
The Isle Of Three Peaks

The story follows a young man named Nicolas Constantine whose brother had his soul stolen. Investigating supernatural leads have led him to cross paths with an unlikely team and together they seek to find the reason for the disappearances of individuals in the country of Trinidad & Tobago. (My vision is to see this story in a graphic novel or an animation)

Kerron_Masters · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Focus is key to everything

Father Joe sat speaking to Trinidadians about their lovely country. The high points, the low points and places of interest, in this country which are worth visiting. They also reminded him to try out 'a bara' and a 'chicken roti'. Don't forget the red solo, the wife of his friend joked!

Looking at the time, he realized how much time had passed as the clock showed that the time was half past ten.

His plan tonight was to visit the boardwalk and ascertain if something sinister was actually taking place there. He asked his host if he would take him to the boardwalk tonight and his friend agreed.

His host jumped in the driver's seat of his Toyota corolla and he drove Father Joe to the boardwalk in Chaguaramas, all the while giving him a grand highway tour of the country.

The Beetham seemed like an unpleasant place to Father Joe due to its under development and under lit areas.

Most of Father Joe's life has been spent in rural areas that were very beautiful and natural. He has visited major cities like Rome and Paris, which were also beautiful but to see a struggling town was very sad to him.

Changing his thoughts, he focused on what could transpire tonight. Whatever he would be faced with tonight, he was ready to handle it.


Nicolas placed on his helmet as his friends jumped into their vehicles. Always on a bike, Sarah joked! Nicolas laughed and brought down his helmet visor. Sarah has always tried to get Nicolas's to see her in a different light. She even has a subscription to his gym, so she can see him regularly.

Nicolas had known Sarah for quite some time and even though she was pretty, he has never overcome his time in mourning, so nothing has ever happened between them.

After doing a burnout, Nicolas changed gears and rode away from the popular hotel and yachting center.

The time was one minute to twelve as Nicolas rode past the deserted boardwalk. There was no one present on the lonely stretch as he was riding by. Suddenly there was a small green flash of light further up the boardwalk as if someone had taken out a picture with a spectral green flash.

Then out of nowhere, standing on the boardwalk, was a large shadow of a man who had appeared out of thin air.

Nicolas slowly came to a stop a distance away and slowly dismounted from his bike. Cautiously, he walked up to the shadowy figure which stood extremely still without moving.

Nicolas walked up to the individual, in hopes that he would see the face of the individual that it would be the man that was missing. Like if shielded by darkness, the man's face could not be seen even when he facing in the direction of Nicolas. It was as if darkness enveloped him protecting him from light and visibility.

Nicolas proceeded cautiously to the man. When he was close and within proximity of the man, the man let out a mighty scream and then he jumped into the air towards Nicolas. When the shadow dropped to the ground, there was a mighty crash with sand, dirt and concrete flying everywhere.

Nicolas was tossed backwards from the force from when the figure landed. The figure then ran towards Nicolas with an intention to take advantage of him on the ground.

Nicolas was getting back on his feet however the shadow was already before him. Pulling its right hand back, it launched a punch at Nicolas who had not fully recovered to his feet.

Suddenly a wall of light protected Nicolas from the punch that the shadowy figure threw at him The shadow pounded upon it but could not break it.

Sensing that it could not break it, it clenched both hands into a fist and brought it down on the ground. Making a hole, it lifted up the ground beneath Nicolas and threw Nicolas with the ground beneath him.

Father Joe shouted at the shadowy figure to get its attention as it had tossed Nicolas. Seeing Father Joe, it turned to him instead and starting running towards him, screaming in the process.

Father Joe started reciting another incantation to defend himself.

'Chosen to be a member of the light.

I have pledged to end evil's might.

I call upon the power of the light.

To bring forth, the reckoning of the light!'

Lights Barrage!!!

Just as the shadowy figure was upon him, three crosses materialized in the air above them. The figure stopped in his tracks as the brightly lit crosses illuminated the area around them. Then one by one the crosses fired towards the figure impaling him to the ground where he stood, through its chest.

Nicolas who was on his feet, saw when the crosses materialized and took the opportunity to reach for a circle stop sign that was planted in the ground. Taking a deep breathe, he focused on the pole of the sign and pulled at it.

With ease, he pulled the sign out of the ground and then he ran up to the figure. As soon as it got immobilized by the impalement he used the edge of the circle sign and decapitated the shadowy figure. Its body disintegrated along with its head that had rolled on the floor.

Father Joe watched this young lad, surprised at what he had seen. He was even more surprised at the fact that he was able to lift a sign out of the ground so easily.

Nicolas dropped the sign, saw that the preacher was alright and headed back to his bike.

What is your name, Father Joe asked as he followed Nicolas to his bike?

Its Nicolas…. Nicolas Constantine.

Before Father Joe could ask any more questions, Nicolas put on his helmet, revved his bike and rode off into the night.

Father Joe walked back to the spot where the figure once stood. In its place were ashes that sat on the ground, where the body had disintegrated.

As he was about to reach down and touch it, a light breeze blew and the ashes blew away, off into the night. Father Joe pulled out his phone and called for a transport from the monastery.

He needed to notify them that his investigation was over. He would need to go by his friend first and pick up his belongings then head to the monastery.

The transport arrived in thirty minutes as the time was now half past one.

Father Joe sat back in the seat to relax after that little incident. As the transport was driving off, he noticed a couple walking up the boardwalk in the distance from the side mirror.

A Shadow Soul is a shadowy figure which is the soul of a dead individual that has been soul bound to an entity for a specific purpose.

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