
Chapter 4

When Myranda met up with her older brother Yata, she saw there was nothing to worry about. Myranda looks at Yata as if she could explode, when she suddenly hugs him.

Myranda: You had me worried sick, you damn idiot. If you couldn't handle them and got hurt, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for not being able to be here sooner.

Yata hugs his little sister back with the same love and passion she is showing to her older brother.

Yata: Ok ok, I get it, don't make you worry and we'll be fine. Ok. I'll let nothing bad happen to me or you, got it.

Yata says this to reassure his little sister that everything will be ok.

Myranda: Ok, Yata.

When Myranda and Yata arrive back at Homra, they find that everybody is having fun, smiling, laughing, and telling jokes which makes her smile. Mikoto sees her smiling like never before.

Mikoto walks over to Myranda.

Mikoto: Hey Myranda, I was wondering if, you would want to take a walk with me.

He says running his fingers through his red hair.

Myranda: Sure Mikoto, we can do that, if you really want to.

Mikoto: Really, sweet. Uh.... I mean yea, ok, that's fine, haha.

Mikoto says in a nervous voice trying to be confident. Myranda smiles warm heartily. They start for the door, and walk outside.