
Chapter 1

On one snowy day, back when Fushimi and Yata worked together before Fushimi joined the blues, they were very close, but Yata also had other problems to deal with. Yata had a little sister named Myranda, and he had to take care of her the best way he knew how.

But on this day, the three of them were hanging out at the train station like usual, when all of a sudden a group of people asked them if they wanted to join there group. So as they followed, they came to a bar called Homra, where the guys hung out.

2 years later

Yata: What the hell is your problem Kamamoto, we're on a mission, we're not getting paid to eat you idiot.

Rikio: I'm sorry Yata, but I was just thinking-

Yata: No buts we're getting this mission over with one way or another.

Myranda: Do you to ever stop arguing, it's giving me a damn headache, now if you don't mind can we get this over with.

Yata looks at Rikio: let's just listen to her before she tears our heads off.

Rikio nods to Yata

Myranda: Now lets go, it's a simple assassination that the boss wants done and we can't risk of getting caught out here in broad daylight because of your sorry ass's. Now let's go.

Few hours later at Homra

Myranda walks through the door with Yata and Rikio following: Sorry it took so long some people just don't know when to shut the hell up.

Stares daggers at the both of them.

Yata: Yea fatso, we coulda got going faster if your fat ass didn't stop and want to stuff your face.

Myranda: Yata you may be my older brother, but CAN YOU SHUT THE HELL UP BEFORE I PUNCH YOU IN YOUR THROAT.

Yata: Ok, sis whatever you say, haha: says nervously.

Myranda sits at the bar playing around with her little hand knife.

Izumo: So, did they cause you that much trouble.

Myranda: You have no idea.

Yata: Hey what's that supposed to mean Izumo.

Izumo: Oh nothing: he says smiling: do you guys and girl want something to drink.

He says as he is behind the bar.

Mikoto sits down beside Myranda and looks at her.

Myranda: Do you need something boss.

Mikoto: No, sorry.

He says pulling out a cigarette and lights it with his fingers.

Myranda: Those things are gonna kill you one day. You know that right.

Mikoto: At least I would live life to the fullest.

Myranda: So you want to live life to the fullest, even with those damn cancer sticks.

Mikoto: Yeah, I guess your right, he says smiling.

Izumo: Not to ruin your little chat, but as I said earlier, do you and do you not want something to drink.

Everybody: Nah, we're good, thanks though.