
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Progenitor of Fear

sigh... im so bored, the only thing I can think of is getting out of here, Women's wombs sure are boring I must say

and why is im thinking like an aristocrat?... it is just coming to me by instinct I guess

reincarnation is a thing huh? so there must be gods or something like that?

maybe, but I can't be sure right now

There are a lot of questions that need answers right now but I will have to bear with it for now 

I feel a strange flow of energy passing through my body mainly, my eyes, I wonder what it is

I cant see anything but I think maybe for the best, the insides of a woman's womb... probably not a pleasant sight

my body feels strange too probably because im still forming it, I guess I can only wait

soon enough I was born, finally, well at least I could hear from inside and learned a bit about this new world

I could see my new mother and dad, and they were scared... scared of me, apparently, I was right im something greater even among vampires.

and this mysterious flow of energy going through my eyes is what my new father Marcellus said to be an innate skill, but he has his doubts about that

right now, what I need the most is knowledge, I need to adapt to my new environment as soon as possible, then, I start to read books or should I say Eleonore started reading books to me, I cant open my eyes right now because of this strange power

I learned a lot about this world and vampire society, magic, yes magic is a thing here, and yes there is a concept of mana which too, is truly interesting

I was born in the Cidadel as a noble vampire from the Noire clan, every clan has its peculiarities and secrets, seems that right now there is no king nor queen for Cidadel vampires used to have a great war against humankind, vampires now are no better than humans at all, first of all, vampires are short on soldiers, the only thing vampires have is a slightly better body, we dont feel tired but still need to rest our minds, normal vampires are a little bit better than humans, me, on the other hand, having stronger vampire genetics, a normal human cant even start to compare themselves to me

I was born to rule the vampire race, but im weak right now

my existence is still a secret, I sure was born in an unwelcoming society my parents see me as a weapon to rule vampires, and other vampires see me as a threat, dont matter in the end I will be the only one sitting on the throne.

I learned that my eyes just work on weaker people if im stronger it will have a higher effect on the ones im using it, i learned too that vampires in this world

dont die from coming in sunlight, it is just that it is uncomfortable for the normal ones at least, as for myself, yes it hurts, hurts a lot, i guess stronger genes mean stronger weakness, silver too which is dangerous even for normal vampires but for me is even worse but still better than sunlight thought

looks like vampires age too but very little and very slowly my father and mother are about 150 old, with the end of the war the vampire race is doing their best to reproduce

the wonders of political marriage, the war didnt end, and right now we are hiding in Cidadel, humans probably think they wiped us all at this point

vampires do feed on blood, but they dont need it to survive i guess they like it, as for myself im unable to feed on something else other than blood a sad reality

I learned other things too but I guess is time to stop passing out

I hear a knock on the door

"Lady Seraphine, Lady Maria, and Lord Marcellus request your presence at the dining table," says Eleonore on the doorstep

"Yes Eleonore, enter and change my clothes" I answer

"As you wish" Eleonore says bowing her head

Eleonore picked a robe for me a dark red robe that I find pleasant to wear

as I was walking towards her I stopped at a mirror to arrange my hair and stopped to see my body as im, I do look quite the same as I did in my former life

long hair that extends itself to my rear, smooth very smooth like it is made of spider webs, I have my eyes closed but I learned how to see with mana it is a strange feeling 

as I need to be with eyes closed I needed to learn this in the very beginning, i can feel things around me as im seeing them but it is not like this for everyone so my father said

maybe because of my special genes too early to tell, but I do have white hair one could say that I was born an albino I guess

vampires are really tall, an average human would probably be at my armpit level

then I stopped close to Eleonore and I sat on the chair while she changed my clothes

Eleonore started to brush my white hair

"Your hair is beautiful as ever Lady" says Eleonore as she takes the mirror and shows me behind my back

Eleonore in these past 8 years, grew quite attached to me, she looks at me with admiration, and I like it, she told me her story one time, of how she was sold

by her parents, used, etc etc etc, humans sure are cruel, but I like her she dont like humans, and do as I say is just what I need

"answer Eleonore, do you desire to be a vampire?" I asked Eleonore

Eleonore with a puzzled expression looks my way without understanding what I mean

"Im afraid that it is not possible My Lady" says Eleonore

"I did not ask if it was possible or not Eleonore" I say with a cold tone of voice

Eleonore felt the tension prompt answer

"Forgive me, Lady, Yes if I could I would choose to be a vampire rather than a human" says Eleonore

she is just like me in my former life... trapped in a weak body that just has a weakness, not like this one dont have, but I dont need to sleep that much and I dont have to use the bathroom for necessities too

much more convenient, and the feeling of self hate that I used to have is long gone i feel at peace

vampire are semi immortal creatures, semi immortal because if you piece their heart they die, the normals vampires at least, the only thing that seems to kill me is sunlight

silver hurts and slows my regeneration but cant kill me, at least thats what legends about progenitors would say, i will not test it and die like an idiot

but theoretically, if I lose my heart I will fall into a sleep state to regenerate

vampires in their early ages seem to grow faster as they get to 20 eyes the aging process slows down by a lot, not just the body but the mind too

my brother and sister, for example, could speak and walk by the age of 3, i could speak as soon as I was born because of progenitor genes, im only 8 years old 

but I already have a body of 15 years or so vampire, my brother and sister are now Marcus at 16 and Ophelia at 14 have similar body types

I guess my genes do work wonders after all

"We can speak more later Eleonore let's get going, in the path could you speak of what my parents want?" I say to Eleonore

"As you wish My Lady, it seems that the patriarch requests your presence to speak with him" Eleonore answered

From what I know the patriarch is a man named Karyon, the patriarch of the clan is the supreme leader and the one who makes decisions, usually the stronger vampire of the family

another one to take advantage of my strength, I dont blame them you could even say that desire for power is a vampire instinct

"I see," I say walking with Eleonore behind me

I tend to stand out in my household, for a lot of reasons, most are afraid of me or appreciation for my appearance

whenever I pass vampires and maids alike bow their heads, I guess I was born a noble after all, it is a good feeling indeed

walking this gigant house with my robe and eyes closed with a posture so dignified you could mistake me for Queen Elizabeth herself

I hear some maids whispering about me, I guess they forgot that my hearing is better than normal vampires it is convenient for me so I will not correct them

"Look, she is where, such a rare occasion that she leaves her room, shes so beautiful that I cant even take my eyes off her i wish I was her maid" I hear some maids gossip

it seems Eleonore is too a target for their envy, but she stands proud behind me with admiration coming from her eyes me i can see because of my mana vision thats what I named it

soon we got to the dining room Eleonore announced while knocking on the door

"Knock knock, Lady Seraphine Noire is where" Says Eleonore with a rather loud tone of voice

then I hear a familiar voice that I remember hearing in my mother's womb

"Very well, you can enter" says Karyon the patriarch

Eleonore opens the door

this will be the first time that we see each other face to face, usually, he is busy taking care of politics, and im guessing he wanted to wait for me to get more knowledge

of the world itself, let us see what he wants

 "A pleasure to meet you patriarch" I say giving a respectful bow

Karyon is a rather old looking vampire, with black hair with some white details here and there, combed behind giving him a Nordic feeling, a beard well shaved

he wears a black shirt that covers up to his hands, he is tall very tall, and he truly is built like a Nordic warrior

"The pleasure is mine Seraphine, I was expecting to meet you ever since I heard of you" he says politely

"If I may say you are even more beautiful than the rumors tell" says the patriarch staring at my figure

"Thank you, patriarch, if I may, you look even more fierce than the rumors care to tell too" I said to him with a gentle tone

 "thank you Seraphine, please have a sit" Karyon says looking at the chair I was supposed to sit

as I walk to the chair Eleonore goes upfront and pulls the chair so I can sit while she slightly bows her head

 "Eleonore, wait outside if you will" I say to Eleonore

 "As you wish, My Lady" Eleonore said with a lost puppy face that I found quite charming

 then she takes her leave

"then patriarch, why do you wish to speak with me?" I ask with a respectful tone

"first of all, I as a very old vampire, know what most dont, so if you have questions about your nature you may ask now" Karyon says

"Very well, then my eyes do you know if this mysterious power is an innate skill?" I asked the patriarch who looked apprehensive

"Legends say that Progenitors have ancient powers related to the very first emotions related to survival, they lived in a time that you needed this set of emotions to survive for what I heard yours would look to be fear" Karyon answered with a hint of curiosity while looking at my eyes

"And it is not just your eyes, you are the embodiment of fear itself but you still dont have control over it, will come with time and practice" says Karyon

Hmm... embodiment of fear I like it

"I see, and vampire society knows of my existence already?" I ask

Karyon tries to not look surprised but fails, not even a movement escapes my mana vision i can feel even a petal falling from a tree truly magnificent

but I refrain from saying anything

"Yes, thats the main reason why I wanted to talk with you, it is very likely that a spy attempted on you or attempts to contact you, as you may know

you are very dangerous for the other clan at this moment, because if they let you grow Noire Clan is sure to reach royal hood" says Karyon

well, I already knew all this but he thinks im just an 8 year old vampire so I refrain from speaking the truth, he is speaking as if I was already on Noire side hahaha what a joke

"Hmmm... but I do wish to attend the academy patriarch, is that a problem?" I ask Karyon with a childish tone

"if you may yes it is better if you attend the academy there is only so much one can study from books, and vampire society cant afford private teachers because they need to teach every student they can so vampire society grows stronger faster" says Karyon

"But be very careful, I will make the arrangements so you can go if anything abnormal happens report it to me, I doubt that at this point anyone will try to kill you

but being careful is for the best Seraphine" say Karyon

"Understood patriarch, then I will be leaving," I say while getting up off the chair and going for the door

I stopped and looked behind and slightly bowed my head

"Eleonore, if you may" I say then the door opens with Eleonore opening as she bows her head 

then I made my way to my room while immersed in thoughts

the academy hehe, will be fun, from what I heard usually you start at the age of 14, and are tested and put in classes according to your talents

There are no years as it were in my former life and I overheard an interesting rumor from maids a while ago let's see if it is true

Right now my sister and brother are living in the academy dormitory, im gonna play with them a little hehehehe

"Eleonore pack my things and yours too for we are going to the dormitory soon" I say with a grim smile on my face, no one could see, but when Eleonore felt a shiver running down her spine, she knew