
Ch.5 I've Got 5 Kittens Now

AN: Sorry for no chapter yesterday, my cat had kittens and I kind of fell asleep downstairs with them.


As we went back to my base that I just created not long ago, we entered the almost empty structure. "While at the moment it isn't much, I'm planning on making it much bigger."

"I can tell, this place is pretty big for being only you at the moment." Trem said while looking around glancing at the fountain on one of the walls, "though if you filled it with some things I think it would be quite nice."

I nod my head agreeing with his thought. "Just sit down by the fountain for the meantime while your wound heals." He nods before walking and sitting by the fountain, with Noxious standing beside him. "Can't you retract him into your sacred gear?"

He nodded before Noxious looked as if he disappeared into black mist before being sucked into Tram's sacred gear. 'Cool' I thought before turning around. "Oi, where are you going!" He yelled at me. "Going to get some investors of course." I said walking out.




You know, I thought that it would be much harder to get someone to invest in my cause. All I had to do was show some power and they would happily jump aboard, of course there were those that didn't believe in my cause of protecting humanity, but they would disappeared, you can't let someone knowing that a godlike being out and about when their not with your cause, they might tell someone, of course normal people wouldn't believe said person but if any supernatural caught wind of it they might investigate.

I was gone for about 3 days, but I got a few investors to join my cause and a few exorcists as well. Of course I had a few run-ins with others that may oppose me like stray devils or fallen, but they were dealt with quickly by me. People will be curious about how they just ended up missing, but they'll find little to no evidence.




Going back towards my HQ I entered and everyone was talking to one another. As they saw me some bowed there head in acknowledgment whilst the other more devoted would kneel. "Know although we all want to protect humanity, their needs to be classification for the more knowledgeable and powerful. Those without powers of the supernatural or those who are on the weak side shall be named Apostles, just because you're classified as less powerful won't mean you will be treated badly of course. Those who hold enough power and loyalty for the cause will be named my priests, you will control a group of apostles to carry out judgment on those you see fit, but if I see those who use this power with bad intentions, I will punish them myself. Now those who are above the priests will be my bishops, they have just as much commanding power as me and are only below myself, of course to become one you will have to prove yourself for that position. Now onto me, You may call me the King, now all here can start on assignments I give you In about an hour if you would like. These assignments will be full of those who need saving and those who should be punished for their crimes against humanity!"

"Of course since our organization has just started, you all will be apostles, of course if you do humanity proud, you will rank up quick, so you should wait to get started, and you might want to wear these to show your rank and who you're fight for." I say as I toss a dozen boxes forward revealing robes showing insignias of the omega on the shoulders of them.

As soon as I was done I disappeared out of sight.