

A one night stand with a White waitress in a club was all it took to make him. He had no father but an owner he had. He owned him..turned him into the demon he is now. At the age of eight, he killed the humanity and love he had. "To make you strange and a worthy successor. I don't need any weakling." Akim always roared at him. The day he died the Devil got a free ticket to leave South Africa for good. Revenge from their rival Mafia gang was not in his plans. He wouldn't shed the blood of his people. He needed the for something better. To build a legitimate global empire. He worked his ass of to be a better version than Akim had in mind. He would own it all, by any means necessary. The world wasn't fair so don't blame him if he stumbled on you in the course of fulfilling his plans. You needed to keep up to be able to work for or with him. He had a family, though not perfect, the gang always had his back and so did he. At the age of twenty -six, Lucifer as he was popularly known by his close men was the most eligible bachelor, and the youngest richest business man in the country and beyond. He said it and he did it yet, there was always something else to do. Something better. He might be crazy for wanting to conquer the world, but that was his plan. Lucifer was never the type to run, he never backed down....and though a tiny part of him wanted to, he couldn't. His demons were part of him. He was his own devil. The part of him which thrilled at the site of violence and smiled at the pains and fear in the eyes of others strived and dominated his soul. He wanted out but who was he kidding, his demons were his source of power. Power, which sucks humanity out of him. Lucifer had made his name in the Europeans countries, but he felt that there would be much profit and a fulfilling tap into the culture of Africa which would in no doubt be a jackpot for him. He was a business man and so knew his fact. Africa....he dreaded and loved. He was sure of his target..where else but Ghana..a foreign environment. He was yet to find out that Ghana would give him the encounter of his life.... Kara, popularly called Nana is the "unwanted" bastard of the Agyemang family. Her mother Esther got pregnant with her white boyfriend during her college years overseas. Her mother came home with a baggage instead of the promised degrees. Being the daughter of a strict African home, ones thought would be to disappear for good and bear the shame alone. The family frowned upon her actions, turned their backs on her and was disowned by her father. Single handedly, with help from her uncle, her mother raised her to become a typical Ghanaian child. Even with her fair skin and brunette hair...she was in no doubt a Ghanaian by actions. Many often got confused yet her calm nature and respect for every custom of the society irrespective of it's flaws made her Ghanaian. Kara lived her life like a story being told. She drew her plans from the moment Uncle Kwesi sat her down and told her of the story behind her birth and why she didn't have a father or a large family. She knew who her father was. At least she had a picture of him, a picture shut away. She was satisfied with having her mom and uncle in her life. They enough for her, she convinced herself. Nana's greatest fear is repeating her mother's mistake...Don't get her wrong, she respected her mom immensely, she was by far the strongest woman she had ever know. That didn't change the fact that she would like to write some of her wrongs. Nor did it change the feeling which ate her up all the time...She was an accident and that was something that even she couldn't make right. Being the child of a single mother in a Ghanaian society, there was a lot to do and not do. No matter the amount of wealth, the society would always see you as the daughter of the unmarried woman and hence, you are required to put in much effort to everything you do. Kara wanted her mom to know n feel that her birth was her biggest achievement

Cysca_Cudjoe · Urban
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17 Chs

CHAPTER 8: Stitched Memory 3

It was those same men. The door of the backseat opened to revealed the man she had anointed with the wine a while ago. He was still in his soil suit. She was pulled by her hair which now hung loose. Kara struggled to fight them off, kicking anyone she would get. There was no way she was going to allow herself to be kidnapped she mentally decided. Her left hand which was ceased finally wriggled from the men's grip, freed. She swiftly smacked one of the men hard on the face. She realise how  wrong a move that was after feeling a searing sensation in her belly. That was a very hard punch in the stomach, she thought holding her belly. She fell to the ground. The worst was happening. She was being kidnapped and there was no one around to help. "God, help me". She muttered as she laid on the cold floor while the men tried to carry her into the car. A gunshot made her panic and go still as did every activity. A body fell beside her, next she saw blood on the floor. Definitely not her blood. It was the blood of one of the men, on the ground. He had been shot in the knee. Both knees. Kara gave saucer eyes. " At a go?" She thought. The three other men began firing their guns which were obviously hidden at the back of the suit. They fired  into the nothingness. Kara decided to lay down till her "Saviour" comes out of his hiding place. He had surrounded the street. A shoot from behind proved her theory to be right. Again, one of the men dropped his gun to hold his bloody hand. He was shot in the right arm, and then in the knees making him fall beside Kara who's was in total chaos. The other was shot in the shoulder and both knees. Now the only man left standing was the guy she had offended the most, leaving him wet with wine. He quickly pulled Kara up and held her at a gunpoint, threatening to pull the trigger anytime. Kara was now shaken to the core. She closed her eyes to uttered her "cry for help" prayer. " Oh..God...please, mom....please help me...help....." She muttered on continuously. " Shut the fuck up!!" The vicious man ordered. A black Ferrari vehicle suddenly pulled up the street, few steps away from them. A man, or was it God? No, God wouldn't come and save her in black suits and black shades. She reasoned. But...God would certainly have a beautiful black hair, bronze skin if she was correct or was the darkness messing up with her mind. Anyways, whoever that was ....he was God sent. A clicking sound in her left ear aggravated the thumbing of her heart. Her "saviour' stood about ten metres away from them if her mathematics was functioning properly, then she would be right. He held a gun by his side, pointing it to nothing. " Ryn, take the gun away from her". Her "saviour" gently ordered as if he was dealing with a two year old. That was a voice she knew she would never forget. In fact it sounded so familiar. But she didn't have the time to think of where she had heard it. The man who held her at gunpoint suddenly froze. He was very tense, he seemed to have recognized the owner of the deep voice. " Lu...cifer..?" He unconsciously let his guard down, loosing his hold on his gun which was suddenly pointing to anything else but Kara. Everything happened in a flash. Kara found herself beside the bleeding man whom some seconds ago was threatening her life. He was bleeding to death. " Can anyone survive a shot in the heart. Straight to the heart without a miss? Only...a miracle... Help Lord.." This was the only thought which went on in Kara's mind before she  allowed her dizziness to get the best of her and fall into unconsciousness. Well, not before hearing the same beautiful voice again giving orders to their audience. " Luke, make sure she gets home and clear this up". Two more gunshots got fired.

Paro gently closed the door to Kara's room. Even though her friend was holding it together, she knew how terrified she was. Anyone in her shoes would feel so. She almost died!!! She almost lost her. People just died, that was no joke. " Which was more terrifying, the dead or the living? The "saviour" or gosh..." the situation was so fucked up. She raked her baby hands into her shoulder length black hair.

It was already 5am. Lucifer sat on the edge of his king size bed. He had an empty bed tonight. He had been busy the whole day. He spent three hours at the farm house. Kalisu finally walked into hell after two hours of torture. Akim would have probably received his message by now. He giggled. He was still in the same clothes. He held in his hands a mini violet purse. The purse contained enough for him to know that "girl". " You must be twenty - two by now. Still appetising as ever". He brought out a mini Samsung phone from the purse and left the other items in it. For the past three years, he had been going through the phone watching pictures, videos and all the personal files of the same girl repeatedly. He never got tired of it. He didn't search for her no matter how badly he desired her. Lucifer had many ladies at his disposal to fuck but not once had he been sexually gratified after crossing path with that girl. Kara Nana Agyeman, a Ghanaian girl, which he really found difficult to believe. But that surely explains their meeting in the washroom.


Lucifer opened the door only to find a girl in the male washroom. Not just any girl, but one whom he would never forget. "What the fuck?!! What are you doing in the males washroom?!!" He shouted. He regretted the moment the terrified girl opened her tender wet lips to reply. "Emmm...I'm so..sorry. I had...no idea..that....I had ..." She stammered which Lucifer found cute. He took two steps closer, making Kara shut up already. "What's your age?" He gently asked, with no sense of arrogance in his voice. Kara looked taken aback with his question. She fumbled. "Errr....nineteen.. please". She answered to which Lucifer frowned and averted his gaze to the door. " Lucifer!!! Hey man, ain't you done already?!!" Hakeem called from outside. Finally Kara looked at Lucifer in the eye. She could vividly see every feature of his face. She was no artist but she would definitely be able make a sketch of him. She had to get away from him as soon as possible. "Lu...ci..fer?" She whispered in shock.

"Yes. Do you have a problem with your voice sweetie?" He smirked. His eyes fell for the temptation and traveled to her lips. They looked so tender and inviting. Her expression suddenly put him off. Her gaze suddenly traveled to the tiled floor. He hadn't even touched her. What wrong with her?

"Look at me" he ordered. Slowly, Kara raised her head hesitantly only to reveal her brown eyes screaming "fear".

Flashback ends

Lucifer laid on the bed starring at a picture of Kara and her mom hugging each other, obviously enjoying each others embrace. That was his favorite picture. She hugged her mom from behind as if she was the eldest but her goofy face showed the opposite. Her mom couldn't resist smiling, showing all her perfectly fixed white tooth. Probably because of something which  Kara or the photographer had said. He succumbed to sleep.