
The immortals wants to die

Our protagonist Fray has lived for thousands of years and has turned apathetic to nearly everything Why has his personality twisted so much? Why did he wipe out humanity? No better yet how did he wipe them out What are these so called divine authorities of his? How will he possibly end himself if nothing he does kills him? Join fray on his journey to uncover the countless mysteries of his world can the broken protagonist possibly be mended?

Cursed_Author · Fantasy
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His wish…

In the land forsaken by even god stood a single man surrounded by what one could only describe as hell

The clouds had long lost there colours and weeped for there once beautiful world

The never ending flames which embraced the land had turned all to ash..

Frey was laughing amidst all of this after countless millennia he had finally wiped out those parasites

It would have seemed as if he was the happiest person alive, if tears weren't dripping from his eyes..

perhaps it was just rain, after all how could a being who was immortal possibly shed tears an emotion belonging only to mortals

Suddenly an ethereal voice that seemed to shake reality itself poised a question

[Do you wish to be sent to another world?]

Fray stopped his maniacal laughing and his lifeless eyes stared upward

"I wish not to be sent to another world, I only have one single wish and that is to die"

[I can not grant you that wish, however if you enter that world I assure you there will be a being who will be able to grant your wish there]

Frays murky eyes had gained clarity for a split second before turning back to normal

"I Accept, if there truly exists such a being then send me there"

[Then I @#$@! S£$#E use my last remaining authority to…]

A rift had formed in the very fabric of reality itself

The rift had countless reflections in it that showed many different worlds being destroyed

In front of the rift even time and space had lost meaning

Frey only apathetically glanced at it before walking forth

however thousands of hands that were made from darkness itself emerged from deep within the rift

They grabbed onto the humans body and applied enough pressure to crush his body into smithereens

they had succeeded, the man's body was turned into mush the only thing that remained of him were the flesh pieces and blood that littered the ground

Silence engulfed the world after the last being had perished..

However as if mocking the concept of death itself the human emerged once again

His body had reconstructed within seconds

the man who's face was normally apathetic started smiling as if what had just occurred hadn't just made a mockery of all mortals who pursued his power

"It seems even you cannot end me…"

He took another step just to be ripped apart once again

he took another step just for the hands to rip him apart again, yet not even once did they succeed even after ripping him apart hundreds of times

"If it was that easy to die then I would have long since entered the netherworld"

Then Fray looked back at the world which at one point was what he treasured the most

now all that remained was nothing

all that remained was the piece of land where he and the rift stood

The steps he had taken may have been an instant for him, yet for the world eons had passed..

time truly had lost its meaning in front of that thing

"A fitting end I suppose"

fray chuckled as he stepped into the rift

it was quite odd for the human who had turned apathetic to everything to show so much emotion all in a single day

After he was gone the last bit of land crumbled and only space remained

In that eternal silence a being appeared

[I hope you succeed where I couldn't fray]

I hope you enjoyed my chapter and please leave a review I would love feedback so i know how to improve

Cursed_Authorcreators' thoughts