

"Are you a human? or a Monster?" People have always wondered what would become of themselves after the act of death. If there was a heaven with a God who would bring them to utopia, or if there was nothing else but an endless void of nothingness. People have theorized about this for a long time -- scientists loved to research about it especially. However for some people, they don't believe in the afterlife but rather in a new life. A second chance to walk. Miguel Anderson is a seemingly ordinary teenager who has a love for mostly all forms of media, ranging from anime's, to fan-fiction's, to games. He watched these videos in order to fill up the hole of loneliness and boredom within himself. One day.. On his fathers birthday, he decided to do something that would cause his life to immensely change. To cause the start of the Indie Gamer.. This is the tale of Indie. _____________________

Indie_Excursion · Video Games
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Spiders, Annihilate Every Single One Of Those Creatures!

| Spiders, Annihilate Every Single One Of Those Creatures!

( Miguel POV )


< • Gacha Tab: Use Special Gacha Tickets To Use This Gacha Tab, A Regular Gacha Ticket Ensures One Gacha Pull, A Special Gacha Ticket Ensures 5 Pulls, A Legendary Gacha Ticket Ensures 10 Pulls And One Of The Items Or Things That Are Pulled Will Be Of Legendary Status. The Regular Indie Gaming Rules Do Not Apply To The Gacha Tab, Meaning All Items Through The Omniverse Can Be Pulled >

< • Level Up Tab: When The Appropriate XP Is Gained And The User Reaches The Limit Of XP, Then They Can Level Up, When The User Levels Up They Gain 10 Free Skill Points, And The World Around Them Becomes Harder Than More Difficult Variants Of Enemies Spawn. When The User Reached Level 10, They Will Evolve And Chose A Main Class, Then They Will Gain More Evolutions And Class Chooses Each Time They Reach One Of The 10s. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, ect >

< • Status Tab: The Status Tab Is Used To See Everything About The User And The Party Members He Is With, The Status Tab Contains; The Users Level, Classes, Name, Race, Bloodlines, XP Needed To Level Up, Stats, Abilities, Gear, Weapons, and the names and levels of the other party members. This Status Tab Can Be Instantly Given As A Information Card Into The Mind, This Information Card Instantly Lets The User Know Their Status Without Wasting Any Time. Saving Precious Time >

( A/N: I did this to specifically not annoy you readers with constant status screen showings, because I know how annoying constant status screen showings can be. )

< • Dungeon Creation: The User Has The Ability To Create A Dungeon, This Dungeon Is Usually Very Short Or Long, The Enemies Power And Abilities Depend On The Users Level And Weakness, All Dungeons Are Random However They All Contain A Mini Boss, And A Main Boss. >

< • Shop: The Shop Contains Everything From Every Indie Game In Existence, No Other Items That Are Not From An Indie Game are Included, Only Indie Game Items And Stuff. Items All Cost Money, Money Which The User Gains From Killing Lifeforms, Or Doing Quests. >

< • Quest Log: A Log Containing All The Quests The User Gets, Due To Hell mode Being Chosen, The Quests No Longer Have A Punishment To Make Them Easier, However The Reward For These Quests Are Lesser. >

< • Charms: Charms Are Items That Exist Within Hollownest, With The Power Of The Indie Gaming System However, Charms Have Been Created Throughout Every Multiverse And Can Be Found By The User Or Other People >

< • Omniverse Travel: This Allows The User To Travel Throughout The Omniverse. However, The User Must Have Completed The Main Story Within The World They Are In, The User Can Temporarily Travel To Other Worlds Via TWT (Temporary World Travel) Cards >


A hard cracking sound echoed out from around me, everything felt so very cold... Sharp spikes poked at my back, I raised my arm and then slowly got up. I then saw my hand, it was insanely small, and pitch black in color, I screamed out in shock as I fell back.

< • Soul Speech LV. 1: Concentrate soul into what you wish to speak, and then project that soul outwards into the world. This will result in speech. >

< • Gained 20 XP Due To Learning A Skill, Due To XP Booster, The 20 XP has Been Multiplied By 2x, Equaling Into 40 XP >

Miguel: "W-what the fuck is happening!? Where am I!? Wha-what am I!?"

Panic coursed through my body as I sharply looked around, I was surrounded by a bunch of skulls, they were not human skulls however, they had horns that took a myriad of shapes, as well as that they all had empty abyss like eyeholes. These corpses had a black thick slimy liquid leaking out of their eyes onto the floor, I stood up quickly in fear as my body was shaking. I felt something break under my foot, I looked down and saw one of these skulls, but it was shattered. ' WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!? W-WHY ARE THERE CORPSES EVERYWHERE!? W-WHERE THE HELL AM I!? ' I quickly thought as I walked backwards and hit a stone-cold wall.

< • Answer: You Have Taken The Reincarnation Google Test Set Up By God Himself, And Have Been Killed In Your Sleep And Reincarnated Into This World. Request: Please Calm Down, Unless You Wish To Die Early- >

Miguel: "I-I died? B-because of a-a G-goddamn test!? No, no, no, no, no! T-this c-c-can't b-be real!"

< • Activating Gamers Mind LV. Max. >

I felt a cool sensation wash over my head, then that sensation spread down and then covered my whole body. A soft golden glow surrounded me as I felt my panic, and all the rest of my emotions be shoved down. I felt calmer, very calm in fact. I took a deep breath.

Miguel: "... So I have been reincarnated into Hollow Knight huh . . ."

I sighed as I looked around, I was now taking my time analyzing my environment. Thoughts of my past, and my sudden death and reincarnation still swarmed my mind. ' ... I wonder if my father will be alright without me...' I thought.

The walls of this place were pitch black as thick slimy void liquid poured down into the ground, the ground was made out pure corpses. Each corpse leaking out void from its eyes, their skulls all either were shattered or had heavy damage on it, for some reason this made me feel a little sad for them. ' No need to feel sad for them... Their suffering is already over ' I thought as I looked up seeing platforms made out of pitch black stone. Taking a step forward towards one of the platforms that was near the ground, I tried to get on it however I couldn't, it was too slippery.

Miguel: "Shit...."

I was a little mad that I couldn't get onto the platform, I moved some skulls on the ground to the side as I sat down. ' .... I just reincarnated... And I had to reincarnate in the Abyss of all places... Am I really going to die down here? Just when I started this new life of mine?... I can't go up onto the platform... And even if I do somehow go up there, how am I going to get past that door? '

I heard some crackling sounds as well as some popping sounds coming from around me as black particles rose from the ground, I felt a wave of curiosity wash over me as I stood up and then turned behind me... Just to be met with two glowing white oval-shaped eyes, I moved backwards, dodging a small pitch black whip that came out of the shade's chest, I was panicking inside my mind as the black hoovering version of one of the corpses on the floor floated towards me.

I turned around and then saw more of these black entities rising out of the ground, I felt my heart (if I even have one) pounding inside my chest as I ducked under another attack from the angered shade.

' Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT! ' I started to run away quickly, as more of these shades arose out of the piles of corpses and began to chase me, I was starting to get hit by the tendrils causing a sharp pain to course throughout my back, it felt like something was burning, I screamed out in agony as I tripped on a horn and then fell down to the ground.

* Clonk *

My hard head hit against the black rock walls, as I started to leak out black fluids from my eyeholes, the shades were moving faster and faster as they released distorted twisted music from their melting black bodies. Overall, I was pretty scared at the moment. I heard a crack behind me, as I slowly turned around, then the wall behind me collapsed as I was sent rolling down a tunnel.

I felt some parts of my body snap and break, some pieces of my horn broke off, my arm snapped as it hit a big rock, some sharp roots sticking out of the rough dirt slashed my right eye, I growled in pain as I felt my body shake. I landed on the soft brown dirt ground, face first, some roots stuck out of the ground and tickled my arms. I put my arm onto the ground as I groaned in pain, I slowly lifted myself up as some black blood dripped down and out of my wounds.

I started to crawl forward, slowly I made my way through this dark place, I was feeling tired, and weak. My body wanted to give up, however I needed to keep on going, the pain was still shocking my body though, causing me to yelp and groan in pain.

I started to crawl forward, sharp rocks stabbing into my chest as I weakly moved forward... Crawling... and crawling.. the sounds of chittering and small legs pitter-pattering echoed out from above me. I saw a small glowing blue plant and then sat down next to it, then from the shadows I could see four red glowing eyes.

Miguel: "... Oh come on..."

I was shaking already from the pain as I used one of my arms to grab a sharp rock from the ground, then suddenly the beast charged out from the shadows, it was a spider, it rapidly moved towards me at quick speeds. When it was close enough I would stab the spider in the eye, it squealed out in pain as it writhed, I would then pick up a rock and then toss it at the spider, this rock would pierce through the spiders other eye. The spider would continue to writhe in pain as suddenly it stopped moving. I looked at the weaver noticing that it already had wounds on its body, as well as that some of the weavers legs were torn off brutally exposing the black flesh within.

< • Gained 39 XP from killing (Injured) Weaver, due to XP Booster, the 39 XP has been boosted by 2x, equaling into 78 XP. >

< • LEVELED UP! You are now Level One! >

Miguel: ".... I WASN'T EVEN LEVEL ONE-"


A/N: I really gotta stop procrastinating...


Name: Miguel

Age: 1

Title: The Indie Gamer ( No stat bonuses )

Class: None

Subclass: None

Rank: 0

Level: 1

Evolutions: 0

Race: Vessel

Bloodline(s): None

Bonds: None

Strength: 9

Speed: 10

Endurance: 8

Vitality: 1

Intelligence: 21

Spirit: 0 ( The amount of mana he has )

Mind: 1 ( How he can manipulate the spells he casts )

Anima: 0 ( How pure his magical energy is )

Dexterity: 0 ( How good he wields weapons )

Free Points: 10


< • LV. 2 XP Booster: All XP gained from any source is multiplied by 2x >

< • LV. MAX All-Speak: The user can understand all languages and writings, as well as speak those languages >

< • LV. 3 Absorption: This ability allows the user to devour living beings, or items in order to gain an ability from them. If the item or living being is more powerful than the user then the chance of gaining an ability from them is decreased. If the user is far above their level then the chance of getting more than one ability is increased >

< • LV. MAX Gamers Mind: Calms down the users mind when needed >

< • LV. MAX Gamers Body: Heals the users body very slowly when they rest, also makes their life partially like a game. >

< LV. 1 Soul Speech: Concentrate soul into what you wish to speak, and then project that soul outwards into the world. This will result in speech. >

1947 words


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