
The Inventory of 20 Traveling Kings, the opening background of Luffy

Introduction: On the eve of the Summit War, a mysterious projection descended on Pirate World. Twenty king-level titles will be publicly selected, starting with [Background King] Luffy. Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the leader of the Four Emperors has red hair, and his master is Dark King Rayleigh... As Luffy's background was exposed, other supernovas were numb. We are going out to sea to be pirates, you are a rich second generation experiencing life! ... When the titles of the kings continued to burst out, the world of Pirates ushered in a violent shock! Buggy: King of luck? As expected of me! Shanks: Are you the king of faces? Haha, this inventory really gives me some faces~ Kaido: Wait, what the hell is this, the King of Hundred Disciples? ?!?! Kizaru: How dare you say that I am the master of paddling? slander! This is absolutely slander! Luffy: The background king, the prison king, the harem king, the sit-up king...all these are talking about me? Higuma: Smash the four emperors with a wine bottle, step on the future Pirate king, who is the strongest sailing? Only me Higuma mountain thief king! Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated. Feilu Novel.com's exclusive signed novel: "Inventory of the Twenty Kings of Voyage, King Lufei of the Opening Background"

hybenash · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 2 First place, background king! What is his identity?

[Charlotte Lingling: Inventory of the twenty kings of the Sailing world? What does it mean? ]

[Kaido: How can there be so many kings on this sea? It's ridiculous! ]

[Edward Newgate: Twenty kings? This title sounds even more bluffing than our Four Emperors, googol~]

[Shanks: These twenty kings, could it be that they refer to the twenty royal families that founded the world government in the first place? ]

[Nico Robin: If this is the case, maybe there is a chance to learn about the history of the Void Century through this Tiandao inventory! ]

[Sengoku: A Void Century? Nico Robin, I advise you not to think about it. Have you forgotten why O'Hara died back then? ! ]

[Nico Robin: Because of this, I want to find out the truth about the Void Century! ]

[Sakazuki: Hmph! How dare you blatantly oppose the World Government, Nico Robin, I should have eliminated you earlier when I was in O'Hara, without giving you any chance to escape! ]

[Monkey D. Luffy: Hello! Robin is my partner, I will never let you guys hurt her! ]

[Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! It seems that the World Government and the Navy are still afraid of their secrets being exposed as always. How ugly it is to threaten a little girl in front of so many people~]

[Rox D. Gibeck: You guys are really boring! I'm not interested in the blank Void Century at all, I just want to start this Heavenly Dao inventory quickly, so that I can get the resurrection crystal and return to the sea! ]


There was a lot of discussion among a group of people.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again.

"This inventory will publicly select twenty king-level titles in this world, and the characters who match them."

"Then play the corresponding edited video of the person with the title of king."

"Video content includes past, present and future events.

"Note: There is no limit to the number of king-level titles a person can have, and multiple king-level titles can belong to the same person."

Hear this explanation.

Everyone finally had a general understanding of what was going to be counted next.

[Sengoku: So that's the case, so the king mentioned here is actually selected by the Tiandao inventory system itself? ]

[Shanks: It seems that it has nothing to do with the twenty royal families in history. ]

[Nicole Robin: Is there no way to unravel the truth of the Void Century through this inventory? But it doesn't matter, one day I will solve it with my own efforts! ]

[Vinsmoke Sanji: That's right! Robin~chan, I believe you can do it! ]

[Usopp: Hey~ Sanji, why is there a Vinsmoke in front of your name? Is that your last name? Why have you never heard of it? ]

[Vincemoke Sanji: Ahem...it's not important! Having said that, the voice just said that the content of the inventory also includes what happened in the future, is it true or not? ]

Sanji changed the subject abruptly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there must be something wrong with him.

But the Straw Hats did not continue to ask questions about the surname Vinsmoke in a tacit understanding.

[Roronoa Zoro: Predict the future? I think it should be true. ]

[Nami: Yes, after all, this Tiandao inventory system is enough to stop the whole world, and even the dead are pulled into the chat group! ]

[Tony Tony Chopper: With such terrifying power, even if it can predict the future, I think it is reasonable. ]

[Frankie: This Tiandao inventory system is really super amazing! ]

[Brooke: In the past, I wouldn't believe that there is such a powerful existence in this world even though I'm dead, yohohohoho~]

[Gol D. Roger: Take stock of the king-level titles, then I think my Pirate king should be on the list~]

[Kaido: Ugh~ Among the twenty king-level titles counted, there must be a place for me as the king of beasts! ]

[Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, then my old lady should be called the Queen of All Kingdoms~]

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la ~ I'm not interested in being king or anything, so I'll just watch you fight. ]

[Rocks D. Xebec: Humph! As the former overlord of the sea, I, Rocks, shouldn't be a problem to randomly get four or five of the twenty king titles, right? ]

[Monkey D. Garp: Hehe, Rocks, I think you just want to fart! ]

[Sengoku: A guy who has been dead for an unknown number of years, I think you should stop joining in the fun. ]

[Rocks D. Xebec:? ? ? Didn't Roger die too, you two old ones? Why didn't you hate him when he said that just now? Only for me, right? ! ]

[Silver Axe: Hahaha! Be confident, old captain, and get rid of it! ]

[Wang Zhi: It's not just a matter of a day or two for Garp and Sengoku to target you, old captain. ]

[John: And Garp has a good relationship with Roger, the old captain, how dare you compare with Roger? ]

[Monkey D. Garp: Hello! Don't talk nonsense, John! I am a righteous navy, and Roger is a hateful pirate. Which eye do you see that I have a good relationship with? Be careful I sue you for slander! ]

[John: Hehe, I understand everything~]

next moment.

The voice of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again.

"The inventory video of the twenty kings of the sailing world, starts now!"

"The first one - the background king!"

"This round of random questions has been generated!"

"Random question 1: May I ask who is the background king of this round of selection?"