
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Public Execution = New Servant

On the street, im holding Eurazania by her cloak

"guide us to the most expensive inn, with rooms" I say to Eurazania with a serious tone

she starts to give directions to a nice inn to stay for a while

we bought a room with a king-sized bed, quite expensive, inside the room there is a triangular table with 4 chairs, is a white room with gold details and a big window not very vampire friendly, but it has a curtain to cover up

"Eleonore go ask for a plate of food for Eurazania, Vani will prepare the table for us to eat, im going to bed for a moment, I used too much of my powers" I say

"As you wish" say Vani and Eleonore at the same time

I put my sword close to the bed, I throw Eurazania in the bed and I start to hug her against my chest

"wh-at you doing, I will not be deceived" says Eurazania in a childish tone

"calm down I just want to hold you don't worry" I whisper


I wake up at night, Eleonore and Vani sleeping by my side and Eurazania stuck between me and Eleonore, well she is sleeping, so she must be comfortable?...

Probably after I went to bed they couldn't wake me up and just decided to cuddle with me, let just go to bed nothing we can do at nighttime in a human city

in the morning

"Ah!" Eurazania yelled in shock

we are eating breakfast, more like Eurazania is eating, Vani and Eleonore are drinking

"Fear not little mortal, if you are not dead already means that you are useful for My Queen, and those who help Queen Seraphine shall be granted a wish, behave yourself" says Vani with a serious tone putting blood on my tear cup

"Say Eurazania, where are you from? And what are you doing here?" I ask the little mortal

She hesitates for a few moments but starts to speak

"I guess there is no use in riding, sigh, im on a journey to find my family, im half dark elf and half human I used to live in a village north of here, but while I was collecting berries in the forest, my dad got killed and my family was nowhere to seem, there were some survivors, but my village was on fire, I lost my home my family everything that I had, it happened two years ago im looking for them ever since" Eurazania say trying not to cry

sad history indeed

"If you are half dark elf, how can you go around the city like normal?" I ask Eurazania

"well dark skin is not totally uncommon in humans, and I don't have elf ears so no one suspects" Eurazania says showing me her ear

true her ear is somewhat normal

"And you think that they were taken by slavers correct?" I ask 

"Yes, they killed my dad because he was human, kidnapped some children and woman, damn cowards, that's what they are, putting fire and kidnapping people while they try to run from the fire" Eurazania says with an angry tone

Good strategy though, elves are weak because they insist that their beliefs are correct, fanatics that don't wanna evolve...

"Do you have some hint of where they might be right now?" I ask Eurazania

she put on a worried look

"I know that they are in this country... I go from city to city and look around to see what I can find" Eurazania say 

it will take ages, dark elves are rare and live more than humans, so they are probably not dead, they are a product after all, you don't go killing what you bought

we arranged our things and started going for that researcher of magic artifacts, Eurazania guided us there

"then Eurazania, I bestow upon you my favor, you may make a simple wish" I say to Eurazania standing next to me

she thinks for a moment

"If you find three dark elves while traveling, with these names, Lora, Mione, and Aflara, I wish that you bring them safely to me please" Eurazania says crying 

I hug her, she is just like a little animal, cute

"I will, I bid you farewell and good luck on your search Little Eurazania" I say patting her head and giving her a gentle smile

then she runs into the crowd and disappears

entering the store, looks like a pretty normal store, there are some common artifacts for sale, and a man sends us strange looks from behind his balcony

I go toward the balcony


"Are you the researcher of magic artifacts?" I ask the old men behind the balcony

he looks old, a white bear and white hair, and has a hunchback too

"cof cof, yes indeed, my name is Clavo" the old men say with a weak tone of voice letting out a cough

"then Clavo, I want you to take a look at something do you have a private space somewhere?" I ask Clavo

he leads me to behind the store a room with two seats across each other and a table

I sit, Vani and Eleonore stand one on each side, and Clavo sits on the other chair

"then, Clavo, I would appreciate it if you just answer my questions without meddling in my affairs" I say taking my sword out of my back

I put her on the table, Clavo seemed surprised 

"This sword!... is a piece of art truly" says Clavo getting a lump to see more closely

"do you see these letters, do you know what they are?" I ask 

"Yes, they are Runes, a lost magical language, rune artifacts are rare these days, rumors say that dwarves are trying to recover the lost art of rune crafting so if you want me to tell you what this sword does, is impossible for me, if you have to know you should travel to Avantenzel to see if dwarves can help you but even they research are just rumors maybe they are not even researching runes, hard to tell, information travel slowly after all" say Clavo with a thoughtful tone

So it is not a normal thing to come around runes? How do I just have two runes artifacts? Crazy

I grab my sword and put it back on her shelter at my back

"Nothing can be done then, would you happen to have information about strong magic artifacts?" I ask him

He then starts talking about some magic artifacts, ruins that are rumored to have something, but they are dangerous, most of the artifacts he talked about are well, useful for mortals. I guess, there is one that can heal a lost member, vampires do this naturally, and others can liberate a strong magical beam and things like that

but he talked about an artifact that the popedom has, said to hold the energy of the sun itself, there are artifacts capable of summoning ancient magical beast too, but the beast can kill you if you don't tame it right

"thank you for giving me information, here take it" I say giving the old men some gold

I bid him farewell and go out

"seems like we came to this city for nothing Vani Eleonore" I say hinting at sadness

"Don't worry Queen, at least it was funny messing with mortals" Vani says laughing

"Indeed, now we shall go to the west, and investigate that ruin" I say

a ruin that we learned about at the guildhall

walking toward the city gate, a yell could be heard someone announcing something

"Come around good people of Suaoriz!, is time to purge this world of one more abomination, may the god of light be with us" a man yells

curiosity got the best of me and I go check what it is

in the middle of a road, there was a wooden platform with a few crusaders standing there

a pole of wood with a person tied, a sub-human that looks like a kid, a kitsune, very cute if you ask me, with a fluffy orange tail with a white tip and ears orange with a little bit of black, and white fur coming out of her ears, orange short hair, she looks around 12 years, she is wearing scraps that don't even cover her body

she is just standing there with dead eyes, poor girl

Humans are disgusting, there are people around applauding...

"Then we shall proceed, now we will burn this disgraceful being, for the sin of not following the god of light, and using prohibited art such as necromancy you shall burn" a big man announces

 the men are wearing a different armor from other crusaders, he has a red cape with the church symbol, shiny armor, black hair, and a mustache worthy of a villain I would say back in my former life, probably the commander I heard about from Fela and Hiko

but interesting, a necromancer

"Before we start the fire, sub-human, do you have any last words of guilt?" the man with a mustache asks the fox girl

she looks at the crowd

"kill me already, I don't have nothing to lose, I will not give your kind the satisfaction of hearing me begging!" the fox girl yelled

the crowd is silent

"piece of shit sub-human, dare to be arrog-" the man was saying but I screamed from the middle of the crowd

"Hey fox girl! I can save you if you become my servant, what do you say?" I scream

to the man with the mustache and turn to the crowd looking for who said that

"Who the hell said that?! Do you dare to mock the church?" the man with the mustache yells

a glimpse of hope appears in the little girl's eyes, and she screams

"I accept your conditions only if you swear do not hurt me, I can do everything else!" the fox girl screamed 

the mustache man is lost in fury

"shut the fuck up sub-human scu-" the commander put his hand up for a slap on the fox girl's face

but I sent him flying, and he hit a wall going through a house

I stand on the platform without my hood, the fox girl is looking at me in shock

"Vani, Eleonore protects the fox girl and kills every other crusader here, I will take down their chief!" I command Vani and Eleonore

they rush to fight some Crusaders going to hit me

I take out my Horror Bringer and rush toward the mustache men getting up

the men seem fine after that, well I guess he is a commander after all

I stop in front of him

"What the hell are you?! Do you dare to underestimate the church of Light power?" the commander yells in fury

 he takes out his sword and rushes at me

a rain of blows coming for me, I block all

we are clashing at a very high speed, in an opening moment I kick him, and he back down

im not giving my all, but he is indeed pretty strong, my speed is superior, but we are even in strength, and his technique with the sword is better too

"Light! Cleanse the battlefield!" the commander screamed

I sense a dangerous thing coming

his sword started to shine yellow, he rushed at me and gave a slash from top to bottom

I evade and appear behind the commander I try to hit his back, but he reacts in time and jumps to the right making my sword hit the ground

"you are fast I give you that, bitch" the commander said

dark red lighting starts to form around me and the commander channels more light to his sword

we rush at each other parrying our swords in the middle, I barrage him with slashes coming from up, he is barely following my pace

he keeps blocking my hits coming from the sky and I give one last hit with all my strength, he blocks and the ground cracks around him

I kick him on the right side of his ribs, and he goes flying through a house

channeling my dark red lighting in horror bringer I jump toward him and fall to the ground, striking the ground with horror bringer

My surroundings exploded and started to get on fire, people seemed to be evacuating, I don't think I killed anyone I guess?...

The commander jumped back before I could hit him with the ground smasher

"What a monstrosity you are!" the commander yelled looking at me, im surrounded by fire and my sword was letting out red thunder

a wicked smile form on my face

"HAHAHAHAHA! This is good!" I scream laughing sinisterly

this is the best, im finally fighting a capable opponent

"wicked bitch, I shall purge you!" the commander yells dashing at me 

we are trading hits and sparks are formed by the clash of our swords

he manages to hit a slice at my stomach but I continue, I hit his sword and send him flying behind

he managed to get back on his feet

"How!? I just sliced your stomach how can you still be attacking?!" the commander yelled with a puzzled expression

but he looks at my stomach and sees that the wound is regenerating slowly

"Damn monster!? What the hell are you?" the commander yells

I start to laugh and I dash at him while he is shocked

I swing my sword upwards, and he blocks but because he is shocked he doesn't put too much strength in his grip he is thrown to the sky 

even in the sky, he seems to be keeping his balance, I jump up and hit him to the ground with a slash of red thunder he hits the ground in a flash making a boom

im falling from the sky, red thunder around me is getting stronger, I put my sword up and a bolt of red thunder strikes the horror bringer making a thundering sound

the commander is waiting for me on the ground channeling light on his sword

"prepare yourself mortal this ends here!" I scream from the heavens

more and more thunders that to form in the sky like a storm

"Destroyer of Heavens!" I scream

in a bolt of red thunder, I dash at him breaking the sound barrier and making a rumble that shakes all Suaoriz, an explosion of dark red thunder happens after we clash swords 

after the dust calms down, I stand and the commander is ripped in two, I win

im tired after this but I have to get out of the city first

going back to the platform I see Vani and Eleonore covered in blood and about 11 Crusaders lying dead on the ground around them

"Vani Eleonore, everything ok?" I ask them from across the street

they seem happy after seeing that im well

"Queen, are you ok? We heard the explosion and I feared for the worst" Vani says running at me with Eleonore

they hug me... there's blood around their whole body but it's fine I guess

"Come on girls nothing to worry about, the church guy was strong indeed but I managed at the end let's get out of here" I say, and they let me off

I go to the platform, the little fox is still tied by chains, well I guess I didn't order them to untie her

 "will be nice having you work for me little fox, do your best to please me" I say with a gentle tone while breaking her chains

She flinches as the word Please comes out

"as I said before, I will not please you in bed by any means got it?" the fox says with a hint of fear

"yes yes I got it let's get going, excuse me for this" I say sarcastically while taking her between my arms she is very tiny, so it is easy

"hey I can walk" the fox says in a childish angry tone

"you are my servant you walk the way I want, stop complaining" I say laughing a little

I go where Vani and Eleonore are

"then let's go to the city gates" I say casually

we go walking around the city and people are panicking most of them don't even know what is happening

getting out of the city I saw a crowd gathering past the city gate, I passed, and they got scared and started to run away

in the middle, I see a priest kneeling and praying while the others around him are running and screaming

"Hey little girl, you are a necromancer, right? So you can make undead creatures?" I ask the fox in my arms

"depends on the corpse im working with but yes I can" the fox say

I point the priest out to her

"Can you bring him back?" I say to her

"Maybe, I never got to test it on a priest, and even if he comes back I don't know if his powers will too" the fox say

so it is worth the shot

"Vani kill that priest and bring his corpse with us" I order Vani with a casual tone

she bows and dashes at the lonely priest praying, in a second his throat is sliced, and he falls, Vani takes his corpse and rushes at me

"done Queen" Vani say

"you guys sure are evil, not that I care about humans thought" the fox said with a joking tone laughing a little

"I wouldn't say evil, you see when you are walking, do you take care to not step on an ant?" I say casually laughing 

Little fox laughs

Vani and Eleonore start laughing too

I look around and see a plan place 

"right there let's go" I say pointing to the place

we get there and Vani and Eleonore give a heavy sigh

"this time it will work perfectly for sure im telling you" I say to them with a 

little fox sends a puzzled look at us

"little fox, brace yourself hold me tight" I say

"wh-at do y" she tries to say but I start channeling red thunder around me 

I send a bolt to the sky forming a storm, rain starts to fall, and red thunders start to appear 

I channel more and more and soon

"Thunder God Chariot!" I scream

a bolt of red lighting strikes us making a rumble, and we start to travel in a bolt of lighting leaving red thunderstorms behind everywhere we pass