
The Immortal Wolf

BeCharmming · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Jazmin and Ty are the first and only of their kind. They are pure bread hybrids. They are both a werewolf, a vampire, and a witch. The only difference is that Ty is dark magic whereas Jazmin is light magic. Unlike other hybrids, they are truly immortal: silver. Wolfsbane, garlic, and ruby do not work on them. They are truly indestructible, and their strength and speed are better than all of them. Their mate bond and power are also different on top of feeling each other's emotions. Jazmin and Ty can tap into each other's powers, see through each other's eyes. They can sense each other no matter how far the other one is, whether by emotions, directions, or mind link. On top of their regular powers, they can see into the future and past, sense if a person is telling the truth, and read minds and thoughts. Separately, they are powerful, but together they can wipe out a whole continent in a minute. Their purpose is to maintain the balance. There is only to interfere when the Moon Goddess can no longer maintain it or when her attempts to fix it are not working. Over the years, many packs will only know them as the light and the dark. They have kept themselves hidden. Only those that need to know them have seen their faces. The elders of the Wolf and voice council know them well, as well as the old and new vampire and werewolf kings of the South, East, North, and West. None else has heard the rumors or the folktales of them.

The burning carnage snapped her out of her trance. With a little help from her powers, the packhouse was nothing but ash. Jazmin quickly cast a spell to turn the dust of ash into a small garden. A memorial of the werewolves that died and a reminder to those that dare try to betray her. With that, she let her wolf take control. She only had a few minutes before her mate would be looking for her at the summer house. Hopefully, she can beat him back, but luck was not on her side today. Her wolf stretched being cooped up for 60 years was not fun. Her wolf stands at almost seven feet, easily towering over any man and bigger than all but her mates' wolf. Her gold fur makes her stand out, while most wolves are either golden brown, brown, black, and a few white. None can compare to her and her mate's wolf. While hers is gold, her mate is silver. She has silver eyes with a hint of pink and white. Ty's is gold with a hint of red and white around it. His wolf stands at an easy 7 feet, they both have crowns on their foreheads that tell all supernatural creatures of their status. 

Jazmin did one last stretch before she set off on her run. Her wolf took of pushing herself faster and faster. Her wolf enjoys the run and she crosses state and country lines. Passing through pack after pack, coven after coven territories. Masking and unmasking her scent to let those packs and coven know that she was awake and alive. She will be having a meeting with the council later to discuss this new folktale and the attempt on her blood. Her wolf came to a halt minutes later as she reached the border of her territory. Her wolf allows her to take control again, the shift slightly painfully as she has been stagnant for a while. She turns to the trees and looks for the one marked. This tree stores clothes specifically for her and Ty. She reaches for underwear and a pair of jeans and a top. There are no shoes there, she will have to talk to her people about that. She starts the walk into her territory and the minute she steps across the border she feels the territory and she feels the link of all her members and knows that they instantly feel her link too. In one instance, her pack had mind linked her to welcoming her back from her slumber and back to the pack. A few more steps and she sees wolves running towards her. The new beta, a third and some new warriors are bowing before her. 

"welcome back your highness. Our fathers have told us all about you"

"How are they?"

" They died in the last year and made sure that we were aware of everything and expected him and his highness to arrive. We will have all the newest members in the packhouse for you to meet whenever you are ready"

" That will be fine. Has his highness arrived yet?"

"Yes, your highness. He arrived moments ago and told us to await your arrival to escort you to the palace."

Jazmin felt an instant headache with her from that sentence. He was already there, probably pacing the throne room waiting for her to explain. Jazmin nodded and watched as the wolves turned to escort her. There was one in front of the warrior and one on each side. The beta and the third, lastly another, positioned himself behind her as they walked through the forest hiding their pack. The walk was long as her space was huge. Her pack was considered a safe house for all supernatural beings but, all those living in her packs were those that they had turned into, over the years. Her pack consisted of witches, vampires, werewolves, and most of her warriors, as well as, palace guards, were hybrids. Unfortunately for them, they have not been able to create hybrids like them. They were either werewolf/ vampire or werewolf/ witch, but never all three. Any attempt at all three would lead to death. 

As they continued walking, the forest began to clear and the pathway started to form. The concrete pathway shows the enormous parks that they have for the kids. Both Jazmin and Ty wanted an area for all the kids to be able to play, as well as to be close to the forest for those kids who have shifted to letting their wolves out and run, as well as letting the vampires test out their speed. She listened as the kids played and she stopped to watch the kids running around. Looking at them, you would not be able to tell that these kids were not human. The wolves around her began to growl, indicating that they needed to keep on moving. Jazmin rolled her eyes, knowing that they were probably getting pressure from Ty on what was taking so long. They continued walking until they found the pathway. Her. Many of the houses were modernized while some still had a colonial feel. Those who have found their mates have chosen to live in their own houses on the outskirts and surrounding the packhouses. The mansion is a dead center in space. Surrounding the mansion are the different packhouses. There are a total of 4 packhouses and each packhouse houses about 50 -100 unmated werewolves, vampires, and witches. There are a few mates that choose to still live in the packhouse. Each packhouse has its own entertainment center, dining hall, chef, and cleaning crew. There are three sets of training grounds, one being for the hybrid warriors and the others being for those learning self-defense or coming into their powers. The mansion was built around the 1800's and although the inside is completely modernized, I chose to leave the architect to that, of the century, only doing updates where needed. As I walked past the packhouses I released my aura so those who are new would know. Many bowed new members were bewildered until they finally yielded to my aura. They will learn who I am later today. The wolves stopped, bowed and dispersed, leaving me at the entrance to the palace. I began to rub my temples as I knew what was in store for me. I quickly fixed my hair, my midnight blue hair perfectly laid down on my back. We in the supernatural world inherit the best genes. At 5'9 to others, I was considered exceptionally gorgeous, or so my mate says. As I walked towards the doors, they suddenly burst open and there before me was my mate. He was standing there in ripped jeans hanging from his waist. His v is perfectly formed, leading up to his twelve-pack abs and chiseled chest. He was sweating, which means that he was working out or running before I came. Standing at 6'3, he was gorgeous with that chiseled jaw. His hair tussled, as he stood leaning against the door. I can feel the anger radiating from him. If that was not proof that he was angry, his blue eyes knew the color of gold, showing me that his wolf had control. In this world, the only person that could put me in heat and scare the living daylights out of me was this man. I began looking for a way out, but when I heard the low growl, I did not need to look up to find out where the growl was coming from. 

"Jazmin, darling thank you for deciding to enlighten me with your presence", the obvious sarcasm was there.

"lovebug, it has been so long since my wolf was out and that I have seen the pack that I decided to just take a brief stroll and take it all in"

His frustration was building up as the Reds started taking over.

" Cut the crap, Jazmin. You are still blocking our bond, you are blocking my mind. You link to the point where I had to barge through and the pack that you were supposed to be resting in has disappeared. I can't sense them anywhere or mind-link anyone with that pack. So, do you want to tell me or am I going to have to force it out of you". 

Crap, I forgot I was still blocking him. I knew none of my tactics would work at this point. I would have to be honest. The only bad thing about our rest is that, due to being the opposite magic of each other, without an outlet the magic pools cause problems when we are close together. So, centuries ago, we started resting at opposite ends of the earth. That way we would still protect the packs under that half. It also means that the protectiveness of the mate bond is at an all-time high and he will immediately want to look for me and sense me. Once a male werewolf finds his mate, he becomes protective of her and the mate bond allows them to sense each other's feelings and mood. This makes the connection even more powerful, which is why once the mate is discovered, the male werewolf can't leave her side until the mating ritual is finished and, even after that, he needs to be aware of her at all times. Me and Ty are a little different. We can go weeks, months, and sometimes even years without being in each other's presence. That is because we can sense each other no matter where we are. However, every time he wakes up from a slumber, he manages to wake up before me and the few minutes before I wake up, he is linking the pack members of the pack I am in to check on me. This time, I woke up before him and instantly blocked the bond to take care of the threat. I took a deep breath and explained to him what happened to the bloodhound pack about how I was awakened early because I felt them trying to siphon my blood. How I instantly questioned and tortured the leaders of the pack as I realized that I was betrayed and the aftermath of me my wolf taking control and slaughtering the whole pack once I found out that they turned against me and was trying to use dark magic to harness my power while I sleep and how I did not know who out the thought in their head to betray me in this way. I looked at my beautiful mate as his eyes were no longer blue but red and I knew that his wolf was tapping into his dark magic. It was only seconds before there would be carnage and I had to calm him down. I did the only thing I could think of and began crying and ran into his arms. Hoping that I can subdue the beast and flip the switch to comfort me and not kill myself. There were a few minutes before he responded, his breathing started to steady and as he hugged me back, I felt the tension releasing. "my angel, I am sorry you had to go through that, I will make them pay for tarnishing your perfect white light, but can my angel stop blocking me" he whispered in my ear. At that moment, I felt at ease and broke the block. The connection overflowed, and I really broke down in his arms as the strong demeanor that I was holding onto was released at that moment. I know he felt it too. Every emotion from when I woke up was overflowing the senses. I am not sure how long I was crying for, but a sense of relief washed over me, feeling his connection and his power.