
The Insignifcant Female Supporting Character Actually Became a Bigshot in the Novel!

Xi Wan transmigrated into a novel! The system tied to her notified her that there had been changes in the major roles in the story! Firstly, the female protagonist was tied to an external hacking system! Secondly, the male protagonist was aware of the entire novel's content! Thirdly, the villain in the novel was reborn and returned! Meanwhile, she had become an enemy to all three of them. As a major character in the novel, she needed to appear at fixed intervals to maintain stability in the world. 'So, did you send me here to die?' Xi Wan wondered.[You can choose to appease the female protagonist, fight for the male protagonist, or join forces with the villain. You have three options to change your fate!] The system announced. Xi Wan snorted and rolled her eyes. She would not choose from any of these three options. Hence, in the face of a tricky situation, while the system tried persuading her to clear her name, Xi Wan decisively backed out. She became an investor instead. Xi Wan smiled at the female protagonist's friend. "It's my pleasure to inform you that you have been kicked out!"[She's the female protagonist's friend. You can use her to win the female protagonist over! But... Nevermind. Since you don't want to suck up to the female protagonist, you can choose to win the male protagonist over instead,] the system responded. When the male protagonist suddenly appeared in front of Xi Wan, she raised her brows. "Do you know why I haven't reached out to you all this time?" Xi Wan asked. The male protagonist shook his head."It's because I don't want you to become someone who ruins another person's marriage. Be a good boy, and forget about me." Xi Wan gently touched the male protagonist's face and walked away.When the system saw Xi Wan getting rid of two leading characters in quick succession, it instantly realized what she was up to. "I get it now. You want to join forces with the villain!" However, Xi Wan whistled as soon as she met the villain for the first time. "Hey, handsome! When are you free? Shall we get a divorce?" Just as the system believed this world could not be salvaged after seeing Xi Wan's behavior, it realized Xi Wan not only escaped from her original fate, which was a terrible one, but she also became increasingly popular! The villain, reborn and waiting for Xi Wan to betray him, fell deep into thought after seeing Xi Wan live her leisurely life.'Who am I? Where am I? I feel like a joke for being so defensive against you...' The villain thought.

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320 Chs

The chauffeur stopped the car at the entrance of Xi Wan's family house. Xi Wan got out of the car and pressed her finger against the fingerprint scanner outside, allowing her into the house.

She had just barely stepped into the living room of the Xi family's house when someone flung a glass of water at her. She immediately dodged it, and saw the furious Xi Kang and the pitiful Xi Shu standing beside him.

"You still have the face to come back? How dare you say that your sister is an illegitimate daughter? What kind of sister are you?" Xi Kang shouted.

Xi Wan's face was cold. "Huh? Did you call me back to seek justice for your daughter? Don't you know that she's not an illegitimate daughter? But feel free to raise your voice so that the other neighbors can hear you and know what a shameless thing you've done."

Xi Kang was even more furious when he saw that she still dared to talk back to him. "You actually dare to talk back!" He was about to throw another cup at her when Xi Wan suddenly ran out of the house.

"Help! My father is going to kill someone!" she shouted. The Xi family lived in a gated villa area. The villas were next to each other, so when Xi Wan shouted, the people around them were immediately alarmed. Some of them came out of their houses.

Xi Wan deliberately messed up her hair to make herself look very disheveled.

Han Yue, who was next door, was Xi Wan's mother's best friend. When she saw Xi Wan like this, she immediately asked with concern, "Wanwan, what's wrong with you?"

Xi Wan pinched her thigh hard. "Auntie Han, my father doesn't want me anymore now that he has an illegitimate daughter and a second wife. He's going to kill me on behalf of that illegitimate daughter! He was holding a cup and throwing it at my head. If I had been hit, I would have been dead or in a coma!"

"Sob, he's my father too. Why is he treating me like this now?"

There was a lot of noise here, and several other families came out and looked at Xi Kang with condemning eyes. 

At that moment, Xi Kang's second wife, Wang Rui, came out of the house, Xi Shu following close behind. Although Han Yue was a little upset that Xi Kang had gotten married not long after the death of his previous wife, it was still someone else's business, so she couldn't say anything.

However, after hearing Xi Wan's words, she finally knew that Xi Shu was actually Xi Kang's illegitimate daughter. Then didn't that mean that Wang Rui was Xi Kang's mistress?

She recalled that Xi Wan was only two years younger than Xi Wan, so didn't that mean that already had a mistress while he was still married?

Others might not know, but Han Yue was close to Xi Wan's mother. She knew that when Xi Kang's career was in trouble, it was Xi Wan's mother, Li Hai, who'd pulled in hundreds of millions of investments that helped Xi Kang to recover. It could be said that his success could not have been achieved without Li Hai's sacrifice. Han Yue did not expect Xi Kang to be such a heartless person.

Xi Kang quickly explained, "Don't listen to her nonsense. That's not the case. Xi Shu is not my illegitimate daughter and Wang Rui is not my mistress."

At this moment, Wang Rui and Xi Wan also snapped to attention, using their old tricks and beginning to act pitiful. Unfortunately, Xi Wan had already played the victim act earlier than them and looked even more pitiful. In addition, the ladies of the wealthy families all hated mistresses and illegitimate daughters, so they all stood on Xi Wan's side.

"Dad, you said that she's not an illegitimate daughter. Do you dare to bring her for a test?" Xi Wan's eyes were red as she questioned Xi Kang.

He glared at her, but he had to soften his attitude in front of the others. "Wanwan, stop it. I only scolded you because you were bullying Xi Shu, right? Why did you make such a big scene? It's not good to disturb our neighbors."

With just one sentence, Xi Kang attributed this matter to Xi Wan bullying Xi Shu first. Xi Kang helped Xi Shu to make the decision, so Xi Wan was unhappy and deliberately caused this trouble.

Xi Wan cried even more. "When did I bully her? She was trying to pursue a boy in school, but he rejected her, so she refused to leave the shop he worked at. She did such an embarrassing thing outside, so why can't I, as her sister, scold her? Her last name is Xi too. Are we going to let her embarrass herself as a member of the Xi family?"

Xi Kang did not know about this. Now that he heard Xi Wan's words, he turned back to look at Xi Shu. "What exactly is going on? "

Xi Shu suddenly felt uneasy. She didn't expect Xi Wan to suddenly be so good with her words now—good enough to throw the issue back at her. "Dad, I…I didn't…"