
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Low Self Esteem

Start of classes

"Why can't I go with you Lady?" says Eleonore making a sad expression

so cute like a puppy

"Eleonore people that are not matriculated cannot go to classes, be a good girl and wait for me here" I say while patting her head

"I shall be going" I say while heading to my room

immediately after I close the door I can feel with mana vision that she is smelling my pillow she has zero self-control, but don't matter if she does as I say

I make my way to my class

entering my class I can see that is not very different from a university class back in my former life, the tables are flat and go up like a staircase in the middle there is a stair

I enter and make my way to my chair that is at the top, as im going up the stairs, students start to murmur to each other about me, apparently, I even have a nickname now

Queen, a nickname worthy of me indeed

there are fewer students in this class because this is a class for the top talents of this year there are about 12 students here

sitting by my side there is a shy girl, about the same height im, and wearing glasses, seems that she wants to talk with me but can't summon the courage to do it

everyone is glaring at her in envy and disapproval too, I wonder why, but I have an idea

tied brown hair, outside of the academy cloak used by students her clothes are normal

I guess she is not a noble, and the nobles are pissed because there is a commoner in the gifted class

while I was thinking she seemed to have summoned the strength to talk with me

"Quee- Seraphine correct? im Vani Eloin it seems that we sit side by side I hope to get along with you" says the girl, almost called me Queen too...

"Yes im Seraphine Noire, a pleasure to meet you Vani, likewise I hope we get along" I say to her with a gentle smile, after seeing that I was gentle with her, she let out a sigh

in relief

"I remember your name, you got second place in the exams right?" I ask Vani

"Y-es im happy you remember" Vani answered blushing

"but is truly a shame, I didn't get to see others exams, after my exam I got tired and went to my room" I say with a sad expression

"No need to worry Seraphine, I don't think you lost anything, and your exam was truly a sight to see, you are a talent even among talents one may say" Vani speaks more openly

seems that she is getting used to speaking to me

"You flatter me" I say blushing a little and passing my hand in my hair 

she blushes while looking at me... im gorgeous so this is normal

"N-o at a-ll, you tr-" she couldn't finish because some students were coming my way

some boys... I know where this is going

"Seraphine are you engaged... Seraphine are you looking for a partner..." and a bunch more questions and proposals, I guess they see me being gentle with a commoner and think I will be with them too, sigh...

"I will have to refuse, im not engaged and not looking for a partner at this moment" I say, they all start to sigh and put on sad expressions

when they were going back to their place a boy, with red hair probably a noble from a higher class came my way


"I think you should rethink what you said, with the situation of your Noire Clan, you should marry me, im from the Komari clan, Galileo Komari, and you should stop being friendly with this commoner too" the red hair boy says


Vani put on a sad expression

Galileo reached his hand to touch my elbow

"if you touch me, I will kill you" I say unfazed, Galileo looks at my face and knows im not lying

the boy flinched in fear, he knew about the rumors

"who im friendly with is not of your concern, back down now" I order Galileo

the boy is scared, but he will not let his pride be hurt, so easily it seems

"How can you be friendly with this commoner and not with me, im a noble my clan is richer than yours" says the scared Galileo

"Richers? Let me ask you this, can money stop a sword that will cut you in half? don't matter if Vani is a commoner she was ranked second, for all I know she is the most worthy of my attention here, did I say something wrong?" I say to the boy with a cold voice showing no emotion

then he backs down, and the class is filled with murmurs

I turn to Vani once again

"Where we were?" I say smiling to her

she blushes and arranges her glasses... cute

"Nothing important really, tha-nk you for standing up for me, im glad" Vani says putting her hand on her face


"Seems like class is about to begin, but at lunch would you like to join me at the cafeteria? I would be glad to talk more with you" I say to Vani smiling

"I would lo-ve it thank you for the invitation" Vani said trying to cover her embarrassment

The classes went smoothly, some teachers kept asking me how could I watch the class with my eyes closed, but it was fine


"is the queen... she is beautiful... queen" the murmur goes on

Vani was walking embarrassed because all the eyes were on us

"look at her side is Vani Eloin I heard she placed second this year... so the first and second walk together hmm... but she is a commoner right?" murmur goes about Vani too

I perceive her discomfort

"do not give ears to what they say Vani, that is the price the ones like us have to pay" I say to her, but she seems puzzled

"one's like us?" she asks

"the top, those who stand underneath us can only do as much, murmur, rumors, whisper" I say putting my finger in the air

"Let us take the drinks and go to a private place, so we can talk in particular" I say smiling at her

"but there is no private place in the cafeteria Seraphine" she says puzzled 

"there" I point to the private cabins

these are only for special individuals, and I guess im quite special

"B-ut Seraphine I don't think im allowed there im a commoner remember" she says putting on a lost puppy expression

"Nonsense Vani, my cabin my rules, and there is no rule saying anything about letting friends inside" I say to her, and as soon I pop the word friend she looks really happy

"then let us go" she says smiling happily

I spend a few weeks like this, attending classes, reading books from the library, helping Vani train, mock battles...

Vani flashback

CRACK, a bottle was smashed

"YOU CANT EVEN GIVE ME A MALE WITH THAT WOMB OF YOURS USELESS" a man says while throwing a bottle in the wall

while all this happened a little girl is inside her room crying silently

end of the flashback

"Vani? Vani?" I call her name

"woah sorry, my thoughts got the best of me sorry Seraphine" Vani said with a hint of sadness

"Something on your mind Vani? I hope you know im here to hear you anytime" I say gently while taking her hand

she blushes

"Yes Seraphine, it's just that these past days you have been so good to me, you are the first person I know that treats me gently, I guess im starting to feel like im just having a good dream" says Vani trying not to look at me

I could see that she had some self esteem issues already, well she placed second in the exams but still acted like she was just any commoner

I got closer to her and gave her a hug

"You are a person too, you are talented, gentle, polity, you deserve a friend don't doubt yourself stand proud Vani" I whisper in her ear while hugging her

She starts to hug me tighter, and is smelling me... gosh you too?

"Seraphine, if I said that I love you, romantically I mean, would you not like it?" Vani asks while bumbles of tears start to form in her eyes

so cute, a little bit of being nice, and little Vani is dependent

"if you said that I guess I would have to kiss you, and I would start to pass my hands through your body too" I whisper in her ear seductive

and that was the final push, and she let out her pervert side

her face is melting with a mix of tears and saliva

"I wuv you I wuv you I wuv please do what you said" Vani says drooling

I do what I said, I put my knee in her crotch and start to kiss her on the sofa, I pass my hands over her whole body


she is moaning, I can feel her getting wet on my knee

"Mommy hold me hold me" Vani begs, looks like mommy issues hmm...

I hug her tight and start fingering her, she is moaning in my ear while calling me mommy

I then go faster, and she is getting to climax, and with a louder moan she came

"so gojd i nrever frelt sro gojd in my life" she tries to speak, but she is lost in her climax

I let her go and get up, but she falls to her knees and starts to hug my thighs

"mommy let me please you too, I do anything for you" Vani says melting in my thighs

good... this is good... more..., broken toys truly are the best to play with

I sit on the sofa and Vani starts to come crawling toward the middle of my thighs


"Lunch break is about to end Vani we should get going shall we?" I say to Vani stuck in my embrace

she put on a lost puppy expression and says

"just a little more" 

I start to pat her head, she is just like a cute animal

"Vani, the circumstances around my life are complicated, I don't know how much time I have left, I may have to leave Citadel at some point" I say with a hint of sadness

Vani starts to act visibly unstable

"Why? How? I don't want to be apart" Vani says while lying down on my stomach

"that doesn't mean we have to be apart Vani, not if you come with me, you can't get away from me anymore Vani, you will stay by my side" I say to Vani, she seems happy

I guess no one ever told her to stay, she seems overjoyed

she starts to hug me more

"I exist only to serve you, but if I may could I make a request?" Vani says and starts to touch my hair

Hum? Request?

"Go on" I say

"I wish t-o address you by your nickname, Queen" says Vani biting her tongue and blushing

I truly have the talent to find perverts, I guess talented people are always eccentric

"I don't mind Vani" I say to her 

"My Queen, you are so perfect, make me want to worship you" Vani takes my hand and kisses it on the back

cute, so cute makes me want to pet her

"You can worship me all you want Vani" I say to her

"I love the way you accept me My Queen" Vani says while kissing the back of my hand

people like Vani, just want someone to accept them completely

I get up and start to arrange my clothes and hair 

"study awaits us, shall we?" I say to her with a gentle smile

she rises and starts to get dressed

hehehe this will be a fun year

5 months late

I have been spending my time productively, I learn what I can in classes, read books at the library, discussing new knowledge with Vani and Eleonore

I sneak to the forest at night to test magic in peace

With my help Vani is growing stronger and stronger she has quite the talent indeed, Vani has 2 elements, stone and water, an excellent combination in the future she will be able to fund both to get advanced ice elemental magic

im teaching the ways to Eleonore too, she has an affinity for wind

as for myself im about to test out a newfound source of power

"I hope no one sees anything it would be bad to attract too much attention at this point" I thought to myself

"lets see" I say while stretching

"Thunder" I turn the mana around my body into electricity, and blue lighting starts to appear and make electric noises

"With my current level of mana control I should be able to use this" I thought and started to channel my elemental affinity


the blue lighting around me starts to turn red and become more intense, I feel a warm feeling that they didn't have before

im more powerful than ever

let's see what I can do

I put up my arm and a bolt of red thunder moves out of my hand and destroys a tree, making a relatively big explosion

I hope no one heard that at least in my mana vision I don't see anyone around

this is strong i didn't put that much mana in but still was pretty big, I feel all the possibilities running through my mind with this power I can rise

I spent more time at the forest testing and then went back 

two girls are talking in my room, Vani and Eleonore, they didn't like each other at first but started to get closer and closer over time, and they have something very precious in common, the one they love the most is me you could guess what they talk about when im not there right?

"My Queen was perfect today in class too like always" says Vani with a happy face

"aaah im so jealous I wish I could see My Lady at class" Eleonore says with a sucking face

"But, you got to put clothes on her, and brush her hair, im jealous of you too, I wish I could do her hair every day so I can smell her every day after waking up" says Vani putting her head on my pillow, and taking a deep breath

"Vani don't do that! I just finished the bed not long ago" Eleonore says with a hint of angry

"Sorry, sorry I couldn't resist" says Vani joking

I enter the room, when they see me they put on a bright smile

just like 2 puppies waiting for their owner... so cute I can barely resist it

"good night to you two, shall we have dinner together?" I say with a smile

at some point, Vani started to live more in my room than hers

"lets eat then, I will prepare the table at once My Lady" says Eleonore

after the meal, we go to bed and I play with them for a while, and we all sleep

Tomorrow would come and I would receive a great visit