
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Horror In The Form Of A Child

In a castle somewhere a child will be born...

"RUN faster the lady is giving birth take the towels" the maid said.

"AAAAAA IT IS HURTING!" The lady couldnt understand.

soon she will understand...

"Be strong my lady I already can see it almost done" said one of the maids.

One last push and the baby is out

its a girl with skin so pale that u could say she is moon colored.

She's not crying, she is different she felt different the maids thought together.

the maid who held her gave the baby to the mother after washing her

but for some reason the baby does not open its eyes...

the baby opens its eyes after feeling the grasp of his mother, and a pair of crimson eyes appears and boom

despair, as if they were being hunted in a dark forest a pressure they had never felt


maids start to fall to the ground crying, its mother looked fine though

the mother rushes to close the baby's eyes with her hands

and the pressure from before disappeared as if nothing had happened

a men enter the room in a frenzy

"what was that?! I could feel it in the hall, a shiver running down my spine" said the man

he looked young, with blonde hair and a robe worthy of a king, black with some details in red blood

"Marcellus this baby! look at it, its not normal, after I closed its eyes the pressure from before vanished" says the blonde woman holding her baby

but when he sees the baby his expression turns to terror

"Maids lock down the castle NOW!!" the man screams then all the maids wake up from their thoughts and rush to do what he says

"Maria... you gave birth to a being that we do not comprehend," says the man to his wife

she looks at him with a puzzled look on her face

"what? I do not understand what's happening?" says Lady Maria the one who gave birth.

Maria was strong among vampires so was Marcellus her husband, Maria was a tall woman with blonde hair smooth as spider strings and slightly pale skin, she was beautiful

her husband Marcellus was tall with a big beard well kept blonde hair and orange eyes like any other vampire... so they thought.

"her eyes are red Marcellus, a blood red, what is she?" Say Maria asking Marcellus

"A being said to be from the legends... Projenitor" say Marcellus

"A what? Never heard of it" says Maria

"Progenitor as the legends says are the first vampires the originals all vampires came from them, we vampires used to have paler skin and redder eyes but

with the years and years of vampire history and reproduction vampires started to lose traits of vampirism, thats why older vampires are usually stronger but how?

the world dont have progenitors for billions and billions of years" says Marcellus terrified.

"Gods what did I just give birth to?!" says Maria holding the baby

"legends say that progenitors can turn humans into vampires they dont need reproduction to create vampires" says Marcellus

 Maria listened and could not believe the words not that she could not believe just that goes against every common sense that vampires had.

"All we know are legends, is hard to tell if it is true, all we can do is wait and see" says Marcellus

the room was cold... but what they would hear next made shivers run down their spines.

"A name" someone says


"you are forgetting to give me a name" a girl's voice coming from Maria's arms say

 Marcellus and Maria look at the baby, shocked

sure, vampire kids grow fast, but this has never happened before

"Daughter?" says Marcellus with a puzzled look on his face

"Yes, seems that I can talk already" the baby says in a calm tone

"How can this be? A newborn baby speaking how?" says Maria hinting at fear

"Fret not Mother, I was already capable of hearing inside your womb" the baby said

Marcellus and Maria couldnt believe what was just happening a newborn baby was speaking to them like it was nothing.

"My name, I wish to get a name" said the baby excited

"Seraphine Noire" says Marcellus

 "I loved the name Dad hehehehehahahahahaha" Little Seraphine was overjoyed or should I say? Sayu....

a newborn laughing like a creep is definitely a sight you dont come around very often

 Yes thats me Sayu, apparently i reborn as a vampire hahahaha i couldn't contain my happiness, I'm not human anymore something I could only dream of just happened

that is so good, It is good to be finally born what a happy feeling

"I must ask, Father there is some kind of strange energy rushing inside my eyes, do you happen to know what it is?" I ask Marcellus, my father

he seems to be lost in thought and then wakes up

"ah, yes, maybe, could be an innate ability, they are very rare abilities one could only be born with them, but is hard to say right now, could be a power coming from your superior vampire genes" my father said

I really liked to be called superior for some reason

"I guess my only option now is to experiment with everything I can, mother you can take out your hands from my face, I will not open my eyes for the time being" I say 

she takes her hand out and gives me a good look

"I must say you truly are a beautiful baby" says Maria

"you flatter me mother, seems that my birth gave quite the trouble for you, i think is for the best that you rest for now, Father if you may, bring me a maid to aid me" I say with a gentle tone

they think that I dont know the game, snakes, I was hearing everything from inside Maria's womb, me and my brothers and are just babies produced with repopulation purposes in mind, they lost a bunch of vampires at the war even the royal family is dead, they are hiding in fear of extinction, I dont know the details yet

"Yes, of course, maids enter the room!" Marcellus agrees and calls for some maids

five maids enter the room, humans? why?

"Father, why there are human servants?" I ask

"vampires are in a bad situation right now we cant afford to be picky with servants, choose what you want" says Marcellus

they are trembling, poor girls

the power in my eyes made them cry, so I get why they were scared, for some reason, I can feel when someone is scared of me, a kind of instinct, hard to say

one of them looks younger, with short black hair and a nice body, green eyes, and white skin

I will pick her

"you there black short hair, come forward and state your name," I say

she hesitates but takes the step

"Im Eleonore My Lady," she says bowing 

"then Eleonore, im Seraphine Noire, you will be in charge of taking care of me from now on," I say with a gentle smile

she looks excited, cute

"it will be my pleasure to take care of you Lady Seraphine" Eleonore says

I will toy with her, hehehe

she takes me from my mother's arms and we leave, the mansion is pretty cool I guess, there are no windows but the hall is illuminated by the mana system, Eleonore said at least, I dont really know, the walls are grey at the ground a red carpet

we are going to the bathroom for a bath and I kept asking her a lot of questions, after the bath I was taken to my room, pretty big you ask me, mirrors to brush my hair, a round table left from my bed, my bed is big too

Eleonore puts me on my bed and goes looking for clothes in a wardrobe

"Eleonore, I cant open my eyes, so I need you to get all the books you can find around the mansion with relevant information about the world of course, and read them aloud for me, bring food too" I order Eleonore

she bows and leaves the room after properly putting my clothes

I must say, im feeling good, powerful, smarter, superior

looking myself at in the mirror, I can see that im very pale, equivalent to an albino back in my former life

I asked Eleonore how she got here, apparently, she was sold as a slave before the gates were closed

seems that no vampire can leave Citadel for the time being, Cidadel is the name of this city, no vampire wants to leave thought

while I was lost in thought a boy and a girl with blonde hair and orange eyes entered the run with two maids

"hmm? wheres the baby maids why it alone?" says the little girl banging at the door

 "Lady please rethink what you are doing your father said that you shouldn't disturb Lady Seraphine" says the maid on the left

 "It is just a baby what bad there is to it? im her older sister and I want to see her, right Marcus?" says the little girl

 "Yes is just common that we are curious about our newborn sister Seraphine Enough already Let's see her Ophelia" says the little boy

must be my brother and sister Ophelia and Marcus

then when they were getting close to the bed the baby was in, they gasped at the sight of the baby wearing a white robe with golden color details, eyes closed

sitting in the bed alone, a skin so pale that could be said it was made of snow

"wow she is beautiful, but why her eyes are closed?" said Ophelia

Marcus thought the same

they got close and were looking at me i kept quiet to see what would happen looks like they were examining me 

Ophelia got close to my face and touched it trying to open my eyes.

then she heard a voice coming from a strange place

 "you better not do this Sister" I said

"AAA! what the hell??? the baby spoke" said Ophelia

"Are you crazy Sister it is just a baby how can it speak?" says Marcus

"She spoke! I indeed heard it" says Ophelia

Marcus with a puzzled look goes closer to me too 

then "Hello brother a pleasure to meet you" I said

"what the???!! a newborn baby just spoke to me how can this be?" said Marcus

while they were in a daze Eleonore entered the room

"What's happening where? Lady Ophelia Lord Marcus I believe your father said to not disturb Lady Seraphine" said Eleonore

"Eleonore bring my food, and see my brother and sister out of my room please" I said

"What? A baby is speaking like this and you do not find it strange? what happening" said Ophelia

"Please Lord Marcus and Lady Ophelia leave Lady Seraphine's room" says Eleonore with fear in her eyes

"Leave, how come I leave? I demand an explanation" says Marcus

"I will not ask again Marcus Ophelia, leave when the time comes I will speak with you both" I say hinting at a little bit of rage

"Please Lord Lady leave, both of you still didnt feel it you need to leave now" Eleonore says trembling

"whats with this maid? Why are you trembling is just a baby even if can speak," says Ophelia

then I open my eyes FEAR... FEAR a pressure inside the room like they never felt before

when they turn to me with eyes opened they gasp in fear i look at them with red eyes, fear would not let them speak they are paralyzed in fear, the maids

are humans and weaker started shaking, them they hear a voice


then the pressure disappeared

the room was silent no one dared to speak

"I shall not do anything this time because is the first, Brother Sister, dont ever do that again" I say with a gentle tone this time

my brother and sister were speechless they couldnt comprehend what had just happened

The maids and my brother and sister leave in a hurry and now it me and Eleonore

"Im sorry Eleonore I lost my temper and made you go through something bad" I said to Eleonore 

Eleonore still trembling seems to wake up from the fear

"Dont worry My Lady, im here to serve you every need" she says with fear in her eyes

I want to mess her up badly hehehe

I can taste her fear

"then would you care to read and feed me at once?" I order Eleonore

she bows and says

"of course princess" says Eleonore