
The Imperial Concubine is the Most Favored in the Harem

Lin Wanyi, the daughter of the prime minister, is beautiful and talented, but she has been cautious in the harem for the sake of a safe life. She thought she would marry a peaceful family and live a smooth life, but things took a sharp turn when she received the imperial edict to enter the palace. Her father and brother were not helpful, and her position in the palace was only a low-ranking one. She seemed to have no other way out except to rely on her elder cousin sister, the imperial concubine. She wanted to live a quiet life behind closed doors, but the cold-hearted and cold-faced emperor came more diligently than anyone else! Outsiders all said that Lin Wanyi was spoiled, but they didn't know that the strong and forbearing young emperor was confused at a glance...

Alex_5130 · History
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32 Chs

Direct Disciple

She just didn't expect that there would be such a material in the palace.

Half-believing and half-doubting, she asked.

"Madame Fan, this material is not prepared for other people, right?"

As for other people, she was most afraid that it was prepared for the palace servants. If someone caught her and said that she used the material for the palace servants to make pajamas for the emperor, she would have to spend her days in the cold palace in less than half a day.

She didn't enter the palace to go to the cold palace, so she had to be careful about everything.

Madame Fan smiled. She had experienced a lot of things, so she naturally understood what she meant.

"Don't worry, my lady, the materials I brought today are all used by the nobles. The silk brocade is also a tribute, but it is not so conspicuous among the materials."

Hearing her say this, Lin Wanyi was relieved.

Come to think of it, the person in charge of the satin warehouse brought the material for making clothes for the palace servants for the emperor's pajamas maybe he thought his life was too long and wanted to die early?  

"With what Madam Fan said, I feel much more relieved."

Then, Madam Fan brought a stack of silk threads that matched it. There were lake blue and sky blue, all of which were plain colors, which were most suitable for matching the silk brocade.

At the same time, she took out a piece of paper and handed it over.

"This is the size of your majesty's pajamas. Before I came, I went to the embroidery workshop to get it, thinking that the young lady would probably use it."

Lin Wanyi's impression of the people in the palace really improved.

Each of them was very thoughtful. They only asked for cloth, but they sent so much.

Not only was each one useful, but they also matched very well.

"Madam Fan, you are thoughtful. I thank you very much here."

"My young lady is too polite. I stayed in Yunxiu Pavilion before entering the palace, so I have a good relationship with you."

Yunxiu Pavilion was the property of Lin Wanyi's grandfather. It was very famous in Shengjing City and the Jiangnan area. The embroiderers who came out of it were all outstanding, so it was not surprising that they were selected to enter the palace.

But Lin Wanyi didn't expect to meet an old friend here.

So besides being surprised, she was also a little happy.

"So Nanny Fan came from Yunxiu Pavilion. It's really a coincidence."

The two didn't say it clearly, but the meaning was clear.

Although the satin warehouse is not an important place in the palace, it is a good thing for Lin Wanyi to have such a person in the palace.

Chunqi has a good eye, so she asked the others to leave.

She left the opportunity for her young lady to talk to Nanny Fan.

Outsiders all say that Yunxiu Pavilion is the property of the Dong family, but in fact it was left by my grandmother Du's family. It was about to fail, but it was revived by my great-grandmother and passed on to my mother's generation, and it has been developing better and better.

So although the eldest lady Dong is only the wife of the first room of the prime minister's mansion in name, she is actually the head of Yunxiu Pavilion.

This point cannot be known unless you are close to her.

"I don't know who Nanny Fan's teacher is? What generation is she in?"

"She learned from Madam Du, and she is in the Liu generation."

Liu generation! Madam Du!

This Nanny Fan is actually...

"I am short-sighted. I never thought that Nanny Fan would be my grandmother's direct disciple!"

Nanny Fan smiled, and there was more kindness in her eyes when she looked at Lin Wanyi. Then she straightened her expression and handed a button embroidered with copper coin patterns to Lin Wanyi.

This thing was taught to her by her grandmother, and few outsiders knew about it.

It seems that the person who can get this thing is indeed very related to my grandmother.

"My lady, you are praising me. Thanks to the master's generous teaching, I won the first place in the selection to enter the palace, and also won a lot of face for Yunxiu Pavilion. But later... I had ashamed the master's cultivation."   

Nanny Fan didn't tell the reason, but Lin Wanyi knew that she must have been plotted against.

Otherwise, with Nanny Fan's skills and abilities, how could she be the head of a small satin warehouse? At least she should be the head of an embroidery workshop which is second to none in embroidery!

But Lin Wanyi didn't want to mention it, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"So Nanny Fan came here this time... Is it mu grandmother's idea?"

"The young lady is really as smart as the master said. Half a month ago, I went out to buy fabrics. It was only after the master invited me that I learned that the young lady had entered the palace, so she told me that if I could help in any way, I must help.

"Thinking of her grandparents, Lin Wanyi felt warm in her heart.

"My grandmother still loves me as much as before, but I feel a little sorry that she has to worry about these things."

"Don't worry, my lady. I see that my master looks very healthy and energetic, and I thinks he will live a long life. But I am really worried about you. I wanted to find an opportunity to see you, but I met Xiaoluzi who was looking for materials, so I hurried this trip, just thinking of meeting you."

Nanny Fan's expression was kind and amiable.

"Although I am not a big shot in the harem, I know a little bit about the inside story. My lady, please don't be polite to me."

After she entered the palace, she had only one younger brother outside, who also worked in the Dong family.

Over the years, with the help of Old Master Dong, she not only got married and had children, but now she also has a family business and lives a prosperous life.

So whether it is for the sake of her relationship with her master or for her brother's future, she will sincerely help Lin Wanyi.

Lin Wanyi also smiled and said in return.

"Since Madam Fan said so, I won't be polite. The palace can be lively or quiet, but hearing your words makes me feel more at ease."

Madam Fan is not someone who can say polite words. Sincerity is the most important thing. The two chatted for a long time about the Yunxiu Pavilion.

If it were not against the palace rules, Lin Wanyi would have to keep Madam Fan here for dinner.

After Xiao Luzi respectfully sent the people away, Chunqi and Xia An came up.

"My lady, where does this Madam Fan come from? Why did you talk to her for so long?"

"She is also from the Dong family."

Dong family!

When these two words came out, Chunqi and Xia An were surprised.

"The old master is really capable. He can even arrange people in the palace!"

Lin Wanyi couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"You, it's just the accumulated fate from the old days. If my grandfather was really that powerful, I'm afraid he would have won the title of imperial merchant long ago."

Chunqi pouted. In her eyes, the old man of the Dong family was the most powerful, more powerful than everyone in the prime minister's mansion!

After hearing this, Xia An was really happy for Lin Wanyi.

"With this Nanny Fan here, we won't be short of good materials in the future."

After saying this, the three of them laughed.

Yes, other things may not be possible, but good materials are indispensable

"I'm a little hungry after all this afternoon. Xia An, you put away the materials and silk threads, and I'll start tomorrow."

"Yes, my lady."

Seeing Xia An took the things away, Lin Wanyi turned to Chunqi and asked.

"What are we having for dinner tonight?"