
The immortals wants to die

Our protagonist Fray has lived for thousands of years and has turned apathetic to nearly everything Why has his personality twisted so much? Why did he wipe out humanity? No better yet how did he wipe them out What are these so called divine authorities of his? How will he possibly end himself if nothing he does kills him? Join fray on his journey to uncover the countless mysteries of his world can the broken protagonist possibly be mended?

Cursed_Author · Fantasy
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4 Chs

New world

"This is quite fascinating"

Fray had appeared on a mountain top that eclipsed even the tallest mountains from his previous world

His eyes were able to clearly see everything below him even though the clouds should have blocked his vision

This was due to the various experiments he had been subjected to in the past

"Though beautiful this is a little inconvenient"

Fray frowned as he thought of how he would get down

"well it doesn't have to be so complicated does it?"

As he uttered those incomprehensible words he jumped

He went into a diving position to get down as fast as possible

yet it was still to slow as he was still tens of thousands of meters in the air

his clothes started to catch fire as well, it would be quite embarrassing if a naked man suddenly fell from the sky

so he did the only thing he could think of


"I truly didn't want to use this ability after all, it only brings unnecessary memories however, so be it"

"Sol's Vessel: Light bringer"

Waves of light spread from his body and encompassed him in a hundred meter radius

His body slowly started disintegrating into particles of light as he turned into a beam of light

An ability that no being other than him could use

an authority he had stole from the gods to smite them

it had reappeared after three millennium this was truly a moment to be written down in history

Yet it was gone as fast it appeared

He had reappeared on the ground and the mountain that should have towered behind him no long stood there

he had travelled a great distance, in that single second he had traversed multiple continents

yet there were some people who had bore witness to that beam of light

they were beings that could be considered extremely powerful

most of them showed hostility towards the light as they began trying to find out what that light was

some used divination, one of them even tried to slow down time to no avail

However among those that bore witness there was a person who was looking through a window smiling mysteriously at the light

"You've at last come, I was dying to meet you again"

Unaware of the chaos he had just caused Fray was calmly standing on a cliff overlooking the city of those parasites

"Should I just wipe them out?"

"no that would be useless as these parasites have done nothing to me"

As he was lost in his thoughts a tingling sensation assaulted his head

Memories started to appear in his mind

"Oh, this is very intriguing"

The being who had sent him here had shown him the future of this world in the form of a novel

He saw how this world would eventually fall into battle with the demons, a long war would ensue between then and when all seemed lost, a man would appear with his jet black hair reminiscent to that of charcoal and his amethyst eyes which would put even the most beautiful gems to shame.

he would save mankind by absolutely overpowering the demons however, in front of there king he would barely manage to come out alive after killing him

If that was all fray wouldn't have called it intriguing, what took his attention was what happened after the war had finished, when peace had once again returned to humanity

The all powerful hero was laying on the ground appearing to be dead, a pitch black great sword that seemed to darken everything around it had been implanted in his chest and the culprit being a person with pink hair that stood over the man, he couldn't discern its race or gender as it was very vague and blurry

As he was observing what the "thing" would do next, it turned its head towards him and softly smiled

"I will save you this time around and finally you will be mine"

The thing uttered those words while staring directly at him

Fray for the second time in his life felt perplexed by the current situation

was it talking to me?

no how could that be possible, this should be the future, then perhaps it was someone behind me

indeed that's the only possibility after all I was stuck in a single perspective

yet somewhere deep within, he was shaken that voice why did it sound so familiar? He knew he had never heard it before however that voice it resonated with his soul

He felt as if he had forgotten something extremely important he had to remember what was it?

"I-I don't remember"

Perhaps it was an illusion cast by the voice that ignited these irrationals emotions within him

yes it had to be that after all how could an immortal possibly feel those filthy emotions belonging only to those parasites

he quickly calmed down and started moving towards the city below him

He would have gone straight towards the capital where the academy and the entire "cast" was at

However he wanted to travel slowly after all perhaps he could find someone along the way that could possibly end his suffering

another main reason being there were still 2 years left until they enter the academy

so he found no reason to rush there

still he was slightly excited to see the main cast as perhaps one of them would have a special skill that could end him

Also the main character of the "story" he had quite a lot of potential to kill him with his power, that even fray deemed special

his unparalleled spear skills couldn't be ignored either

Most of all that person with pink hair perhaps they reside in the academy and if it's that thing then he was sure it could end him even in his past world there was no being that had such strength

Maybe he was just being optimistic however he didn't care, he had finally found hope he would do his best to grasp it with all his power

When he had come back from his thoughts he was in a small line to head into the city gates

As he gazed past the portcullis Fray could see the skyscrapers dotted across the city with cars carefully moving along the streets

he caught a glimpse of a grey castle that stood in the middle of the city as if to symbolize that if even time couldn't destroy me then what could you possibly do?

the presence the castle held was undeniable, thus it made him somewhat curious as to who resided in it

Fray turned his gaze back to the line and noticed only a few people were ahead of him however he noticed they were handing something to the guards

he checked what it was and it appeared to be an id card the problem was he didn't have one

"How long has it been since I've used multiple divine authorities in a single day.. sigh"

"Proteus's Deception: Mimic"

In his hand appeared an id card similar to the ones those people were handing to the guard except it was his information on it

Most of it was fabricated aside from his name Fray…

he paused as he couldn't remember his last name, had it truly been so long that he couldn't even remember his own name now

he let out a deprecating chuckle before handing his id card to the guard

the guard raised his eyebrow a little bit as he asked

"no last name?"

"I'm an orphan"

"Ah I see, I apologize you may proceed"

Fray slowly walked past the gate and was somewhat pleased by the new change of scenery