
The Imperial Concubine is the Most Favored in the Harem

Lin Wanyi, the daughter of the prime minister, is beautiful and talented, but she has been cautious in the harem for the sake of a safe life. She thought she would marry a peaceful family and live a smooth life, but things took a sharp turn when she received the imperial edict to enter the palace. Her father and brother were not helpful, and her position in the palace was only a low-ranking one. She seemed to have no other way out except to rely on her elder cousin sister, the imperial concubine. She wanted to live a quiet life behind closed doors, but the cold-hearted and cold-faced emperor came more diligently than anyone else! Outsiders all said that Lin Wanyi was spoiled, but they didn't know that the strong and forbearing young emperor was confused at a glance...

Alex_5130 · History
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30 Chs

Selecting the Material


This time, Chunqi was much more energetic than before.

The young lady had just entered the palace, and she was able to sew pajamas for His Majesty by herself. It seemed that she was really favored by the emperor.

But after opening the cabinet door and searching carefully, she grumbled again.

"Young lady, we didn't bring any material into the palace, and the fabrics sent here are all for women. What should we do?"

Lin Wanyi thought about it, and called Xiao Luzi to ask.

"Is the Nei Tingsi responsible for sewing fabrics in this palace?"

Xiao Luzi nodded, and then answered respectfully.

"There are six warehouses, seven workshops and two rooms in the Inner Court. The cloth belongs to the satin warehouse, the embroiderers belong to the embroidery workshop, and if there is anything that needs to be mended, it should be taken to the needlework room."

"It's true in the palace. A nightgown can involve so many people."

"That's natural. Whether it's the master or the palace maid in the palace, new clothes must be ordered every spring, summer, autumn and winter. If there is a reward, it can't be delayed. So it looks like just a piece of clothing, but there are so many people involved." Xiao Luzi explained.

"When I was in the prime minister's mansion before, there were embroiderers, but their skills were not as good as the eldest lady's."

After saying that, Chunqi deliberately picked up the pomegranate-colored sachet hanging on her body and "showed off" to Xia An and Xiao Luzi.

"Look, this is what the eldest lady gave me."

Xia An has seen it many times, so she is used to it. But Xiao Luzi took it and took a closer look, with a surprise in his eyes.

"Madam's craftsmanship is really good. I think it's better than the embroiderers in the palace."

After hearing others praising the Madam, Chunqi was also very happy.

"If I want to sew pajamas for His Majesty, I should go to the satin warehouse to find the material, right?"

"My lady, that's right, but I have never done such a job before, so I'm not sure."

He wanted to ask Eunuch Qin, but he swallowed the words back, fearing that he would make the lady suspicious again.

Lin Wanyi had an idea in her mind. It seemed that she had to ask the treasurer of the satin warehouse to come over.

So she gave the order to Xiao Luzi.

"You are fast and familiar. Go to the satin warehouse now. If the treasurer is there, ask him to come over. If he is not here, ask if there is any water-light brocade sent from Jiangnan?

"Water-light brocade?"

"Yes, the fabric is made of water silkworm silk, which is unique to Jiangnan. It is comfortable and has a light color. It is most suitable for making pajamas."

"I'll take note and go find it now."

As he spoke, he trotted away. Chunqi approached Lin Wanyi and asked curiously.

"My lady, aren't you afraid that he will go to the inner court and communicate with Eunuch Qin?"

Lin Wanyi smiled and said indifferently.

"He is originally the apprentice of Eunuch Qin. It is normal for him to contact Eunuch Qin. It's just that I don't like him to spread my words outside. If he can keep his mouth shut, it would be a good idea."

These days, she has carefully observed that this little guy is really good.

Although he is not very old, he is also an "old man" in the palace, but he has not been tainted with the habit of flattering the superiors and bullying the subordinates.

It seems that this Eunuch Qin is really good to him.

Therefore, he still kept his original intention in the palace.

But did Eunuch Qin really think so highly of her? He sent the disciple he had taken care of for a long time to her, which surprised Lin Wanyi.

With Xiao Luzi, it was more or less convenient for her to communicate with the Inner Court, so she would not really give up Xiao Luzi, even if he tried to persuade her.   

Chunqi had a look of "I see, that's what it is". But Xia An felt that the young lady was a little different from before.

In the past, she didn't care about these things.

Why did she seem to be more concerned about His Majesty's affairs after coming out of the Linzhi Palace today?

Thinking of what she said about being pregnant some time ago, Xia An felt a little uneasy. But seeing that Lin Wanyi was still as calm as before, she didn't say much.

After a while, Xiao Luzi came back from the Inner Court.

An elderly nanny followed behind her. Not only was she neat and tidy, but her clothes were also ironed very flat. She looked like a respectable person.

"I, Fan Baoju, the head of the satin warehouse of the Inner Court, meet the young lady. May the young lady be blessed."

It's no wonder that the head of the satin warehouse would dress like this.

Don't hit a smiling person. Lin Wanyi still needs help from others, so naturally she won't put on airs.

So she smiled gently and said.

"Madam Fan, please stand up. Chunqi, serve tea to Madam Fan."

Madam Fan was a little surprised and was about to refuse, but Lin Wanyi continued.

"I have just entered the palace and I don't know many things, so I need to talk to you for a few more words."

"My lady is too polite. In this case, I will be disrespectful to refuse."

She took the tea brought by Chunqi, sat on the round stool, and chatted with Lin Wanyi who was sitting on the couch connected to the bright window.

"I heard from Xiaoluzi that you want water-light brocade?"

"Yes, His Majesty ordered me to make a nightgown. After thinking about it, I think the material is good, so I asked Xiaoluzi to find it."

"Unfortunately, only six pieces of water-light brocade were tributed last year, and they were all given away by His Majesty. This year's has not been delivered yet, so there is no such material in the satin warehouse."

Then she raised her hand, and the palace maids waiting outside the door came in, holding different materials in their hands.

"Since it is for your majesty pajamas, I boldly picked some. The material is soft, glutinous, and the color is also simple and elegant. I think it is not much different from the water-light brocade."

The material was delivered to Lin Wanyi, which made her eyes light up.

It must be said that the goods in this palace are better than those outside.

If they were sold outside, I am afraid that each piece would be worth a lot of money. Some are even rarer than water-light brocade, but Lin Wanyi took a look and did not choose.

Finally, she pointed to a simple silk brocade and said.

"Just keep this one."

Madam Fan has been in charge of the satin warehouse for many years, and she knows what kind of material has what kind of use.

I didn't plan to bring it with me at first, because I never choose this kind of silk brocade when embroidering the sleeping clothes for His Majesty, but I thought that since Lin wanted to choose the water-light brocade, she would probably be interested in this silk brocade.

Unexpectedly, the two of them really thought of the same thing.

When Lin Wanyi was at her grandfather's house, she had seen this kind of silk brocade.

Her grandmother was also good at knitting and embroidery, and she said that this silk brocade could be a substitute for the water-light brocade.

Ordinary people who couldn't afford the water-light brocade would use this silk brocade instead. The effect was naturally not as good as the water-light brocade, but it was not much worse.