
The Indian Corporate Shark in Martial Waters

When successful businessman, Arnab chatterjee, suddenly finds himself transported to a strange world of martial arts and ancient traditions, he must use his wits and business acumen to survive. But navigating the complex political landscape of the Murim World proves to be more challenging than any boardroom he's ever encountered. As Arnab rises through the ranks, he realizes that his new life may not be so different from his old one after all. With enemies around every corner and the threat of war looming, Arnab must balance his desire for power and success with his newfound sense of honor and morality. Will he become the ruthless corporate shark he was before or will he find a new path in this unfamiliar world ?

IndianMasteR955 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 21 : The Princess's Mission to Kanka

Princess Won Mee was furious when she learned that four of the "fox energy pills" were stolen. She immediately asked Dae-sung to investigate and find out who was responsible for the theft. After a thorough investigation, they discovered that the thief was the brother of the rogue soldier who protested in front of the cave, a member of the Blood Moon Sect. It seemed that the Blood Moon Sect was seeking revenge against Sword Manic by stealing the pills, which they believed could be used to strengthen his martial arts.

Dae-sung and a few guards followed the thief's tracks and eventually found him in a small village. They apprehended him and brought him back to the palace for interrogation. The thief confessed to stealing two pills but claimed that he did not know anything about the other missing pills. Princess Won Mee was not satisfied with his answer and ordered her men to continue the investigation.

Days turned into weeks, and despite their best efforts, they could not find any leads on the missing pills. Princess Won Mee was frustrated and worried that the pills might fall into the wrong hands

Princess Won Mee was relieved that the thief who stole the "fox energy pills" had been caught. She knew that the pills were powerful and could be dangerous in the wrong hands. She couldn't believe that someone would steal them, especially after they had been distributed among the factions.

"I can't believe they were stolen," she said, shaking her head. "I thought we had taken all the necessary precautions."

Dae-sung, who had helped her catch the thief, nodded. "Yes, we did. But we couldn't have foreseen this."

The princess sighed. "I guess we'll just have to accept that the pills are gone. We can't waste any more time trying to find them."

However, Won Mee's mind was preoccupied with other things. She had received intelligence that the kingdom of Kanka might have uranium reserves, which could be a valuable resource for their kingdom. She knew that if she could secure a deal with the king of Kanka, it would be a significant achievement for her and her kingdom.

"Father," she said to the king, "I believe I can secure a deal with the king of Kanka for uranium. I know how to use it, and I'm confident that I can convince him to trade with us."

The king raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You've never been to Kanka, and you don't know anything about their politics or culture."

Won Mee nodded. "I understand, Father, but I am willing to learn. I believe this is an opportunity we can't afford to miss."

The king thought for a moment before nodding. "Very well. But I won't let you go alone. I'll send an escort from the Nine Dragon Sect to accompany you."

Won Mee was grateful for her father's support but couldn't help feeling disappointed that she couldn't go alone. She had always been independent and had hoped to prove herself on this mission.

As she prepared for the trip, she met with Arnab, the Nine Dragon Sect member who would be her escort.

"Hello, Princess," Arnab greeted her with a bow.

"Hello, Arnab," Won Mee replied. "I'm glad you're accompanying me."

"I'm honored to serve you, Princess," he said with a smile.

Won Mee smiled back, impressed by Arnab's professionalism. "I hope we can make this trip as successful as possible. We're going to need all the help we can get."

Arnab nodded. "Don't worry, Princess. I'll make sure we get there safely."

As they began their journey, Won Mee couldn't help but feel excited and nervous. She knew that the stakes were high, and she couldn't afford to make any mistakes.