
The Infamous Spider-Man

What if Spider-Man was a criminal that works alongside some of the villains in his rogues gallery? The Infamous Spider-Man is an alternate universe story where the radioactive spider that bites Peter Parker instead bit a petty thief named Scott Everett. With his new powers the thief teams up with The Vulture, Sandman and The Shocker to build his reputation as a fearsome villain. In the process he comes in the crosshairs of New York's superheroes and competing crime lords. The Infamous Spider-Man is a mixes the frenetic action of a superhero comic with the tension and pursuits of a gritty crime drama. New chapters are posted every Monday and Friday at 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fanfiction, I do not own any of the characters or concepts in this story, Spider-Man and all related characters and world building is owned by Marvel.

Ronathan02 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Heavy Tolls

"Jamie Rivera, my name is Officer Hunt and this is my partner Officer Chen." Gabriel introduced himself.

Jamie didn't say a word, he sat calmly in the interrogation room with his hands resting on the table. The room was cold, the walls were painted a dull gray blue color and only a sparse amount of light could get through the small window. Next to him was a woman in her thirties with blonde hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a blazer and dress pants.

"We'd like to ask you some questions about the night of the seventeenth, if that's okay." Gabriel continued.

"That's fine with me." Jamie responded.

"As we know a violent altercation happened in the hospital ward you were staying at, do you have any idea as to why these men were there that night?"

"No clue." Jamie shrugged. "I was sleeping and woke up to a fight."

"My client was in a life or death situation and acted to defend himself, as the footage shows he was asleep and didn't know what was going on before the fighting started." The lawyer explained.

"Okay." Gabriel grabbed a folder with photographs inside, "This was found at the hospital on the floor at your bedside. It tells us that the men behind this came to the hospital to attack you."

"Really? I have no idea why."

"Detective Hunt, my client's medical records classify him as a 'Mutant', if someone got access to those records they could've chosen at random to attempt a kidnapping."

"Mr. Rivera I want to clarify," Chen interjected, "We are asking these questions to protect you. If you're being targeted for a specific reason it would help you to tell us."

"I don't know why they came to my room." Rivera.

"Very well."

Misty paused the recording of the questioning, the camera lingered on Jamie's confident look on his face. She sat on the floor cross legged and rested her chin on her knuckles, contemplating the pieces of the puzzle.

"You trust this Hydro-Man guy?" Jean asked, sitting on the couch behind her.

"Jean, I didn't even trust my boyfriends." Misty chuckled. "But he's determined to take our 'Huntsman' down. We can use that."

"So what's next? What are they planning?"

"If I had to guess? I'd say that Huntsman, Shocker and Black Cat are recruiting more criminals to take on Tombstone." Misty theorized. "But I'm not sure. All I know is I need to make some phone calls."


By morning the storm clouds were gone, and the sun was shining brightly on the New York cityscape. Scott and Felicia sat on top of a moving subway train together as it zoomed through the city neighborhoods, Felicia was transfixed on Central Park, the massive skyscrapers and the bustling traffic below their feet. Scott was more focused on her. Felicia had a sly, mischievous look about her when she donned The Black Cat persona but in private moments she'd let her guard down. It was as if she let the mask slip, and he could see the real Felicia. He thought she was just as beautiful in both her personas.

"I see why you like doing this." Scott commented.

"It's where I can relax, think a bit and be myself." Felicia explained.

"I did that with the rooftops, even before I got my powers, but you picked a better way to reflect."

"How did you get your powers by the way?"

"Would you believe me if I told you I was bitten by a spider in a briefcase?"

"No." Felicia chuckled, Scott noticed how cute her dimples were. "You want to start swinging?"

"After you." Scott motioned forward.

Felicia stood up and leaped off the train like an Olympic diver, twirling in the air before firing off her grappling gun and gliding through the air with a spin like a ballerina. Scott had no clue how to follow that up, so he jumped off the train and trailed behind her but when she launched herself over a bridge Scott used his webs to fling himself through a hole between two metal arches.

"You're getting better!" Felicia called.

"Catching up to you! Soon I'll be even better!" Scott teased.

"In your dreams Spider."


Gena's diner was the location of choice for Felicia to meet Adrian and hopefully join the team, it was a small family restaurant owned by the titular Gena and managed with the help of her sons Ricky and Ray. Adrian seemed to know Gena and her sons rather well, as they welcomed him like he was a routine guest. Phineas and Jamie entered the diner behind Adrian.

"The usual coffee?" Gena asked from behind the counter.

"Yeah." Adrian responded. "How's business?"

"Good enough to keep the lights on." She chuckled. "Find yourself a seat and I'll come around."

The trio shuffled around until they found a booth at the corner of the diner and took a seat, Adrian sat facing the front door.

"Gena seems nice." Jamie commented with a smirk.

"It ain't like that. I could be her dad." Adrian scoffed.

"Some gals are into that."

"Kid, what's with you trying to get me laid everytime we go out somewhere?"

"Hey Scott can't be the only one getting some."

"Speak of the devil."

The pair stepped into the diner in their civilian clothes and looked around, Scott noticed Adrian in the back and led Felicia to their table.

"Guys, this is Felicia." Scott introduced. "Felicia, this is Phineas, Jamie and the boss."

"Adrian. Nice to meet you."

"You as well."

Felicia and Scott sat at the booth next to Jamie.

"Oh that's right." Jamie spoke up. "Megan asked me to give you this."

Jamie pulled a contact card out of his pocket and handed it to Scott. On it said 'Megan Miller, Attorney at Law.' The card had a phone number and address listed on it.

"She handed me a whole stack of these. She's our lawyer if we run into any legal trouble."

"I don't think I can afford a lawyer."

"Maybe not right now, but you will soon." Adrian reassured him. "But onto what we're here for, tell us a bit about yourself."

"Well, I've been in this… career field? Since I was twelve. I picked up the trade from my father. Scott helped me get him out of jail yesterday."

"Right, Scott and I didn't get the chance to discuss that."

Scott put his head down, expecting to be chewed out by Adrian, but Jamie gave a big grin and a thumbs up.


The casket was slowly lowered into the dirt as friends and family looked on in silence. Next to the casket was a framed picture of Vincent Patilio, taken from his highschool graduation. Bouquets of flowers surrounded it. Henry Patilio, his wife Janet and their daughter Rose stood at attendance dressed in black and mourning the loss of their son and brother. Gabriel sat on the edge of the grass, a good distance away from the gathering and waited for the funeral to end. Vincent stepped away and met with him in private.

"I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Patilio."

"Thank you. Did you learn anything new?"

"Yes. You see, Vincent was found with a piece of technology on him from Stark Industries. Experimental leg braces meant for helping people with disabilities to walk again. It was tricked out so that he could enhance his legs, jump higher, kick harder."

"What are you saying detective?"

"New York considers any crime done with tech that enhances your physical ability to be a 'superhuman crime', and we believe your son had some altercation with an enhanced criminal. We have a few suspects."

"So he tried to fight back… he didn't stand a chance."

"Mr. Patilio…"

"Thank you for your help. Is that all?"

"We have reason to suspect that the recent incident in Ryker's Island was connected to the perpetrators."

"Bring my son justice."

"We're working on that sir."

"Thank you."

Vincent turned away to meet with his family again, Gabriel stood there by himself deep in thought. The weight of everything happening hit him when he watched a family mourn the life of a guy only a few years younger than him. Deep down he wasn't sure if the police force was enough anymore, the world was changing rapidly and New York was becoming a jungle for titans. Men who could deflect bullets with their skin, control water at will, or climb on walls and swing from skyscrapers. Despite his worries, Gabriel still believed in the law and his duty to uphold it. He wasn't going to back down, and seeing what this gang war was doing first hand reassured him of that.


Adrian and Felicia stepped outside to discuss things in private. Scott had ordered a plate of eggs (sunny side up), pancakes with chocolate chips in them, hash browns and bacon strips.

"When I said I would pay I didn't intend on you ordering the whole menu." Phineas groaned.

"Should've expected it." Scott said with a mouthful of food. "Web swinging gets me hungry."

"So Scott." Jamie interjected. "Are you and this Black Cat chick a thing?"

"Yeah, I think so. We're planning a date."

"Aye that's what's up!" Jamie smiled. "Lil Bonnie and Clyde action haha."

"Shut up." Scott chuckled. "I hope Adrian lets her join us."

"I think he will." Phineas reassured Scott.

"That's good. How have you all been?"

"Well, my invention is up and running again. We're just planning how we're going to use it."

"That's fire."

Phineas grumbled and rolled his eyes at all the young people lingo.

"It's been quiet for me." Jamie admitted. "I've had the suits up my ass ever since the hospital. They don't have nothing on me though."

"Good good."

"Saw what you did on the news yesterday. That shit was crazy, I was sad I couldn't be there with ya."

"There's always next time."

"True that bro."

Outside the diner Felicia and Adrian talked in the parking lot, away from listening ears.

"I like your mindset, how you think and how you carry yourself." Adrian acknowledged. "But I need to know why you're doing this. Is it just because Scott is here?"

"No." Felicia sighed. "When I moved here from Germany I made my dad promise he'd leave his old life behind. The thieving, the burglary, the heists. He made me a promise he couldn't keep, and I understand why now. I started off doing this for survival, to have the money to eat and afford rent. That's what I told myself at least, but there are safer ways to get money. I do this because I love it. Because I'm good at it."

Adrian nodded. "Considering how you handled yourself at Ryker's, I'm going to take Scott's recommendation and let you join us. We'll need an extra hand for our next scheme anyway."

"Thank you."

"Let's get back inside, we can show you the place we got and start planning. We've got big things coming."


"Today was a good day." Scott thought. After giving Cat the tour of their hideout, Adrian explained his plan to use the particle ray to break into a bank vault and steal everything inside. It was daring and risky, but Scott was excited to do it. He felt on top of the world today, as if nothing could stop him. As night fell on the city, Scott returned to his and Darren's rundown Brooklyn apartment. He stopped to take a good look at it. "I might be leaving this place soon."

As he walked over to the front entrance a man stopped him at the door. "Excuse me."

"Yeah?" Scott responded in a disinterested tone.

"The man in yellow is still alive." The homeless looking stranger warned. "He's working with the police to take you down."

The hair on Scott's neck stood, and he gritted his teeth in anger. "Chameleon?"


"I know it's you. I want you to get something for me."

After a moment of quiet, the homeless stranger spoke up. "What do you need?"

"Get me Hydro-Man's secret identity. If he wants to hunt me down, so be it. I'll hunt him first."

"It will cost you."

"I'll have the money this time."

"Until next time."

The stranger went to leave, but Scott stopped him. "Wait!"


"Why did you warn me? That he's still out there."

"Consider it a personal courtesy."


That same evening Felicia traveled outside of New York City, to a patch of grass with no buildings or roads nearby. At the meeting spot was Walter, carrying a duffel bag and black car with tinted windows.

"You got five minutes, then we got to get on the road." The driver called out from the car window.

"Heard you loud and clear." Walter responded, then he smiled at Felicia. "Hello sugar plum."

"Hey dad."

"I'm sorry about all this. About not keeping my promise, and lying about it."

"I forgive you." She said without hesitation.

"I wish I could stay longer, but-"

"I know." Felicia cut him off.

"You can come with me." Walter offered. "He's going to take me to the west coast. California."

"Aren't The Avengers over there?"

"Yeah but since when do they bother with cat burglars?"

"True… but I'm not running away with you this time."

Walter looked disappointed, but not surprised. "The boy?"

She nodded.

"He treating you well?"

"So far. We haven't known each other long but when we broke you and that lady out of Ryker's, working together made me feel alive. It made me understand why you do this. The thrill of it all."

"You know I never wanted you to follow my path."

"And I'm not. I'm making my own."

Walter smiled. "Atta girl."

Felicia bit her lip, there were hundreds of things she wanted to say and there was only so much longer she'd have her dad around to hear them. She decided a hug would suffice, and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you." Walter whispered.

"I love you too."

"I'll call you when I get my situation figured out."


Begrudgingly she let go of her father. He opened the car door and looked back at his daughter, "I'm proud of you."

He closed the door, the engine came to life, and the car drove off towards a highway. She stood in the middle of nowhere, tears running down her face and watched the car until she couldn't see the headlights anymore.