
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs




Alex walked forward as the attackers stepped backwards in fear.

"Move one more step forward and I SwEAr to GOD! We will kill every child here." One of the attackers threatened with a knife around the throat of the child which he held, an action which the others quickly emulated.

Alex looked at the sight before him, shook his head in disappointment and kept on walking with a look of absolutely no concern on his face, a look which Elizabeth and Dimitrius also wore on their faces as they observed the attackers with pity for what was about to be done to them.

As soon as Alex took a step forward, blood spilled everywhere across the land as the attackers slashed the throats of every single child in the grave with no hesitation as they dropped the lifeless bodies of the children to the ground.

Alex kept on walking as he simply looked at the bodies on the floor and then back at the attackers before responding, "So?"

"Wh-wh-what the fuck?" one of the attackers muttered in fear of not the fact that Alex didn't stop coming at them after they had just murdered the children which he was supposed to protect but rather at the cold and lifeless expression that was pasted on the faces of the three people in front of him, even the mother of Maria who was just slaughtered did not make a single expression of anger or even worry, as a matter of fact it looked like she was calmer than when he firstly came.

In panic the attackers took to their heels as they attempted to flee into the woods behind them in order to escape from the wrath of the monster in front of them.

"There are a number of ways which I could kill you all before you even realized you were dead," Alex began, "But for the crime of laying hands of the children of my family, I will make sure to kill you all with my bare hands…no mana, no ki, I'll just break you all, one-by-one." Alex said as he channeled some ki into the Earth through his feet, causing red vein-like marks to appear on the ground as they grew up to the point where the corpses of the children lay.

Henry was more shocked than ever, it all happened in such a short period of time, a period akin to the times where he summoned energy from the fallen, in that small period, time was revered on the bodies of the children as the attackers who thought that they had ran away came back in reverse, their legs moving backwards as if it was frontwards, they picked up their knives and then the children as the blood from their bodies returned back through their wounds and their wounds closed up as the time reversal stopped at just the moment when the attacker threatened Alex.

"Move one step fo-.' The attacker almost said before he came to a realization, "Wait no, no no no no, this can't be happening." The attacker said in anguish, "we were already escaping, so how?" The man lamented in despair.

"How?" Alex said, replying to the attacker, "simple, I reversed time on the bodies to bring them back, and by the laws of causality, on you guys too." He explained with a very stale look on this face as he undid his robe and took it off to reveal the sleeveless vest that was tucked under his baggy trousers.

 From nowhere, a person appeared to catch Alex's robe, just before it hit the ground; the tall, dark-skinned butler wore an all-black suit with red embroidery that streamed from the cuffs up until his shoulders, down his shirt, cutting off at the helm and then continuing from the waist of his suit trousers down its length. The man's face was completely void of any hair, except his thick moustache that curled around the sides, he had a bulky figure, amongst anyone Henry had seen in this world he was in, this man was by far the most muscular, with biceps that looked like they could tear through his shirt and a chest that put many women to shame. Contrary to his rather bulky figure, he had a very endearing face, with big dark eyes and long eyelashes that looked like that of a newborn's, his eyebrows were thin and had a shape that made them looked like they were shaped perfectly by a razor and his lips were thick and emerald red with a big and pointy nose that complimented it.

Standing at six foot-four, the man who kept his head down as he stood at a spot with Alex's robe on his hand like a jacket rack, could easily dwarf anyone in the 'Le Noir' family. He was known throughout the continent as one of the strongest humans in the continent, his nickname was 'The Seraph' was born out of the name of an Angel who people usually thought were beautiful creatures, but when actually imagined using accurate depictions were actually not as appealing as people thought. This contradiction was likened to his adorable face and hulking figure, the man who was the most loyal subordinate of Alex was named 'Lanre' but was called 'Larry' by some members of the family.

'Wow.' Henry silently thought to himself as he looked at the adorable giant, 'A ninth stage-eight class Martial artist works as a butler here...for this world, that is crazy.'

Every other person there thought he same as they watched Lanre appear out of nowhere, but they simply couldn't process the entire situation as it unfolded due to the high-tension circumstance in which they found themselves in.

"Thank you, Larry." Alex calmly gestured to Lanre as he disappeared the same way he appeared, causing beads of sweat to drop from the heads of the attackers who were still trying to process what exactly was happening. 

"Now, hand over the kids…you've lost." Alex said to the attackers as he gestured with his hands to simply pass over the kids.

Meanwhile, from the corner which Henry watched he could not believe what he was seeing, the speed, the ability, they all looked like something which humans could not achieve. While it was true that the act of reversing time itself was not all that shocking to him, what was, in fact shocking was that that act was done using mana and nonetheless by a human.

'I guess this mana isn't as useless as you thought, huh?" Kritic said in a shocked tone, 'But damn…'

'This human is really something.' Diablo said, completing Kritic's statement.

"Noooo." One of the attackers screamed and slashed the throat of the child which he held as he attempted to run away. As if they were all connected, his actions caused the others to do the same thing as they all attempted to flee once again.


"Shit. Fuck. No." they said as they simply saw themselves back in the position which they started as once again another one of the attackers decided to attempt to flee, hoping that Alex's mana would run out after a few times.

"Hah." Adam sighed, "Not again."

After about thirteen times, the trauma of repeating the same time over and over again started to catch up to the attackers as eyebags were starting to visibly form on all of their faces.

"Enough jokes Alex...'' Elizabeth haughtily remarked from the side, "Finish it."

"Hanh." Alex sighed, "Alright, alright, playtime' over guys…return the kids." Alex said as his tone morphed into a very serious one, causing the attackers to shrug in fear.

Once again, one of the attackers who stood in the middle of the mob tried to slice the neck of a captive child, but instead found the knife lodged into his throat.

"I warned you." Alex said from behind the dead man as all their eyes averted from where he was standing to where he was now.

"Waitwaitwait." One of them hurriedly said as he gestured Alef to stop, "If-If-if all of us decided tom kill them at once…c-c-can you stop us… even if you keep on reversing time, y-y-you'll just be t-t-traumatizing the kids more than you already are...s-s-s-o, I advise you.." the shivering man said as he tightened the knife around the neck of the boy he was holding, "s-s-step back, or we'll kill them." 

"Firstly..." Alex began as he was now back to the place where he was before, "What kids?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow to the attackers as they looked down to find that the kids were missing from their hands.

Their eyes scurried around to find that the kids were all asleep behind Henry who stood in front of them, ready to beat the fuck of whoever tried to touch them.

"Secondly, I only made it so you guys retained your memories, the kids have no idea of anything that happened." Alex said as he took a step forward, in that moment only three people except Alex saw exactly what happened.

In the moment Alex took a step forward, light stopped moving and shades of black covered everything, it was as if light and every color moved away from him as he went beyond the speed of light. He simply walked through the mob of attackers, slightly touching each of them as he made his way to the back and scanned around to see if he missed anyone when his eyes made contact with something that shocked him.

Alex paused for a moment, and seeing him pause, Dimitrius and Elizabeth looked to see why, only for them to see that Henry, although not moving or even blinking, had life in his eyes and could observe what was going on as they happened.

Alex stopped moving as the attackers all burst into blood, a few of their voices could still be heard as their blood quickly evaporated into nothing but thin air.

The trio stood in shock as they all stared at the boy who simply looked back at them with innocent, questioning eyes. On Alex's face was pure concern and also confusion, Dimitrius had the biggest, most shrewd smile on his face and Elizabeth mouth was agape as she finally processed what she just saw.

"Alex, you and your wife have made a monster."