

"Are you a human? or a Monster?" People have always wondered what would become of themselves after the act of death. If there was a heaven with a God who would bring them to utopia, or if there was nothing else but an endless void of nothingness. People have theorized about this for a long time -- scientists loved to research about it especially. However for some people, they don't believe in the afterlife but rather in a new life. A second chance to walk. Miguel Anderson is a seemingly ordinary teenager who has a love for mostly all forms of media, ranging from anime's, to fan-fiction's, to games. He watched these videos in order to fill up the hole of loneliness and boredom within himself. One day.. On his fathers birthday, he decided to do something that would cause his life to immensely change. To cause the start of the Indie Gamer.. This is the tale of Indie. _____________________

Indie_Excursion · Video Games
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8 Chs

My Name Is....

I was still running through this long tunnel, as the rumbling got louder and louder, suddenly a massive spider leg slammed into the ground and broke the stone floor. I yelped out in fear as I moved to the side, narrowly dodging another spider leg slamming into the ground. The ground beneath me would be crumbling and shaking due to the rapid agressive movements of the large beast.

A deep roar would echo out as I ran even faster than before, I could see the tunnel getting smaller and smaller as the beast had a harder time moving. I would pant as I continued to run until I reached a point where the beast could no longer move, the beast would growl and roar as it tried to reach me.

I would turn around and then look closely at the beast, it was a very large spider, it's big long legs would slam against the floor over and over again in an attempt to try and get closer to me. I would sigh as some steam was released from my sides, the beast would growl darkly.

' So this must be a variant enemy huh? ' I would think to myself as I turned around silently and then walked through the tunnel, drops of water would fall from stalactites located on the top of the ceiling. The thin cold breath of air would wrap around my neck and legs, I would crouch down as I was met with a hole, I would go into the hole and then end up in another area.

Large shriveled white talons would pierce out of the rough ground, these plants were surrounded by bouncy white mushrooms that would wrap around the whole area. I would be in awe of this new place as I walked around slowly, the white dots of soul would rise out from the ground and ascend into the air. The chittering of insects would long be silence and was instead replaced by the loudness of running water hitting up against hard rocks.

I would walk over to one of the said mushrooms and then look at it, this mushroom was very smooth and slippery, I would place my had on it as it slowly began to slide off of the wet urface of the mushroom. My hand would completely slip off as I raised it back up, I would then stretch my fingers apart as thin white lines of goop would connect each finger together. I waved my hand quickly as the goop would fly and flop onto the ground.

Miguel: "I guess it would be a good time for me to test out one of my abilities huh..."

I would say as I thought of Absorption, the ability that I wished for when I took that dumbass test. I would look at my arm again, ' How is this supposed to work... Do I just, summon it out of me or something? ' I would think as I raised up my right arm and then pointed it at the mushroom.

Miguel: " ⌈ABSORPTION!⌋ "

I would shout out as I felt a power flow into my right arm, suddenly my right arm would be engulfed in a writhing swirling darkness that reached out looking for something to consume. As soon as it found it's target my arm which was covered in darkness would summon forth massive tendrils that wrapped around the mushroom and yanked it out of the ground. Like a black hole the poor fungus would be ripped apart into small bits and pieces and then was consumed into my arm. As soon as that occured my arm would return back to normal, all of the background sounds seemed to have ceased...

Miguel: "Woah.."

I would be in total shock at what had just occured in front of me, a screen would appear in front of my eyes as I looked at it. The screen was different than before, it had this golden shine on the outlines of the page, as well as that the screen appeared to be much more sharper and cleaner somehow.

< • You have gained! Common Skill! Spore Spread: This skill allows the user to create a cloud of deadly spores around them that will slowly poison and harm enemies, if enemies are immune to poison then the spores have no effect.

Do you wish to throw this Skill away or keep it Y/N? >

I would look at the screen for a little bit, thinking about if I should accept it or not. I would shrug and then press "Y". However the instant I tapped the screen a second screen would appear to my right, this screen being red in color. I would turn around and then look at the second screen, reading the text placed on it.

< • You cannot gain this skill until you have put in a name for your new life, make sure your name is unique so you can make yourself stand out! >

Miguel: "Name? I already have a name set though? Also why do I need to have a new name?"

< • Your name was set at the start of your reincarnation for the system to register you as it's master. Now that you are registered as a system user, your old name is no longer needed for anything. Your new name will be engraved onto your soul, to assure that the process of giving the user loot, abilities, and other goods goes to the user alone and not anyone else in the area. >

I would look at the text from the screen and tilt my head a little in confusion, but then I would sigh and then began to think about what my name should be. ' Cole? Hell no I don't want my name to be Cole... Blade? HELL TO THE FUCKING NO! I'm not walking down on that path! What about Jack.... No, no, no, I'm not being a Jack...Akar? eh... I don't know if I like that one a lot... Mmmmmm... What should my name be... What should my name be on this long journey of mine....'

< • On this possible short excursion or long journey of yours, you should choose a memorable name. Do you wish for me to pull up the Name Generator? >

Miguel: "Excursion? You know, I like the sound of that word... You know what fuck it! Anything is better than Cole, Blade or Jack... Make my name into Excursion!"

< • Changing user's name into Excursion... Giving user ability...>

I would feel a tingly sensation crawl up my legs all the way up to my head, I would look at my hands as I move them around a little bit. I would tense up my fist as some light green dots come out of my body, I would be in awe of this new experience as I forced more and more phores to come out of my body as I laughed.

Excursion: "T-This is amazing!"

I would be like this for a couple of minutes before losing my excitement and getting back onto my goal, I would lower my arms and then look around the area I was in for an exit of some sorts. I would look for a hole or a secret tunnel of sorts, but came up on nothing... I would groan, as I looked back to the tunnel I crawled out of to get to this area. Then I realized what I had to do to leave, and who I would probably face.

' ... Fucking shit..... '

( A/N: Sorry for the long break.. )

My apologies to everyone, I am sorry for taking such a long break. I would say more, but the things I was dealing with was personal and plus all that matters now is that I am back to uploading. I am trying my best to get onto a schedule.

Indie_Excursioncreators' thoughts