
The Impossible Family

The ninth book for my Doctor Who fan fiction with elements of RWBY, Symphogear, Madoka Magica, the MCU, Ace Attorney, Sherlock, and SAO in there. It will have me, the Doctor, obviously, the companion, whoever it might be. It will also have characters from RWBY, SAO, Symphogear, Madoka Magica, Sherlock, Ace Attorney, and the MCU in there, all of us interacting with each other. The traveling, the hijinks, the running and traveling continues, and this could be the end for our heroes in the story.

pokecraft98 · TV
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145 Chs

Super Besties

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: 'RWBY CHIBI'!

Team RWBY's dorm...

Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Zwei and Weiss Schnee are all asleep in Team RWBY's dorm room. Ruby Rose and Jared Shay sneaks up behind the sleeping Weiss to whisper at her.

"Weiss...are you asleep? Weiiiiss...?" Ruby asked.

"She's sleeping." Jared said, looking over at Ruby. "You thinking what I'm thinking, Little Red?"

"Totally. Let's do this."

"I love you most of all, cake butler." Weiss said, asleep.

"Listen closely. You want to be Ruby and Jared's BFF!" Ruby said.

Weiss frowns.

"Oh no. Don't want that." Weiss said, asleep.

"Yes, yes, yes, you dooo! You want to hang out and do fun activities with Ruby and Jared all day looong!" Ruby said, nodding.

"And all day long involves going to the mall, amusement park, the beach, and the arcade!" Jared said, looking down at Weiss.

"I do? That's terrible. Especially the arcade. You lose money quickly there." Weiss said, asleep.

Ruby picks up Weiss' hair and plays with it, drawing out the ponytail and stroking it as she talks while Jared is stroking Weiss' leg.

"No, it's good. Spending time all day long with Ruby and Jared. Especially at the arcade. Also, you're going to tell everyone that Ruby and Jared are your super besties better than the restiiiies!" Ruby said.

Weiss turns onto her back, her ponytail naturally falling out of Ruby's grasp as Jared is still stroking her leg.

"OK. I guess." Weiss said, asleep.

"Perfect! You're also going to wear...matching outfits." Ruby said.

"And we're gonna match the orders we get too." Jared said, smiling.

As Ruby and Jared slips away thunder crashes and lightning strikes.

Weiss sits upright in bed, startled awake, "Oh my gosh, no! I can't wear the same clothes and have the same orders!"

Weiss pops up to look at the apparently-sleeping Ruby in her bed. Unaware that it's just a teddy bear wearing a wig of Ruby's hair. The Schnee heiress also looks around the room to see that Jared isn't there. The fanboy is hiding himself using his Semblance that allows him to disappear.

"What a strange dream. I must be studying too hard. Better get some rest." Weiss said, returning to her bed, yawning as she settles back into sleep. "I have a full day of fun activities tomorrow."

From her bunk above Weiss', Ruby and Jared's hands grasp the frame and the two slowly reveals their faces.

"Sleep little snowflake. It's all going according to plan." Ruby said.

"Atlantic City?" Jared asked.

"Yup. That's good."

"Great. I would have to install the dimension travel device on Bumblebee first. And then install a temporary sidecar for Weiss to sit in."

Ruby reveals three white T-shirts with the same flowers and writing on them. One in red, one in blue, one in red and blue, the three T-shirts read: 'Weiss + Ruby + Jared = Super Besties'. Ruby returns to her bunk and Jared hops down to return to his sleeping bag.

The next morning, Ruby, Weiss, and Jared are wearing the T-shirts. Ruby and Jared look super proud while Weiss is slumped over in stunned disbelief. Yang smiles at the three of them while beside her was Blake, sitting an a chair, reading a book called Howling at the Moon. Jared grabs Ruby by his hand and the silver eyed girl grabs Weiss by her hand.

"Let's go, bestie! Jared and I have our whole day planned for us!" Ruby said, excitedly.

"And that whole day is gonna be a blast! Dance Dance Revolution, crane games, bumper cars, and lying down on the sand near the ocean breeze! Along with a lot of window shopping and mall food!" Jared said, happily.

Weiss gets pulled along while wearing a forced smile, her feet sliding across the floor.

"That sounds super fun, even though I'm screaming on the inside!" Weiss said, with a forced cheer.

Once they're gone, Blake speaks to Yang.

"Should we be worried about this?" Blake asked.

"I'm sure it's fine." Yang said.

"Ruby! Don't forget the keys for Bumblebee and some money!" Jared said, his voice nearby.

"Right." Ruby said, showing up in the doorway and holding her hand out to Yang, crooking her fingers.

Jerkily, Yang drops keys and Lien into her sister's hand.

"Feel free to use my motorcycle, and here's a little spending cash for you and Jared!" Yang said, with a forced cheer.

Ruby and Jared disappear with a smug grin. Yang's arm jerks up and down before Yang completely jumps, crouching and shaking it off. After her eyes stop swirling, she turns to Blake, alarmed.

"What just happened?" Yang asked.

"I'll tell you what happened. You and Weiss obviously have weak minds and are easily manipulated." Blake said, and as she talks, she jumps up from her chair and closes her book, revealing that she's wearing a T-shirt that reads 'Backup Bestie'.

Yang looks at Blake with wide eyes.

"What?" Blake asked.


Roman Torchwick stands on a street in Vale holding Melodic Cudgel and looking very unhappily in the direction of an unseen storefront. On his head is a dented flat top hat.

"Come on! Hurry it up in there before I lose it and really show you my bad side!" Torchwick said.

The Shopkeep steps out, one hand in the air, and the other trembling as it hands over Torchwick's usual bowler hat.

Torchwick grins and snatches it out of the Shopkeep's hand, "Finally!"

A pull out reveals that the Shopkeep just stepped out of a dry cleaning shop. In one swoop, Torchwick replaces the bowler hat onto his head, sending the other one off into the wind.

"It just isn't the same without ya, sweetheart." Torchwick said, sighing with happy relief and addressing his hat.

He walks away, whistling, and the wind blows his previous hat onto the Shopkeep's face.


Ruby, Blake, Jared, and Rin Tohsaka wait in line at a bookstore behind some shadow people. On the wall is a picture of Tukson, declaring him Employee of the Month. Blake is clutching Howling at the Moon to her chest excitedly.

"I can't believe my favorite author is here signing books. He wrote the Howling at the Moon series. It's about a beastly protagonist who can never reach the object of his affection. It's so romantic. So tragic!" Blake said.

"Jeez, Blake, I've never seen you so wound up before." Ruby said, sadly.

"This is huge! He's a genius, and yet no one knows what he looks like. So mysterious. Oh my god, I could die."

"She does know that it's written by..." Rin said, laughing a little.

"Nope. She's about to find out." Jared said, looking over at Rin. "My god. I've known about this for ages."

"Know about what? Blake, if you love him so much, that author, why don't you marry him?" Ruby asked.

"Don't be silly." Blake said, tackling Ruby and emphatically pushing the book onto her. "But do you think he would at least go on a date with me? I mean, I'm his biggest fan."

"Ah! Yes, no, I don't know! Stop hitting me!" Ruby said, terrified.

"Blake, you do know you're folding the pages of the book you want signed." Rin said, crossing her arms.

"Don't you want to fix it?" Jared asked, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you two are right. I'm folding the pages!" Blake said, looking between Jared and Rin.

Blake straightens the book tenderly, before panting with nerves. The shadow people in line in front of Blake, Ruby, Rin, and Jared move off.

"What if he thinks I'm weird. What if he hates my ears? This was a mistake. We should go." Blake said.

"Relax, Blake! I'm sure he's just a regular person like the four of us." Ruby said.

"No need to worry! Everything will be just fine. I promise." Jared said, smiling.

Blake realizes that the line has moved off and with a single leap lands in front of the author's table. She doesn't see anyone at it beyond the two shadow people just about to move away.

"Wh-where is he?" Blake asked, looking at Ruby, Rin, and Jared with her back turned to the table.

The two remaining fans walk away and Ruby squints at who is revealed behind them.

"Zwei?" Ruby asked, and she looked back at Jared and Rin. "You knew?"

"Jared told me first. I couldn't believe it at first. But then I remembered that Zwei went to obedience school." Rin said, her hand on her hip.

"I've been reading it. Zwei is an amazing author. Probably above JK Rowling!" Jared said, happily.

At the table, Zwei barks in the affirmative. He's wearing half-moon spectacles. The Meet the Author sign reads: '1 Tummy Rub Per Book Signed'.

Blake turns, speechless, "No..."

Ruby, Rin, and Jared chuckles. Blake drops her book and flees the bookstore in a fit of despair.

"Noooooo!" Blake said, sobbing.

"On the bright side, I think I can get you a date!" Ruby said, calling after Blake.

"A date between Blake and Zwei. That I got to see." Rin said, tilting her head. "Are you gonna record it?"

"Yup!" Jared said, excitedly.

"A recording of their date. Perfect blackmail if we want to spend a whole day with Blake." Ruby said.


"Man, that obedience school really went all out on you, huh?" Ruby asked, looking at Zwei.

Zwei barks and blows three bubbles from the pipe in his mouth.In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: 'RWBY CHIBI'!

Team RWBY's dorm...

Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Zwei and Weiss Schnee are all asleep in Team RWBY's dorm room. Ruby Rose and Jared Shay sneaks up behind the sleeping Weiss to whisper at her.

"Weiss...are you asleep? Weiiiiss...?" Ruby asked.

"She's sleeping." Jared said, looking over at Ruby. "You thinking what I'm thinking, Little Red?"

"Totally. Let's do this."

"I love you most of all, cake butler." Weiss said, asleep.

"Listen closely. You want to be Ruby and Jared's BFF!" Ruby said.

Weiss frowns.

"Oh no. Don't want that." Weiss said, asleep.

"Yes, yes, yes, you dooo! You want to hang out and do fun activities with Ruby and Jared all day looong!" Ruby said, nodding.

"And all day long involves going to the mall, amusement park, the beach, and the arcade!" Jared said, looking down at Weiss.

"I do? That's terrible. Especially the arcade. You lose money quickly there." Weiss said, asleep.

Ruby picks up Weiss' hair and plays with it, drawing out the ponytail and stroking it as she talks while Jared is stroking Weiss' leg.

"No, it's good. Spending time all day long with Ruby and Jared. Especially at the arcade. Also, you're going to tell everyone that Ruby and Jared are your super besties better than the restiiiies!" Ruby said.

Weiss turns onto her back, her ponytail naturally falling out of Ruby's grasp as Jared is still stroking her leg.

"OK. I guess." Weiss said, asleep.

"Perfect! You're also going to wear...matching outfits." Ruby said.

"And we're gonna match the orders we get too." Jared said, smiling.

As Ruby and Jared slips away thunder crashes and lightning strikes.

Weiss sits upright in bed, startled awake, "Oh my gosh, no! I can't wear the same clothes and have the same orders!"

Weiss pops up to look at the apparently-sleeping Ruby in her bed. Unaware that it's just a teddy bear wearing a wig of Ruby's hair. The Schnee heiress also looks around the room to see that Jared isn't there. The fanboy is hiding himself using his Semblance that allows him to disappear.

"What a strange dream. I must be studying too hard. Better get some rest." Weiss said, returning to her bed, yawning as she settles back into sleep. "I have a full day of fun activities tomorrow."

From her bunk above Weiss', Ruby and Jared's hands grasp the frame and the two slowly reveals their faces.

"Sleep little snowflake. It's all going according to plan." Ruby said.

"Atlantic City?" Jared asked.

"Yup. That's good."

"Great. I would have to install the dimension travel device on Bumblebee first. And then install a temporary sidecar for Weiss to sit in."

Ruby reveals three white T-shirts with the same flowers and writing on them. One in red, one in blue, one in red and blue, the three T-shirts read: 'Weiss + Ruby + Jared = Super Besties'. Ruby returns to her bunk and Jared hops down to return to his sleeping bag.

The next morning, Ruby, Weiss, and Jared are wearing the T-shirts. Ruby and Jared look super proud while Weiss is slumped over in stunned disbelief. Yang smiles at the three of them while beside her was Blake, sitting an a chair, reading a book called Howling at the Moon. Jared grabs Ruby by his hand and the silver eyed girl grabs Weiss by her hand.

"Let's go, bestie! Jared and I have our whole day planned for us!" Ruby said, excitedly.

"And that whole day is gonna be a blast! Dance Dance Revolution, crane games, bumper cars, and lying down on the sand near the ocean breeze! Along with a lot of window shopping and mall food!" Jared said, happily.

Weiss gets pulled along while wearing a forced smile, her feet sliding across the floor.

"That sounds super fun, even though I'm screaming on the inside!" Weiss said, with a forced cheer.

Once they're gone, Blake speaks to Yang.

"Should we be worried about this?" Blake asked.

"I'm sure it's fine." Yang said.

"Ruby! Don't forget the keys for Bumblebee and some money!" Jared said, his voice nearby.

"Right." Ruby said, showing up in the doorway and holding her hand out to Yang, crooking her fingers.

Jerkily, Yang drops keys and Lien into her sister's hand.

"Feel free to use my motorcycle, and here's a little spending cash for you and Jared!" Yang said, with a forced cheer.

Ruby and Jared disappear with a smug grin. Yang's arm jerks up and down before Yang completely jumps, crouching and shaking it off. After her eyes stop swirling, she turns to Blake, alarmed.

"What just happened?" Yang asked.

"I'll tell you what happened. You and Weiss obviously have weak minds and are easily manipulated." Blake said, and as she talks, she jumps up from her chair and closes her book, revealing that she's wearing a T-shirt that reads 'Backup Bestie'.

Yang looks at Blake with wide eyes.

"What?" Blake asked.


Roman Torchwick stands on a street in Vale holding Melodic Cudgel and looking very unhappily in the direction of an unseen storefront. On his head is a dented flat top hat.

"Come on! Hurry it up in there before I lose it and really show you my bad side!" Torchwick said.

The Shopkeep steps out, one hand in the air, and the other trembling as it hands over Torchwick's usual bowler hat.

Torchwick grins and snatches it out of the Shopkeep's hand, "Finally!"

A pull out reveals that the Shopkeep just stepped out of a dry cleaning shop. In one swoop, Torchwick replaces the bowler hat onto his head, sending the other one off into the wind.

"It just isn't the same without ya, sweetheart." Torchwick said, sighing with happy relief and addressing his hat.

He walks away, whistling, and the wind blows his previous hat onto the Shopkeep's face.


Ruby, Blake, Jared, and Rin Tohsaka wait in line at a bookstore behind some shadow people. On the wall is a picture of Tukson, declaring him Employee of the Month. Blake is clutching Howling at the Moon to her chest excitedly.

"I can't believe my favorite author is here signing books. He wrote the Howling at the Moon series. It's about a beastly protagonist who can never reach the object of his affection. It's so romantic. So tragic!" Blake said.

"Jeez, Blake, I've never seen you so wound up before." Ruby said, sadly.

"This is huge! He's a genius, and yet no one knows what he looks like. So mysterious. Oh my god, I could die."

"She does know that it's written by..." Rin said, laughing a little.

"Nope. She's about to find out." Jared said, looking over at Rin. "My god. I've known about this for ages."

"Know about what? Blake, if you love him so much, that author, why don't you marry him?" Ruby asked.

"Don't be silly." Blake said, tackling Ruby and emphatically pushing the book onto her. "But do you think he would at least go on a date with me? I mean, I'm his biggest fan."

"Ah! Yes, no, I don't know! Stop hitting me!" Ruby said, terrified.

"Blake, you do know you're folding the pages of the book you want signed." Rin said, crossing her arms.

"Don't you want to fix it?" Jared asked, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you two are right. I'm folding the pages!" Blake said, looking between Jared and Rin.

Blake straightens the book tenderly, before panting with nerves. The shadow people in line in front of Blake, Ruby, Rin, and Jared move off.

"What if he thinks I'm weird. What if he hates my ears? This was a mistake. We should go." Blake said.

"Relax, Blake! I'm sure he's just a regular person like the four of us." Ruby said.

"No need to worry! Everything will be just fine. I promise." Jared said, smiling.

Blake realizes that the line has moved off and with a single leap lands in front of the author's table. She doesn't see anyone at it beyond the two shadow people just about to move away.

"Wh-where is he?" Blake asked, looking at Ruby, Rin, and Jared with her back turned to the table.

The two remaining fans walk away and Ruby squints at who is revealed behind them.

"Zwei?" Ruby asked, and she looked back at Jared and Rin. "You knew?"

"Jared told me first. I couldn't believe it at first. But then I remembered that Zwei went to obedience school." Rin said, her hand on her hip.

"I've been reading it. Zwei is an amazing author. Probably above JK Rowling!" Jared said, happily.

At the table, Zwei barks in the affirmative. He's wearing half-moon spectacles. The Meet the Author sign reads: '1 Tummy Rub Per Book Signed'.

Blake turns, speechless, "No..."

Ruby, Rin, and Jared chuckles. Blake drops her book and flees the bookstore in a fit of despair.

"Noooooo!" Blake said, sobbing.

"On the bright side, I think I can get you a date!" Ruby said, calling after Blake.

"A date between Blake and Zwei. That I got to see." Rin said, tilting her head. "Are you gonna record it?"

"Yup!" Jared said, excitedly.

"A recording of their date. Perfect blackmail if we want to spend a whole day with Blake." Ruby said.


"Man, that obedience school really went all out on you, huh?" Ruby asked, looking at Zwei.

Zwei barks and blows three bubbles from the pipe in his mouth.