
Chapter 5

While Myranda and Mikoto are walking the streets of Shizume, there is silence between the both of them, until Myranda breaks the silence with a curious question.

Myranda: Hey, Mikoto. Why did you all of sudden want to talk to me, I haven't done anything wrong, have I.

Mikoto: Huh, you doing something wrong, I could never imagine. I just wanted to spend some time with you if it's all right.

Myranda turns her head to the side. Myranda is flustered so badly she puts her hand to her cheek.

Myranda: Yeah, it's ok. I mean we're already out here and walking right.

While walking with their hands brush against each other, having Mikoto grab it as an instinct of sorts.

Myranda looks up at Mikoto and looks forward like before, when they run into Munakata. Myranda and Mikoto stay in place not moving an inch.

Munakata: Well, look at this. What do we have here. You finally found someone that would actually go out with you. And means to say she is also from your "gang".

Munakata says pushing up his glasses. Myranda is about to say some reckless things, when Mikoto gets in front of her.

Mikoto: Look, Munakata, I really don't want to fight right now. And if you have a problem say it to me and leave my girlfriend and friends out of it.

Munakata: Ohh, so your dating her. That's good to know, right. Well, I better be off, I have things to do.

Munakata says this, and turns and leaves.

Myranda: What was with the whole girlfriend act, I would have been fine if you just called me a co-worker or something.

Mikoto: I'm sorry, yes I know it was kinda wrong and selfish, but....

Myranda puts her hand on his cheek.

Myranda: I really don't mind it, I've kinda been waiting for you to say that.

Mikoto puts his hand on top of hers and kisses her gently and passionately. Myranda also is returning the moment with her arms now wrapped around his neck, and kissing him back with the same energy.

Mikoto pulls back and puts their foreheads together.

Mikoto: So, what do you think this makes us.

Myranda: Well, I would be glad to take the job of debone your girlfriend.

She says smiling and kissing Mikoto again.

Mikoto: I'd really like that Myranda, I really would.