

"Are you a human? or a Monster?" People have always wondered what would become of themselves after the act of death. If there was a heaven with a God who would bring them to utopia, or if there was nothing else but an endless void of nothingness. People have theorized about this for a long time -- scientists loved to research about it especially. However for some people, they don't believe in the afterlife but rather in a new life. A second chance to walk. Miguel Anderson is a seemingly ordinary teenager who has a love for mostly all forms of media, ranging from anime's, to fan-fiction's, to games. He watched these videos in order to fill up the hole of loneliness and boredom within himself. One day.. On his fathers birthday, he decided to do something that would cause his life to immensely change. To cause the start of the Indie Gamer.. This is the tale of Indie. _____________________

Indie_Excursion · Video Games
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The Heart of Deepnest.

| The Heart of Deepnest.

The cold freezing air of Deepnest would circulate around my body. It wrapped around my legs and arms like a blanket of frost. I found myself in a new area, after my escape from the massive beast. This place seemed much different than that of the previous areas. It was far colder and looked like it housed the creatures I met. I moved forward in order to get a closer look at the area.

Rocks moved underneath my feet and then fell down into what lay below this place. It hit up against the walls and then the plunging of water would echo out. I looked up and at then my vision would focus on the area.

There were various balls of silk that were bound to the roof, they had holes inside of them leading to whatever was housed inside of them. Small but sturdy lines of line would attach platforms to underneath them, they would also be connected with each other through these flat rocks. The sound of bugs moving was replaced with the calming and relaxing sound of water swishing, turning and churning underneath.

'So this is the Distant Village huh... Looks much better than I thought it would have been...' I would think to myself as I looked at one of the platforms, there was nowhere else to go at this point, so the best idea was to go inside. Perhaps I could find a way out from within?

Or maybe I will die, but surely that won't happen... I hope. Anyway I would take a couple steps back, I would then rush forward and jumped into the air. My cloak would sway behind me as I would land on the side of the platform grabbing it while panting. I would lift myself up slowly as I put one of my little legs on it.

I would get all the way on it as my hands were up against the rough and spiky floor. Getting on both of my legs I would look around, there were many more balls of silk then there were originally in the game. It looked like this village wasn't dead yet, but it was eerily silent.

It was utterly silent as I wandered through the Distant Village. My footsteps would echo out as I put my hand on one of the balls of silk. Small lines of silk would stick to my fingers and palms. I would yank it off as the lines of silk would fall off as quick as they came onto my hands. I would turn around and then looked at one of the entrances into one of the homes.

'I should probably just go in... No one seems to be here anyway so who would care? '

I would then enter into the house as my feet would hit up against the floor making a light clanking sound, the floor was made out of smooth stone.

( 3rd Person View )

Excursion would have entered into the massive ball of silk that the Spiders would call home, his black feet would hit up against the smooth stone as he would make his way inside. Excursion looked around the dark room, no one was really in there as expected. The walls were made out of smooth stone that had some engravings of spiders on it. They weren't like the ones you got when you enter into one of the spiders homes in the game.

Rather these engravings appeared to be that of massive spider legs, they were covered in white silk as they seemed pretty old. The floor would creak slightly as Excursion stepped on a stone slab that was slightly raised. Excursion wasn't really interested in this house seeing how empty it was.. He would look around seeing a table that was filled with what seemed to be food.

Excursion: ".... Food."

He would say simply as he would slowly walk towards the stone table that was tied together using silk. He would rush up to the table and then looked at it only to be disgusted by what was presented to him on the table. ' You can't have SHIT here! ' he would think to himself as he stared at the table.

Excursion: T_T "They only have dead inseeccccctttssssssss...."

He would be staring at dead insect parts on the table, sliced off legs and heads that still slightly twitched on the table. He was disgusted by it entirely as most of them were eaten by the Spiders and some others were wrapped in silk. Obviously those were going to be eaten later on...

He would get ready to leave, but then he would hear a creek, he would shoot up as he was ready to fight someone or something. There were the sounds of scuttling and creaking that was shooting all around him. Excursion was panicking in his mind ' SHIT! WHY DID I EVEN COME IN HERE!? ' he would ask himself in his mind as he would feel that someone was behind him..

He would turn around suddenly as he would see that there was no one there, he was scared and felt like this would be the end of his life at this point.

Excursion would turn again looking at the exit as he would start to walk towards it quickly, soon that would change to him running forward. The ground creaked as well as the roof as he was sprinting out for the exit. The wind pressed up against his face as he was running as fast as he could possibly.

He would reach out for the exit as it felt like he was going to reach it. Suddenly a bunch of webs would rain down as they would form a wall over the exit, he would move back in surprise as he would hear a feminine giggle coming from behind him. Excursion would turn around as he saw someone who he did not expect to see...

Herrah: "I don't know who you are... and why you are here in my home... But any bug should know that we do not like visitors..."

Herrah was standing right in front of Excursion, she wasn't like the big and thick version shown in the game, however. She was much smaller and held two large needles that had jagged sides on them. She was holding them up with her four arms and was standing on two legs as she seemed to be slightly interested in Excursion…

Seems like a battle is going to ensue.