
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Examination And Maid With Smell Fetish

2 days later, day of the examination

Eleonore is combing my white hair, and showing me the results

"Perfect Eleonore" I say, the maid lets out a sigh of relief

"Then shall we go, Lady?" Eleonore ask

I shake my head up and down, and then she opens the door to the dormitory hallway, I pass, and soon she comes behind me, walking gracefully I was making my way while the students start their gossip about me, vermin...

I was wearing a crimson red mantle with little lines of white, underneath a sweater black that covered my neck and arms, a tight black pants

more of a battle set than pretty, but I will be doing the exams better be prepared, the exams will be underground at least I don't have to worry about the sun

in the doorstep to the underground chamber

"Why are you here anyway, Noire weaklings!" Carmilion says while laughing

Marcus and Ophelia are being bullied again... such a boring kind of bullying, Carmilion cant think of anything else to say?

It seems that they are trapped in the corner and cant run away this time around

I will show Carmilion what bullying truly is....

let's see, I will save them but I can't cause a scene here, last time Carmilion ran away without hearing that I'm their sister

I walked with Eleonore in Carmilion's direction, as I pass the other students fell silent, the hall was full of Carmilion's insults

I then stopped behind him, Carmilion feeling the atmosphere changing inside the hall look behind, and saw his little gang of 2 boys from the last time were paralyzed, Carmilion's expression went blank

instead of talking with him, I pass by him and stop in front of my brother and sister

"Older Brother Older Sister, has been some time, everything well?" I say with a gentle tone

Carmilion stands there with his first clenched, and puzzled look

See boy? Bully is about psychological fear, not some shitty words you scream around

"Eve-rything well Sister, I wish you luck on your exams" Ophelia says biting her tongue

it seems that Marcus pride was hurt, once again he couldn't protect his sister and got saved I guess the bullying will stop now that they know I'm from the Noire clan

"then I bid you goodbye and best of luck to you two" I say while walking toward my designed area with Eleonore

Ophelia seems to think she can fool me... cute, I know her type, she will learn her lesson eventually

I walked through the door, and saw myself in a room with some students maybe 50 or so, I made my way to the arena in the middle

soon a man who seemed to be the examinator for this area shows up, he had red hair, and cup hairstyle orange eyes wearing an academy cloak, blue and gold colored with a crest

the men then announce

"A name will be called, and if it is yours step forward inside the arena, if it is not your name don't enter the arena, and do not interfere with any students exam! You will be penalized if you do break any rule!" The men yelled to everyone in the hall

quite brute, it is a power based society I guess

"Then I will begin..." The examinator started to call the names

it seems that there is only basic stuff to test your capability and talents, but something is interesting, a big blue stone about 3 meters tall that can say

if you have magic aptitude and what elements do you have aptitude with

there are, fire, stone, water, and air, are the basic elements you can still use any of them without having aptitude but is not recommended as they will take more time

to go and use more mana, basically in battle, you die if you try to do this

few can get more than one element, and from what I know you can merge the elements to get a new one if you know what you are doing

there is a crystal ball that can see your approximate amount of mana, mana is what you use for casting magic, the more mana you have more powerful the magic you cast you can accumulate mana to increase your reservation, but it all comes down to natural talent if your body can't take more than a certain amount then nothing can be done

"Seraphine Noire step forward!" the examinator yelled

while I was lost in thoughts the examinator called my name, I stepped forward, Eleonore tried to follow but I gestured with my hands, and she stopped, bowing her head slightly

I enter the arena and the examinator gives me a puzzled look

I guess im quite different from other vampires physically

"A pleasure to make you acquainted" I say to the examinator as I stop in front of him, he is quite tall

I give a slight bow, and he seems to come back from his thoughts

"Likewise, but if I may ask why your eyes are closed? You need to see to do some of the exams" he asks

"No need to worry examinator, I can see, and it would be best for me if you don't ask about my appearance" I say with a hint of aggression

he seems a little angry, but there is nothing he can do

"then make your way to the crystal ball" he says with a bored tone

"surely" I say making my way there

I stop and touch the ball with the palm of my hand

a second later comes a cracking sound... I guess I kinda expected it

the ball cracks in the middle and breaks

"!??!!??" the examinator put on a surprised face while looking at the ball

I could hear murmurs from all the students around me 

the examinator trying not to lose his composure say

"Seraphine Noire, did you use something to break the ball?" he says looking suspiciously at me

"I did not Examinator," I say unfazed

"so it seems that you have more mana than the ball can count alone..." he says while looking at me like im a freak

"seems like it, what now?" I ask without changing my expression

The examinator is even more angry by my unfazed expression and arrogance

"Now go to the elemental stone, later on, the academy may use other methods to test your amount of mana," he says 

then I make my way to the stone

"Now touch it and pour a tiny bit of your mana in it" he says

I do as he says and the stone starts to glow in a bright red... fire

"it seems you have a great fire aptitude" says the examinator

hmm, I think I had an idea, but is too early to put it into practice

"then lets continue, to the next exam, physical" says the examinator

he leads me to a part of the field where there are various types of weapons

"You can go with fists if you like or choose a weapon" says the examinator

I go around and find a big greatsword, I stop in front of it, and everyone glances with puzzled looks because is not the type of weapon people tend to choose, they are heavy, slow, and not a good weapon for beginners at all

I take it with one hand like it is a kitchen knife, and everyone gets surprised

I walk with it and go in front of the examinator

he takes out his sword and puts up his guard

"give your shot, I will defend it and see the strength" he says with a confident look

vermin, dare to smile at me like you are superior, I will wipe that smile off your face

"Understood" I say and put my greatsword up my head and I go down with all my strength 

a wave of dust gets up and no one can see what happened

after the dust went down, everyone could see the expression of rage the examinator had on his face

 it seems that I broke one of his fingers in the impact, that is what you get for underestimating me, vermin

"Are you sure you should be making that kind of expression? Everyone is seeing your EXAMINATOR" I say with a merciless tone

after hearing this he wakes up and acts like nothing happened 

the students were all shocked by the demonstration

"You may keep that weapon if you see fit" says the examinator

then I shelter it and put it on my back feels a bit heavy but nothing I can't handle

"we may proceed to the mana control test the last one" says the examinator

then we walk to a training dummy

"You may use a raw mana attack at that dummy so I can see your level of magic control" he says to me

"examinator, im not sure if this is a good idea" I say to him

"Nonsense, do it already" he says arrogantly


I charge a raw magic attack and when he sees it, he tries to stop me, he can feel the amount, but it is too late

a burst of magic goes forward and destroys all dummies in its way and hits the wall making an earthquake

the students start to scream, but soon stop, dust is going down, and they finally can see

the expression the examinator was making, said all they needed to know

an expression of fear... an expression that says A MONSTER WAS BORN 

I turn to him and say 

"forgive me for the mess examinator, I have too much mana in my body and I find it difficult to control" I say with a passive aggressive tone

he is angry but at the same time scared of what I will become in the near future

"I see... you may go, the results will be sent to your room in 2 days from now" he says 

I walked away and gestured to Eleonore to follow, while I walked in the middle of the crowd they started to make way for me to pass out of fear, such a convenient tool fear is

in the hallway where my room is located, I see a girl with beautiful blonde hair, Ophelia

when I stop at my door she compliments me slightly bowing her head

 "Sister, a pleasure to see you" Ophelia says to me with an innocent smile

 "Likewise Sister, could I invite you to enter?" I say innocently

 she gave a flinch... I guess she did not expect it to be that easy

 "Yes Sister, it would be a pleasure" she says

 Eleonore then rushes to open the door

 "Eleonore, prepare the table, so we may eat" I order Eleonore

 "Understood my lady" Eleonore answered

 Ophelia seems to be puzzled about my maid, students usually are not allowed to bring one, but if there are rules there is an exception

 "In special cases, servants are allowed to stay" I say to Ophelia

She flinches, it seems that she takes pride in her poker face...

"I see..." she answers

I feel it on her hehehe... fear, can't go back now little one

"My Lady, the table is done" Eleonore then announces

I sit and take a sip of blood... marvelous

"Please, you may sit with me Ophelia, Eleonore" I say to them

Eleonore immediately sat down and enjoyed her blood, Ophelia then sat with a doubting look 

"Sister why a servant is drinking blood?" Ophelia ask shy

"Why you ask? She is a vampire" I say nonchalantly

Ophelia gets kinda stunned by that, vampires servants are viewed as a waste of manpower

"No need to worry yourself about that" I say, looking like she was lost in thoughts

"if I may then, I would like to thank you for helping me these past few days" Ophelia says to me smiling

thanks... I know her type

"Oh no Sister, no need to worry about that, I did nothing" I say to Ophelia 

"You did Sister even if indirectly you helped, and I would like to start being friends with you, we never had much of a chance to talk back home" Ophelia said smiling

we didn't talk because you were too scared to talk with me... but I abstain from saying that hehehe

Anyway does she think I have 8 years or something? Start by being friends? Well I guess I have 8 years

I smiled, and then the smile turned into a malicious grim

she flinches

I get up from my chair and go in her direction, going behind her, I give her a hug

"Sister...?" she seems surprised and scared at the same time

 I got closer to her ear

"Ophelia you offend me, dear sister, I may have to close my eyes but I see you" I whisper in her ear

"Offends...? What do you mean sister?" she says making a confused expression

"Poor Ophelia, I know your type, parasites who feed on people's pity, Marcus cant do the job anymore? Or do you want someone else?" I whisper in her ear

her expression went from confusion to fear in a blink of an eye

she tries to get out of my grasp, but with no success im too strong for her

"you know you can't run from me dear sister, stay" I whisper while I tight my arms around her 

she stops trying, how cute

"Si-ster i-- did not intend to offend you please" Ophelia plead

"Don't worry Sister, I will not hurt you, but if you ask I can" I whisper while biting her ear

I start to feel her body with my hands going lower and lower

then I stop

"I can be your "friend" sister if it is what you want" I say while walking toward Eleonore drinking blood

"but you see, I have a unique way of expressing friendship" I stop behind Eleonore

then I start to explore her body bit by bit touching her soft boobs

I lick her neck and Eleonore lets out a moan

"Mmm Lady, your sister is looking" Eleonore says blushing

I go through her skirt and it is soaking wet

"You act like you don't like it while being this wet right here" I whisper and start to touch her crotch

she starts moaning

Ophelia is blushing, she gets up

"I thi-nk that I sh-ould leave" Ophelia says then starts to walk towards the door direction

"Sister if you change your mind come to see me" I say to her while she closes the door 

"Now what is it that you want Eleonore?" I said stopping playing with her while she was almost there

she seemed disappointed 

"I wa-nt to get punishment from your Lady please I beg you" she says with a shy tone

"looks like this masochist maid forgot common courtesy to get punishment, let me show you" I say while taking her head and forcing her to the ground 

she falls on the floor and starts to lick my feet, she is doing an expression like that is so good... makes me want to break her for good

"im sorry, im sorry forgive me Lady this maid needs more training please train me more" Eleonore says 

I grab her neck while on the ground suffocating her, I get her up and smash her on the table turning her rear towards me, I take out her underwear, and start to spank her butt

"AAmmm Lady train me" she begs while moaning 

every time I spank her she lets out more and more fluids, and I start to smile maliciously

she keeps letting out moans mixed with screams while I spank her, and then I start to finger her insides hard while whispering in her ear

"if you keep showing me such a cute side of you I will end up breaking you" I whisper with a malefic tone laughing

she is moaning louder and louder, she is close to climax 

I start to go faster 

and then she came, her legs started to shake, and she was drooling, can't even form a word

she passed out for a few seconds but then I woke her up with a slap on her butt, I put my mouth close to her ear

"looks like this slutty maid need more training, she can't even stand" I whisper while grabbing her neck and taking her to the bed

"yesh, yesh, I need mu taining pleas" Eleonore says while I throw her on the bed 

Look like the night will be good...

The next day

Eleonore wakes up and sees Seraphine by her side, Eleonore doesn't know if she is sleeping because her eyes are always closed

Eleonore then hugs her Lady

 "Lady are you awake?" the maid asks while hugging me 

"Yes im Eleonore, say what is on your mind" I answer

"My lady, is it ok for me to desire you this much? I want to feel you every day, hold you like this forever I don't want to let you go, I felt jealous when you touched your sister before, there is much little I can do for you my lady, I fear that if I let you go, you will leave me behind, but I can't live without you anymore" say Eleonore hugging me stronger

 I turn to face her and I start to hug her too

"Poor Eleonore you don't need to be afraid, I promise to take you with me no matter where I go, you will be with me forever, wanting or not, because you are mine and mine alone and I take care of my things, and I find your obsessive side quite charming" I whisper in her ear while hugging her

"Lady im melting in your arms mmm, you smell so good, your hair is perfect, your beautiful pale skin, when you hold me I feel like going crazy, i wuv i wuv i wuv you Lady Seraphine I wuv you mmmmm let me smell you more I want to feel your skin more more, so happy..." Eleonore say drooling

I guess she finally snapped, aah... but it's okay, broken toys are the most loyal, I still love her

"Enough Eleonore, you may go prepare my clothes and your other shores" I order her

she wakes up from her trance at my command

"Yesh Lady" Eleonore says still drooling

tomorrow, classes will start, lets see what I can learn before leaving Citadel

I do need some planning, for starters, I need to know where I will go after leaving the citadel, even if I disappear no one will send vampires to seek me, they do not have enough manpower and can't risk losing more because of me, and with this Cold War going on under the covers vampires are too afraid to make any bold move by now all the noble clans must know about me from rumors about the entrance exam, an assassination attempt is bound to happen sooner or late, they will see how I play first they will try to get closer

one year is enough to learn all I need from the academy library and classes

while immersed in thoughts, Eleonore calls me to comb my hair, I rise from my bed and sit down on the chair

She started to brush my hair, and she would occasionally smell it... well, I guess it's fine if she does her job correctly... 

"Eleonore, just do my hair already you are smelling too much," I say