
Chapter 2

Everyone is murmuring on about something, Myranda says walking out of her room in the back. She pushes her way through the crowd of people at Homra, to find Yata and Mikoto sparring. Myranda rolls her eyes and finds her way in between the both of them and pulls them close.

Myranda: Yata do you understand what your doing. She says as she moves all of her attention to her older brother.

Yata: yeah, and what's your point.

Myranda: My point is that Mikoto might end up getting carried away and you might get your ass beat, he's stronger than you and you know that so don't even try to all this dangerous shit, do you understand me.

Yata: yeah, whatever. He says sitting down.

Mikoto: How have you put up with that attitude all this time.

Yata: well, I really don't know why, it may be because she is my sister or she is that scary to where I follow directions but if it weren't for her I'd be doing a lot more crazy shit, more than what I do now. She protects me and I'm willing to do the same for her but if you want her, be my guest, she won't be on my ass 24/7 anymore. He laughs

Mikoto: So your saying if I want to, I can ask her out.

Yata: Be my guest, but beware she'll watch you like a hawk to make sure your ok. And the other thing is that she is a half-blood meaning she is the daughter of a god. I'm only her half brother, meaning I can't really calm her down at times because I might be her next target, but other than that go on ahead.

Mikoto: ok, I'll think about it Yata. He says getting up to go to his room.

Yata thinks to himself, oh man I can't wait to see how this goes down.