
Early Days

Around this time me and what I learned was my brother had grown attached by hunting and discovering new things that the creatures showed us. We had grown a lot due to the things called "shots" they kept giving us even though it hurt a bit. I never really understood why they did this, but I assumed it was good since they gave us food and took care of us like a pack. I and my brother were always watching at what they did in those funny looking pelts and odd things they put over their paws that seemed to have no talons attached to them. Some days they would even play with us using a "laser" or some of the bone scraps we kept in our collection.

I was sitting as I watching the others walk around carrying different objects and talk to each other while my brother slept in the foliage nearby. I noticed a new person walk through the door that day...he had no odd pelt just the fleshy scales and another form of armor on. He started talking to the one we called "Alpha" since he seemed to be in charge of the other creatures in the room. They were talking but not long after it turned into fighting which confused me since I had never seen this behavior before. The new creature walked over to me and stared down with a displeased look on his face, I slowly got up and backed into the same foliage my brother was still asleep in. It was then that I learned not all creatures outside of the pack were nice, but rather cold, and distant.

From then on the pack members didn't play, or show either of us much attention except for the regular feedings and shots. I always wondered why they stopped this, but then I learned that even your pack members...can betray you. They started doing things differently. For a few hours a day, we would be stuck into these holding cells, or containers while they poked and prodded us with their tools. It didn't hurt as much as it felt wrong. They would tap our legs and arms to make our muscles twitch, poke us with needle-like prongs, listen to our chests with something they attached to their ears, and inject us with these weird forms of our regular shots. It didn't make either of us feel at ease.

This went on for a long time until me and my brother had had enough, so we decided to fight back in objection to the deeds being done. When they went to take us for testing we bolted out of our enclosure before they were able to grab us. We ran around the lab for a while until a door was opened to which we slipped through. My brother and I found this hilarious and way more fun than the activities that were planned for today. Halfway down a hall, we were cornered though with people carrying these large rods with lightning attached to the end of them.

Scared and confused my brother lashed out and bit the creature holding the lightning rod with talons grappling to the face of it. It let out a shrill sound as his fleshy scales got sliced by the claws while it oozed out a red liquid from every gouge and scratch my brother made. At one point I saw a few white bits under the liquid that I recognized being bone which had been scratch up a bit. After a few minutes, more people surround the creature and my brother to which they dragged him off of the still panting and screaming thing. Filled with panic as to where they would take my brother I ran up to the group and nudged the creature who had him. It looked down at me as I tugged at the armor near its leg while reaching up towards my brother. With a sigh, the creature picked me up by my stomach and carried both me and him back to our enclosure where we went to hide in the shrubbery.

We watched them for the remainder of the time while they helped the one my brother attacked. Afterward, when the lights turned off I turned to my brother who was still watching the door they left through. I looked down at his talons and froze at the chunks of flesh and caked blood still stuck on his talons. "...Hey Storm?" I asked as his head glided over to meet my gaze with a questioning expression. "What was it like to attack a pack member? Did it feel good or bad?" I questioned as he noticed the remains of the creature on him. "It...felt different...Like I couldn't stop once I started" he responded after some time of picking off the flesh from his talons. "I wonder if I will ever do that" I replied with curiosity lining the comment fully unaware at the time who my first victim would be.