
The Indian Corporate Shark in Martial Waters

When successful businessman, Arnab chatterjee, suddenly finds himself transported to a strange world of martial arts and ancient traditions, he must use his wits and business acumen to survive. But navigating the complex political landscape of the Murim World proves to be more challenging than any boardroom he's ever encountered. As Arnab rises through the ranks, he realizes that his new life may not be so different from his old one after all. With enemies around every corner and the threat of war looming, Arnab must balance his desire for power and success with his newfound sense of honor and morality. Will he become the ruthless corporate shark he was before or will he find a new path in this unfamiliar world ?

IndianMasteR955 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 22: Swords and Diplomacy

.Princess Won Mee and Arnab had been on the road for two weeks, and they were finally nearing their destination - the kingdom of Kanka. Won Mee had spent the journey studying up on the customs and politics of Kanka, but she knew that her real test was yet to come.

As Princess Won Mee and her escort, Arnab, were making their way to Kanka when they were suddenly attacked by the unorthodox faction. The group of rebels had been causing trouble in the region for some time, and they saw the princess's convoy as an easy target. However, they quickly realized they were wrong..

Arnab drew his swords with lightning speed and started battling the attackers. His movements were fluid and graceful, as he easily dodged their blows and struck back with precision. Won Mee watched in awe as her personal escort fought off the attackers and led the Imperial Guards to victory.

Once the attackers had been chased away, Won Mee approached Arnab with gratitude. "Thank you for protecting us. You fought bravely," she said, admiration in her voice.

Arnab bowed respectfully. "It was my honor, Princess. I am just doing my duty as a member of the Nine Dragon Sect."

Won Mee nodded, still impressed by his skills. "I'm glad you were with us. But I think it's best if you return to the sect now. The King of Kanka promised to send a team of escort warriors to accompany me back to the palace."

Arnab looked a bit hesitant but ultimately agreed with her decision. "As you wish, Princess. I will return to the sect and report what happened here."

Won Mee nodded, satisfied with his response. She knew that he would make a good report and would ensure that the Nine Dragon Sect knew what had happened.

After the incident, Won Mee and her remaining escort arrived at the palace of the King of Kanka. They were greeted with respect, and Won Mee was ushered into the diplomatic room, where she sat down with the king to discuss the uranium resources.

"I'm very interested in your knowledge of uranium," the King said, his eyes lighting up. "I've heard that it's a valuable resource, and I'd like to know more about it."

Won Mee smiled, sensing an opportunity. "Uranium can be used to power various machines, and it has many military applications. It's a valuable resource, and I believe that we can benefit from working together."

The king listened intently as Won Mee spoke, nodding along as she explained the different uses of uranium. "I see," he said when she had finished. "But how do I know that I can trust you? What if you're just trying to take advantage of me?"

Won Mee's expression remained calm and composed. "I assure you, Your Majesty, that I have no intention of deceiving you. I believe that a partnership between our kingdoms would be mutually beneficial. And to show my sincerity, I'm willing to share 40% of the uranium resources with you."

The King of Kanka's eyes widened in surprise. He had not expected such a generous offer. "40%?" he repeated, clearly impressed. "That's a lot. You must be serious about this partnership."

Won Mee nodded, a small smile playing at her lips. "I am, Your Majesty. I believe that this could be the beginning of a prosperous relationship between our kingdoms."

The King of Kanka thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Very well, Princess. Let's work together and see where this partnership takes us."

Won Mee and the King of Kanka shook hands, sealing their deal. As she left the palace, Won Mee couldn't help but feel satisfied with the success of her mission. She had secured a valuable resource for her kingdom, and she had done it through

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