
The Inventory of 20 Traveling Kings, the opening background of Luffy

Introduction: On the eve of the Summit War, a mysterious projection descended on Pirate World. Twenty king-level titles will be publicly selected, starting with [Background King] Luffy. Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the leader of the Four Emperors has red hair, and his master is Dark King Rayleigh... As Luffy's background was exposed, other supernovas were numb. We are going out to sea to be pirates, you are a rich second generation experiencing life! ... When the titles of the kings continued to burst out, the world of Pirates ushered in a violent shock! Buggy: King of luck? As expected of me! Shanks: Are you the king of faces? Haha, this inventory really gives me some faces~ Kaido: Wait, what the hell is this, the King of Hundred Disciples? ?!?! Kizaru: How dare you say that I am the master of paddling? slander! This is absolutely slander! Luffy: The background king, the prison king, the harem king, the sit-up king...all these are talking about me? Higuma: Smash the four emperors with a wine bottle, step on the future Pirate king, who is the strongest sailing? Only me Higuma mountain thief king! Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated. Feilu Novel.com's exclusive signed novel: "Inventory of the Twenty Kings of Voyage, King Lufei of the Opening Background"

hybenash · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 3 Roger: Why does it feel a little green on the head?

[Kaido: Background King? How can this thing be regarded as a king-level title? I thought those twenty kings were all titles on the same level as King of Beasts! ]

[Sengoku: From the literal meaning, the background king should refer to the person with the strongest background in this sea. ]

[Charlotte Linlin: Background? How funny! Are there any real strong people like us who rely on background? ]

[Rocks D. Xebec: Linlin is right, the real strong person is the most powerful background, not relying on any background! ]

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Why do I feel that this background king should refer to those celestial dragons of Marie Joa? ]

[Shanks: That's true. In terms of background, it is estimated that few people's background can compare with celestial dragons. ]

[Monkey D. Garp: Celestial Dragons? Those annoying guys do have this possibility. ]

[Sengoku:? ? ? Garp! Would you like to hear what you are saying? ! Now, in front of everyone in the world, please don't talk nonsense, okay? ! ! ! ]

[Monkey D. Garp: Huh? Did I just say something? ]

[Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Garp, it's really you! Among so many people in the navy, you are probably the only one who dares to speak ill of the Celestial dragons openly! ]

[Monch D. Karp: Ah... so you are referring to this! Haha, I'm sorry, I accidentally slipped my mouth, so just pretend you didn't hear~]


[Gol D. Roger: …]

[Monkey D. Luffy: Grandpa is right, the Celestial Dragons are a bunch of pretty annoying guys! That's why I just beat up a Celestial Dragon at the Population Auction! ]

[Nami: Luffy, let's not make this kind of thing public...]

[Usopp: Yes! If the world hadn't been stopped by the Tiandao inventory system, it is estimated that the admiral who came to arrest us has already arrived at the Chambord Islands! ]

[Kizaru: Well~ You are right, I am the admiral who is going to arrest you, and now I am frozen in the sea, which is really distressing~]

[Kuzan: Kizaru, are you really distressed? I think you are quite happy, after all, you can justifiably fish again. ]

[Kizaru: Uh~ Kuzan, can you stop piercing me so ruthlessly, at least save me some face~]

[Shiki: Hello! I said you guys, are you getting further and further away? Shouldn't we be discussing who the background king is? ]

[Sakazuki: If you want to talk about the background king, I think of a person. ]

[Warring States: Oh? Sakazuki, tell me what you think. ]

[Sakazuki: In terms of the strength of the background, I think the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates—Fire Fist Ace should be called the background king. ]

[Charlotte Linlin: Huh? It's just a brat of the Whitebeard Pirates, but he can be called the background king? Is it because his captain is white beard? ]

[Kaido: Ugh~ Then I said that all the members of the Beast Pirates are background kings. After all, their captain is Kaido of Beasts! ]

[Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, that's right! According to this, all the people of Big Mom Pirates can also be regarded as background kings! ]

[Sakazuki: Hehe, if only because the captain is white beard, Fire Fist Ace will naturally not be the background king, but if...]

Akainu hadn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly, several messages popped up to interrupt him.

[Sengoku: Wait! Sakazuki! Now is not the time to reveal this secret! ]

[Monkey D. Garp: Sakazuki! Shut up! It's not your turn to talk about this matter! ]

[Edward Newgate: Red dog kid! I advise you to think clearly before speaking! Otherwise, I can't spare you! ]

[Portgas D. Ace: Red dog! Shut up! ! ! ]

These few messages popped up almost at the same time, which made many people in the chat group stunned.

[Rocks D. Xebec: What's going on? Why did Sengoku, Garp, and Newgate react so suddenly? ]

[Shiki: I always feel that there seems to be something tricky in it! ]

[Silver Axe: Does that Fire Fist Ace have any special identity? ]

[Wang Zhi: Otherwise, why did Sengoku, Garp, and Newgate all of a sudden seem to be taking medicine? ]

[John: Fire Fist Ace, captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, is there anything special about this guy? ]

[Gol D. Roger: Portgas...D...Ace? etc! Who are you! ! ! ]

this moment.

Roger suddenly understood why Garp and the others were so excited just now.

Portgas D. Ace.


It's his wife Rouge surname!

And Ace...

It was he who had agreed with Rouge back then!

If they had a daughter, they were named Ann.

And if it's a son...

Just call Ace!

Just this name,

Let Roger be 99% sure that Ace is his child!

Coupled with the weird overreaction of Garp and others just now,

Then this inference is a 100% sure fact!

own son...

Actually became the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates?


If memory serves me...

A member of the Whitebeard Pirates,

It seems that the guy with the white beard has to be called Dad?

how do you feel...

Does your head seem to be a little green all of a sudden? !