
The Insignifcant Female Supporting Character Actually Became a Bigshot in the Novel!

Xi Wan transmigrated into a novel! The system tied to her notified her that there had been changes in the major roles in the story! Firstly, the female protagonist was tied to an external hacking system! Secondly, the male protagonist was aware of the entire novel's content! Thirdly, the villain in the novel was reborn and returned! Meanwhile, she had become an enemy to all three of them. As a major character in the novel, she needed to appear at fixed intervals to maintain stability in the world. 'So, did you send me here to die?' Xi Wan wondered.[You can choose to appease the female protagonist, fight for the male protagonist, or join forces with the villain. You have three options to change your fate!] The system announced. Xi Wan snorted and rolled her eyes. She would not choose from any of these three options. Hence, in the face of a tricky situation, while the system tried persuading her to clear her name, Xi Wan decisively backed out. She became an investor instead. Xi Wan smiled at the female protagonist's friend. "It's my pleasure to inform you that you have been kicked out!"[She's the female protagonist's friend. You can use her to win the female protagonist over! But... Nevermind. Since you don't want to suck up to the female protagonist, you can choose to win the male protagonist over instead,] the system responded. When the male protagonist suddenly appeared in front of Xi Wan, she raised her brows. "Do you know why I haven't reached out to you all this time?" Xi Wan asked. The male protagonist shook his head."It's because I don't want you to become someone who ruins another person's marriage. Be a good boy, and forget about me." Xi Wan gently touched the male protagonist's face and walked away.When the system saw Xi Wan getting rid of two leading characters in quick succession, it instantly realized what she was up to. "I get it now. You want to join forces with the villain!" However, Xi Wan whistled as soon as she met the villain for the first time. "Hey, handsome! When are you free? Shall we get a divorce?" Just as the system believed this world could not be salvaged after seeing Xi Wan's behavior, it realized Xi Wan not only escaped from her original fate, which was a terrible one, but she also became increasingly popular! The villain, reborn and waiting for Xi Wan to betray him, fell deep into thought after seeing Xi Wan live her leisurely life.'Who am I? Where am I? I feel like a joke for being so defensive against you...' The villain thought.

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320 Chs

Out of Character?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xi Wan pursed her lips, plastering a look of desperation on her face. Forget it. You're all one family while I'm an outsider. I'm leaving!"

She then hurried into the car and asked the driver to drive off.

Upon entering the car, Xi Wan immediately wiped her tears away, her face calm.

The chauffeur was dumbfounded. "Young Madam, did the Xi family bully you? Do we need to report this to the Young Master?"

"No need. It's my personal matter. He's very busy, so I don't need his help," she replied.

The car started to move, and the system finally reacted to Xi Wan's shocking performance.

[ I told you to come home for dinner, but how did you blow things up into such a huge display?]

Xi Wan replied calmly, "I went back, but they were all bullying me. You saw it too, no? He even dared to throw a cup at me. If I stayed any longer, I'd have been blamed for everything. I'm not stupid."

The system was so angry that it felt like its heart was about to explode. [ This scene was meant to make you feel wronged, and then you could've gone to Ling Feng to tell him about your grievances. At this time, your relationship can still heat up again, and then you discover the existence of the female lead, Zhao Fei. Only then can the plot unfold. ]

"Oh, so you wanted me to go home for dinner so that I'd be blamed like that? But by pulling off that performance, haven't I also achieved the same result? After all, the neighbors saw that I was bullied to the point of crying."

[ What about Ling Feng? Go find him and tell him about your grievances! ]

Xi Wan rejected him decisively. "No."


At the same time, at the Xi family.

Although Xi Wan had left, the Xi family was not in a good state because of her, especially Xi Shu, who was being interrogated by Xi Kang and Wang Rui.

Xi Kang asked, "Tell me the truth. What's up with the boy that Xi Wan was talking about? How could you do something like pestering a man in the store? our Xi family still cares about our reputation!"

Xi Wan felt wronged. "It's not like that, Dad. I was just talking to him in the store. He works there, and I didn't want to interfere with his work."

"What?" Wang Rui was surprised. "Working in a shop? How can you like a guy like this? you're the Xi family's heiress!"

It was only then that Xi Wan realized that no matter how she tried to explain herself, her parents would not think that she was doing the right thing. She could only say, "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. I was wrong. I won't do such a thing again. But even though I did such a thing, if Big Sis didn't say anything, no one else would know."

"Father, she did it on purpose. She must have stopped liking me a long time ago. And she actually knows that I'm your daughter. When did she find out? And why didn't he say anything? Dad, Big Sis is so cunning."

Xi Shu's words easily diverted Xi Kang's attention, and he started to suspect Xi Wan.

At this moment, the system also issued a warning to Xi Wan. [ In the original plot, you still don't know that Xi Wan is an illegitimate daughter. Your actions just now have already aroused Xi Kang's suspicion. That's out of character, and the plot will easily go astray! ]

Xi Wan retorted, "Xi Kang isn't the main character. What's the impact?"

By now, she had returned to the villa and was in a good mood. What she did not know was that because of her ruckus, the truth that Xi Kang had been trying so hard to hide had been exposed.

Originally, the Xi family was not considered a top family in the region, so even if there was an illegitimate daughter, it would not be made public.

However, things were different now. Xi Wan was already very popular, so the scene she'd made back at the Xi family house was caught on their neighbors' cameras. After that, someone posted the video on the internet.

Very quickly, this incident spread like wildfire on the internet.

An article titled "Xi Wan's True Identity Exposed! The Daughter of a Rich Family is Always Being Bullied by Her Stepmother's Illegitimate Daughter!" appeared on the internet.

Perhaps it was because they knew that Xi Wan was a shareholder of the SU Corporation, and that she was the victim in this matter, but the content of the article was clearly biased towards Xi Wan and portrayed her as the victim of oppression.

The text was accompanied by a video of Xi Wan's crying as well as Xi Shu and her mother's fake victim act. Very quickly, everyone was on Xi Wan's side.