one. Don't you think that Myranda.

Myranda: It seems your trying really hard to make fun of me but just end up complimenting me without realization. You know what I mean, Munakata.

Munakata: Hey, so you want to come along with us maybe be apart of scepter 4, maybe.

Myranda: Nah, I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go.

Myranda starts walking towards Homra, which is like a half block away at this point.

Munakata: I look forward to seeing you again, Myranda.

Fushimi: Why didn't we just take her here and now while we had the chance.

Munakata: Because it wasn't the right timing. Trust me when the time comes she'll be on her knees begging for us to help her and let her on our side. It may take awhile put it'll happen, I just know it.

They turn and walk off in the opposite direction that she did.