

It was cold...and dark...I never remembered much of these times except this one memory. I opened my eyes and immediately felt a burning sensation from the blue, clear liquid that seemed to suspend me in this room. I kicked my legs and floated forward where I was greeted by what the humans call "glass". I did this in a few directions before I realized that I was encapsulated in it forming a tube-like structure. Not knowing what else to do I studied myself, I had milky white scales and large glossy talons that seemed to curve in like a fishhook. My legs and arms were long and muscular but when I looked up I was greeted by a face.

I stared back at the two piercing red eyes and gnarling teeth which startled me at first until I saw it was my reflection. I looked past the glass and saw another glowing structure near my own to which I glided towards with another kick. I looked at what was in the tube and was shocked by what I saw bobbing inside the liquid. It looked like a version of me only with bluish-black scales, perfectly white teeth, talons, and straight quills matching its scale color. I was startled when the other me's eyes popped open and were staring right at me.

It blinked a few times before slightly moving its extremities in a forward motion trying to come towards me. Once it had reached the boundaries it titled its head and put its claws against the wall of glass. We stayed like this watching each other until there was a sudden blinding flash of light that caused us to wiggle away in our tubes. Once our vision had returned to normal we saw strange creatures with fleshy skin unlike our scales walking around and communicating with one another. This lasted for only a few moments before one of the creatures noticed us moving with curiosity and they gave off a loud noise with a point.

We were surrounded by them for a long while as they watched us look at each other for answers as to why they were standing there with these weird expressions and items they were holding. Once they had left us alone they started making more sounds and patting each other on their elongated shoulders. We watched them for a long time as they set up a few other weird items and as they hooked up large tubular objects to our holding tanks. The liquid around us started to drain and we slightly panicked not knowing what was happening until our feet touched the base of the tanks. I wobbled a little figuring out how to stand properly before turning and watching the other me fall over and getting back up again.

Our tanks swiftly opened in the front which caused me to stumble backward out of fear and the new feeling that touched my skin that I learned, later on, was air. I tilted my head before stepping out of the tank feeling new sensations with each advance forward. The other me followed close behind as I explored the new area we were introduced to. I watched as the weird creatures talked amongst themselves in a foreign language I didn't understand before they grabbed me by the mouth and tail. I squirmed in terror not sure of what was happening until I was set down into a larger enclosure and not long after the other me was set down in this new place as well. The glass was closed behind us and we started exploring our new home taking in the new feelings, smells, and sights not knowing what was in store for us.