
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Little Fox Likes Corpses A Little Too Much

In the middle of a forest west of Suaoriz, a thunder could be seen crashing against the ground alongside a flash of red light

boom, the forest shakes, and birds start flying around

"See? Everything fine this time" I say bragging

"my lady you should look to the right," said Eleonore laughing

I look and I see the little fox stuck in tree branches

she falls to the ground

"fuck fuck fuck, what the fuck was that?!" the fox says freaking out

at least she is not vomiting

Hm...? I feel tired... my legs are giving in...

"My lad..." I hear Eleonore 


I wake up, seems like im inside a tent, I hear talk outside, so everything must be ok

after that battle and using the thunder god chariot, would be strange if I didn't collapse, breaking the sound barrier used a lot of my body and mana

that battle was incredibly close, light magic is very dangerous, and that guy was just a mere commander they have one in every popedom associated city, and if that guy was just a little bit stronger I could have been killed, I can't get killed but if someone explodes my heart and put me under the sun I would probably

im still too weak, I need more technique with my sword to begin with, there was no greatsword master at the academy, im going by instinct and speed

better equipment too, and now that I have a necromancer I can see how useful it can be to me

rising from my bed I can see that is nighttime

going outside Vani and Eleonore are talking, and the little fox is examining the priest's body

Vani and Eleonore see me and come running worrying about me, little fox is not interested it seems

"Hey! Rude mortal come here right this intact, great you Master, do you have no common sense, pet" Eleonore yells at the fox girl

the fox girl doesn't obey Eleonore

I open my eyes and send fear in her direction just enough to make her shiver

she looks behind and I look at her with a rage expression, and then she comes running to greet me, kinda cute

seems like she is wearing some oversize clothes well we don't have clothes for someone as little as her

she finally came to me, a little bit scared

"don't confuse things fox, you are one of my servants, and you must act accordingly, understood?" I say to the fox girl with a serious tone

"yes I got it, im sorry," she says putting her fox eyes down and making a sad face

I pat her head and smile at her 

"but don't mean that you are not allowed to think for yourself, say what you want to say, but think of your actions, you as my servant, everything you do reflects on me," I say to her with a gentle tone and smiling


"Understood, how should I call you?" Fox ask

"call me lady, queen, Seraphine, anything is fine," I said patting her head

"Eleonore, prepare the table, and Vani make us some chairs if you may," I say to them casually

after the table is ready we all sit and I start talking

"let's start with an introduction, I'm Seraphine Noire, 8 years old," I say casually

"Huh??? 8 years old?" says the fox looking up to talk to me 


"Don't worry about it," I say laughing a little

"I'm Eleonore, first servant of Lady Seraphine, is a pleasure to meet you," says Eleonore politely

"I'm Vani Eloin, second servant of Queen Seraphine, the perfect dead thing to walk this earth, welcome aboard," says Vani with a bright smile 

"the most perfect dead thing?" says the fox puzzled

"I forgot to tell you, we are vampires, so yes we are dead," I say casually

Fox looks surprised and excited at the same time

"I always wanted to know vampires, im a fan of your species, and as a necromancer I must say that vampires are the perfect undead, most necromancers spend their lives trying to find some way to immortality after all...." Fox goes on and on and on and on about necromancy

I guess she likes her craft, and I must say after she learned that we are vampires her attitude changed completely, from time to time she even cast a few glances at my body...

"Ok ok calm down and present yourself," I say casually

"Ah sorry when I talk about necromancy my mind goes boom, im Faori, I am 19 years old... hey don't give me that look Vani, it is the truth, kitsunes age slowly only really old kitsunes have developed bodies, I used to live at the forest I was found out by a witch one day, and she took me in, she taught me about necromancy arts

one day she left to do something and never returned, I got out to find her but had no success I gave up, this was four years ago, I got caught by the church some days ago and here im right now, surrounded by dead bodies who can think and talk, I wonder if I died and im now at the necromancer heaven?" Faori says excited and breathing heavy

well she is a kitsune, so she probably was on the road for four years alone, her only company probably was dead bodies, but I hope she didn't use any for sexual relief

I hope please I really hope, but by the way she is looking at us, I can only hope for the best

"damn pervert," said Vani laughing

"Hey, who are you to say? Do you think I didn't see you touching Queen while she was sleeping" says Faori laughing

I start to laugh too

"I think she got you Vani," I say 

"But but, you slept for two weeks, a woman needs to relieve herself right? Right?, Eleonore don't look at me with pitiful eyes, you would enter Queen's tent to smell her armpits and hair all the time" says Vani blushing and trying to hide her face

"what's wrong? A maid needs to make sure her Lady smells good even if she is sleeping, it is common sense only" says Eleonore bragging 

I really am walking around with a group of perverts

"I slept for two weeks? Gosh, nothing happened while I was out?" I ask with a worried tone

"Nothing really important, mutant monsters would appear from time to time, but must be because of the ruin we are here for," says Vani

"Oh? We are going to ruin it? Is a perfect place for my craft" says Faori happily

"by the way, talk more about your craft for me if you may, I know very little about necromancy arts," I say with a curios tone

she talked about a lot of things, including undead fingering skills... gross

miasma is dead mana, and the living thing can't produce dead mana from nothing because they are alive of course, but they can control dead mana if there are any around there are artifacts capable of storing dead mana useful tools for a necromancer, you don't see a lot of necromancers around because they go inside a place full of miasma

and stay there, she talks about a Necronomicon magic tomes for necromancers, they can store a bit of miasma and have information about spells and research

to make an undead minion you need a body in good condition, the appropriated amount of dead mana depends on the creature you are trying to revive, skeletons, and zombies

are the most common undead, an undead becomes stronger if they have more dead mana stored inside them but if you force too much dead mana in a body that can't take it the body will explode, and you have to put the right amount because an undead become useless if they have too little miasma, they will be too dumb and weak

you can create your own undead too, but you need appropriate material and a lot of research to make it perfect, there is a lot more to be known, but that is it for basic concepts

of necromancy

after eating and talking, we all go bath together at the river, is good to see that they are getting close with Faori, I guess a pervert tends to like other perverts

sleeping close to Faori remembers me of Eurazania, they are basically the same height after all

we wake up in the morning and I put on my usual set of clothes, a bandage around my chest, pants, and boots, we eat and pack our things and go for the ruin

I put Faori in my scruff, and we walk toward the forest

"Queen can I ask you a question?" says Faori to me

"go on," I say

"Why do you walk around with eyes closed? And how can you do everything like normal?" asked Faori

"You must have noticed it but im not a normal vampire, my skin is a lot more pale, I have red eyes, and I was born with white hair," I say

"I remember when my lady was little, 8 years ago, she was perfect like always," Eleonore says, seeming to enjoy the nostalgic feeling

"Aah I wish to see My Queen as a baby sigh," says Vani with a hint of sadness

"at that time I was still a human, and my lady used to enjoy scaring me," says Eleonore with a happy expression, but she put her hand in her mouth immediately

"What? What do you mean you were human?? People can't turn into vampires right?" says Faori puzzled

Vani is surprised too is the first time she hears about this after all

"I, I apologize my lady! I talked too much" says Eleonore in fear of my reaction

"Don't matter Eleonore, it is not that important to hide anyway, but keep quiet about how I did it," I say to Eleonore casually

Eleonore let out a sigh of relief and continued to walk

"im what my kind call Progenitor, Progenitors were the first vampires the ones that give life to all others, basically I have stronger vampire genes, I don't know exactly but the Noire clan patriarch said that Progenitor's powers have something to do with emotions related to survival instinct, mine is fear, and my eyes emanate fear so I keep it close, I have other powers related to fear but that's it. Ah and for how I can walk normally and fight my body has a ridiculous amount of mana I use mana vision and I let out a wave of mana around me so I can feel everything around me, but just works because of the amount of mana I was born with" I say casually

work like eco location basically

"If you have so much mana you should be stronger no? Not meaning any disrespect of course my queen" says Faori

"it is true, but because I have too much mana is very hard to control, and I didn't study magic for that long too," I say

"Make sense My queen, and about that mysterious red thunder power you have? Is a progenitor trait too?" asks Faori with a curious tone

"it is an innate skill I was born with, I can create and manipulate thunder, and I was born with an affinity for fire, so I mix the two and my thunder turns red, and gets a lot stronger too," I say with a hint of happiness

"My Queen is abnormally lucky, born a progenitor and having a useful innate skill," says Faori surprised

"Hmm? Are not all innate skills useful?" I ask puzzled

"being born with an innate skill is very rare, but being born with an innate skill that works in combat is even rarer, I heard tales of a person that was born with an innate skill to turn wood into stick for example," says Faori casually

wah, what a shitty skill, would be better to get none

we walked for a little longer and I perceived that Faori wanted to ask for something but didn't have the guts

"ask already Faori," I say to her laughing a little

"You know I want to ask, don't you? Teaser" Faori says puffing her cheeks

"No, I will not turn you into a vampire right now, prove that you deserve it first then when the time comes I will bestow you with my gift," I say to her with a serious tone

"I understand my Queen, I will do my best to deserve it," says Faori hitting her chest proudly

soon we find ourselves at the so-called ruin

well it is truly a ruin everywhere I look at the wall on the ground, broken statues, and a big tower, but strangely I couldn't see that tower from afar before, I can now that im close

"you girls could see that tower from afar?" I ask them with a puzzled look

they too didn't see it, maybe a reminiscent concealing spell is a gray tower with a big width, not that high though

looking around the ruin we only see some undead but I feel some miasma coming from a staircase going underground the ruins

"seems like the miasma is concentrating underground," I say while taking Faori out of my back and putting her on the ground

"wait, you can feel miasma?" says Faori impressed and puzzled

"yes, can you not?" I ask casually

"Not exactly, I can say that there is miasma around but not where it is concentrated, Vani Eleonore can you girls do the same?" says Faori with a puzzled look

"no I can't," says Eleonore casually

"I can't too but I must say feels pretty comfy here, must be because we are undead creatures," says Vani, Eleonore agrees

"well so I don't know what it is, I will enter here, you girls keep watching, if anyone tries to enter, warn them if they insist capture them, and we will use them for human experiments, but don't overdo it, if you must kill then kill, Faori use the miasma around here to see if you can get that priest up, I will see what I can find down

here" I say walking toward the stairs


they bow to me and I walk down the stairs, I'm in a corridor, there are some skeletons around, some doors that lead to destroyed chambers around the corridor

after walking for quite some time, I found myself in an arena-type room a cycle well lit I go through the door 

Around the arena there is a bunch of statues holding weapons some with swords others with a great axe and goes on, I get to the middle I guess it is obvious what is going to happen right? 

The statues are a bit bigger than me but not that much there are 9 statues 

I stop in the middle and a yellow light appears from beneath and goes in the direction of these 9 statues

they awake and come dashing at me, they are quite slow compared to me, but they compensate in strength, I guess it is what you expect of statues

I channel red thunder around my greatsword and hit the floor, making a wave of red thunder going in all directions

didn't work, they are statues, after all, they don't feel heat or pain

"Probably only explosive blows, huh?" I say while evading some hits

I back off a little from them and I channel a bolt in my left hand, sending it toward a statue head, it hits and explodes, and some cracks appear at this statue head but didn't die

This looks like it will take some time...

I dash at the statue I struck early and strike its head with my sword, and it breaks the statue crumbles to the ground 

I just have to keep hitting the same place until it breaks...

Sometime late

I evade a statue slice and I jump hitting its head, the statue crumbles, and it is over

"took quite a while indeed," I say standing on top of a statue's head

the whole arena is a mess now a bunch of broken statues around

this ruin is quite dangerous indeed a normal adventure wouldn't stand a chance here

a door opens at the arena and I go to another hall but this time there is some rune language on the walls saying

"He who remains, if you stand, then we are not defeated"

there is some more but is unreadable

after some walking and killing skeletons I find a big chamber, I see what seems to be the remains of a throne, a throne and a bunch of ruins around broken pillars too

I see a statue different from the others that I fought before

a black statue with a greatsword, but it does not have a head, just a black crown floating where it should be his forehead

his greatsword is glowing blue, and he starts to move, rising from his throne

"I guess you are he who remains, huh?" I say

I try sending a bolt of red lighting at him, but his sword glows blue, and before it can hit him the bolt disappears

he has an anti-magic sword, a great

he comes dashing at me, we start trading hits, sparks flying around everywhere

he slashes upwards and I block it, he tries to give me a kick in the stomach but no one can beat the speed of thunder, I evade, seems like his sword can only cancel magic that is directed at him

I dash at him and we clash our great swords and trade strikes

I must admit his reflex and technique with greatsword are dangerously good, if I didn't have my speed I could die right here

this gives me a great idea, let's see

I channel lighting around me and I run towards the entrance, getting out of the throne chamber

he who remains stops and goes back to his throne his sword stops glowing blue too

well I cant kill him right now after all, he is the boss if I kill him the miasma will disperse, Faori need miasma to work, so I will just get out for now

I got out, finally

is already afternoon, I look around and see the girls chatting when they see me they stop and come running to greet me and ask what I found

I explain to them

Faori seems excited to tell me something

"Queen look, I could revive that priest" say Faori 

"good job Faori," I say patting her head, she seems to enjoy it

"let's see if we can make him use healing magic," I say to Faori

she gives the dead priest an order

and he really can use it

"wow Queen he can use it!" says Vani jumping in happiness

"I did it! I did! An undead priest that can heal" says Faori excited about it

"wait is that uncommon to revive a priest or a powerful person for necromancers?" I ask a little surprised

"But of course, necromancy is more of a support kinda of art you see? Necromancers are weak if we do not have the means to get materials for them there's nothing we can do, for example, priests are healers who work at churches, every church has at least 15 crusaders, and a normal necromancer doesn't stand a chance" say Faori casually

"makes sense, but you don't have to trouble yourself with this anymore cutie, we are here with you, and I will get your material," I say smiling and patting her head

she starts to laugh, excitement

"then let's have a look at that tower over there, i don't feel something dangerous but still be careful," I say to them casually

we walk towards the tower with our group now having a priest's corpse with us 

just some skeletons around while we make our way there, there is a big door I push and open letting out a bunch of dust


There are a bunch of desks and some unreadable books that seem to be from ages ago, this place looks quite like a school probably a space used for study for sure

some doors leading up to chambers with stone beds, everything looks very dusty and old, and the only illumination comes from little windows

going up the same pattern, there is a stair leading to the rooftop thought, a good view of the ruin could be seen from here

"let's stay here for the time being girls, to horn our skills, we can hunt for animal blood it is not the best, but we can kill and drink some from people passing by Faori sorry, but you will have to wait for a bit for adventures or travelers to use as material and don't go wandering around alone, Eleonore Vani put on some tents around the ruin and focus on training, protect Faori, and if you see people around think of what would be best, to kill or bring them to me," I say to them with a serious tone

they bow and agree

"and Faori one last thing, if I see you making out with that fucking corpse right there im going to be very angry do you understand?" I say to Faori

she puts on a sucking expression

"If you have sexual needs that you need to relieve with corpses ask one of us, for god's sake," I say putting my hand on my face

her face shines she seems happy now


After that I would train with he who remains my swordsmanship in the morning, afternoon I would go to the rooftop train magic, in the morning afternoon, and at night we eat together

training at the rooftop I make a lot of thunder booms, at some point a tribe of elves started to come around to offer sacrifices for my favors, I said that I didn't want sacrifices but if they offered me blood I would grant simple wishes for them

things like making rain, protecting them from slavers, and helping with food

they would give us clothes, and bring any humans they could capture in the forest to us too

at night, we would all sleep together and well, have sex

and days go by, Eleonore evolved a lot in her magic and combat, she and Vani would do mock battles, and they were almost even, what is strange was Eleonore was a maid, but she received my blood directly so her genes are stronger than Vani's

at some point, Vani learns how to make ice magic by mixing water magic and stone magic

Mysteriously Eleonore wind magic evolved too, is more like a mist now, maybe something to do with my genes

Eleonore stopped using her magic staff, and her weapon now is a dagger crafted by elves

being a mage only doesn't really suit well within vampires, we are faster and stronger, and mages don't use that, on top of that if we ever need a mage we can just make Faori revive one, so she chooses a more assassination approach, what we don't really have, imagine being killed by an assassin wearing maid clothes, must be strange

a lot of time passed, and at some point, I turned Faori into a vampire, the transformation was kinda of hard on her, vampire genes fighting her kitsune genes her eyes are now a reddish-orange, her fox ears became white and the fur coming out of it became black, her tail is white now with a black tip, she grew up a little bit too but I still can hold her just fine

she discovered that because she was a dead body now, she could store a good amount of miasma inside her, and she could get even more with the right equipment

she can turn normal dead bodies into undead anywhere now if she has sufficient miasma stored

I asked for the elves to make me a set of clothes, a tank top, and pants, made of animal fur but I found it very well crafted and elegant I guess they really wanted to impress me 

the top is a turtleneck top, made of white fur, and they paint it with homemade red ink, making a straight line going from the bottom of my chest to the fur at my neck

and tight pants black, look like yoga pants, to tell the truth, made of spiders trend for what they told me, it is really easy to move my legs I like it

at my feet same old academy boots, black 

soon we would start to travel again, I now have a necromancer, and I think it would be very useful if I could get all crafts together

but they all have to be cute girls thought, I did manipulate Vani and Eleonore to be with me today but I love them I truly do, and I love Faori too

They are precious to me, I would kill for them the same way they kill for me, I would protect them the same way they protect me, and I love them the same way they love me.