
The Immortal Wolf

BeCharmming · Fantasy
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3 Chs

My love

I hate waking up from these slumbers. My wolf feels like it is ready to kill someone and being in the dark in the light does not help either. I stretched my legs and opened my powers. My mate should be waking up any minute now. I decided to sense out the pack and see how they were preparing for her to wake up. I tried to mind linking the alpha and got nothing. I then tried some of the members and got nothing. I waved it off, thinking that they may have changed leadership since I,, had been asleep. I decided to sense out the pack and came up blank. Now I am getting antsy as I cannot reach anyone in the pack or anyone protecting my mate. I tried sensing my mate and could not sense anything. Why has she not awakened from her slumber yet? Why can I not sense anything? I tried the mind link and realized that I was being blocked. She is blocking me, or someone has found a way to block our bond and mind link. If that was the case, there would be some dead vampires and witches when I am done. After meeting with the packs alpha and Luna, I inform them that I am still trying to reach out to my mate and once I have located her, I will be departing. They were very shocked at the fact that I could mind-link from the other side of the world. Then again, they were young. The past Alpha barely informed them of my powers, which is a good thing at times. However, in this situation, it is not because I must explain my differences to them. The time wasted in explaining to them is time that I could be fighting my mate. I returned to my room and began forcing my way through the block. If this was done through a third party, then it would be a matter of time before I breakthrough, but if she was blocking me. Then my angel, of a mate, is going to be in for a serious headache and has a lot of explaining to do. I begin pushing through and realize that it is her doing. So, I started a little gentler, knowing how painful this can be. However, too much time had passed, and I am not a very patient man, and I started really pushing through. I finally got through and instantly asked her what the hell. I can hear the pain in her voice as she tells me how much it hurts. I know her well enough to know that she is stalling. Something big happened. She has never been a good liar. I ask her why the hell she is blocking me, and she agrees to meet at our summer mansion to talk face to face. I agree not because I want to, but because, with the block in the mate bond, I need to see her and feel her, and our summer mansion is our true home. I know she will be safe in our territory and within my grasp. I gave her half an hour to meet me there. Whatever is going on, I need to know immediately, and I want to find out what the hell happened to the blood hound pack.

I headed out of my room to the Alphas office. Alpha Malcom has only been the alpha for the last few months. I was not originally resting with this pack. I was resting with the silver pack, but the new alpha apparently decided that he did not want a sleeping hybrid in his territory. The werewolf king moved me from that pack to this pack in the last few months. I will need to meet with him about the move when I get back. When we are in our slumber, our powers are turned into a protection spell for whatever territory that we are in. Since our territory already has a hidden spell on the world around it, we use our powers to protect another pack. We usually sit with the werewolf king of the two continents and they decide which pack would benefit from our protection spell. Being moved while in slumber can cause a disruption in our powers and cause a backup. I will also have to teach alpha Jason and his pack the consequences of kicking out a sleeping Ty. I think I will enjoy that more than anything else, the thought of expending this built-up power will be fun. Even if I am forced into a deep slumber again as punishment, it will all be worth it. A smirk forms across my face as my wolf jumps for joy at the thought of the carnage that we will cause. That is why they call me the devil, because before I met my mate, my angel Jazmin, all I knew was carnage. I approached the door to hear alpha Malcom having a conversation with his Luna Jezebel.

"So, the rumors are true" Jezebel says, shocked.

" Yes, I always thought that was a folklore that alphas would tell each other"

"So, he is the famous devil werewolf. That can destroy a pack with the wave of his finger"

Ty smiled at that last statement. Every generation of rumors got funnier and funnier. It used to be a blink of an eye and now it is a wave of the finger. The rumors are always about him though. He dares not let his mate use her own powers for destruction. If anything, she uses her power to recharge him or to heal them enough for him to torture them all over again.

" Why is he still here? I thought the werewolf king said once he woke up. He will leave"

"Jezebel, my love, as long as he is here, we are protected from all attacks. The werewolf king said so himself. The pack that he was in before tried to overrule the alpha king because of the power they were getting from him and the alpha king had him move there during the night while he dealt with that alpha."

So that is what happened. Alpha Black became power hungry and tried to take over. Ty stood there debating the information that he had just received. I guess I should help that old werewolf king punish the silver pack. I still do not like the idea of being moved while in slumber.

"I don't care the reason; I want him gone. I don't feel safe and I don't want our kids around him."

This Luna has some nerve, she does not feel safe around me. If it were the old me, then I would understand, but the new mated me has come down a lot. Well, I will grant her wish and leave. I do not have time to deal with her sense of security or lack of. That is her mate's problem. I need to find out what the hell is going on with my mate.

Ty cleared his throat, making them aware of his presence. "Alpha Jason, I just wanted to inform you and the Luna that I would be leaving. Thank you for your hospitality and I will ensure that you get the proper thanks from the werewolf king". Ty did not stick around to hear their response as he bolted out the door. Shifting mid run, his wolf was happy to be out after being cooped up for that long time. He could be at the mansion in 20 minutes, but with the built-up energy, he was back in his territory in 10 minutes. He easily passed through his border patrol, only revealing his scent and aura as he neared the packhouses. He shifted back to his human form and immediately linked his pack members of his arrival and summoned the beta, gamma, and the 2 top shoulders to the mansion immediately. He felt the confusion and questions through the mind link and immediately closed the link. He would deal with that once Jazmin was in his sights. He threw on some pants and stood at the door waiting for the wolf to arrive. 5 minutes later, four wolves were running up to him. They introduced themselves as beta Jackson, Gamma Michael, and warriors Tyrone and Richard. Since him and Jazmin have been the Alpha and Luna this whole time, his second and third were always passed down from generation to generation. Jazmin's second and third would be their mates when they found them. I gave instructions for them to wait on the south side of the territory for her and escort her back to the mansion. Jazmin might put up a fight, but if she knows what is best for her, she will follow suit. I had about 10 min before she would arrive, and my wolf was antsy about our mate. Once I get to the bottom of her blocking me, I will punish her for it. My d**k twitched at the thought of punishing her. I decided on a quick workout to release some of my energy. I was in the middle of the workout when I got the mind link that Jazmin had arrived. A few seconds later, I felt the presence of someone crossing the border. Our space was huge, so it would take her some time to get to the mansion in her human form and seconds in her wolf form. I finished my workout and headed outside to wait for her. I had worked up a sweat and had no time to shower or change before she arrived. I opened the front door to see her trying to straighten herself out. She was gorgeous, even more beautiful than the last time that I saw her. At 5'9, she was taller than most female werewolves, her caramel skin matched perfectly with her waist-length midnight blue hair and dark purple eyes. She was slim and curvaceous with beautiful long legs that were hidden under her dark blue jeans. Her sculptures were shown on her crop top and her perky breasts could barely be seen through the V-neck crop top. I was ready to pounce on her at that minute but knew I had to control myself. As the wolves bowed and departed, I noticed she was not wearing shoes. I will inquire about that later. The fact that she walked this far without shoes was getting me upset again. My wolf clawed his way out at the thought of our mate being injured. I waited for her to say something and after a long pause I realized she would not talk. I initiated the conversation with sarcasm and anger radiating from my words. She had the nerve to tell me she was taking a stroll and admiring the scenery. Jazmin was the only woman that could get me this frustrated and angry and not want to kill her. My patience was running thin and I realized that I still could not sense her. She was still blocking me.

" Cut the crap Jazmin, you are still fucking blocking me". I saw the astonishment in her face, and I knew she knew that she was busted. In the next moment she started telling me the story of the pack members trying to siphon her blood to get her powers and, after hours of torturing the pack, she learned that there was a prophecy or story out there of our blood being used to convert someone into a powerful hybrid like us. At that moment, I was furious, but not the rumor, which is further from the truth. Our blood was like any other supernatural being blood "useless". I was upset at the fact that my angel awakened earlier than expected and was forced to tap into my dark side. That would explain why I did not have as much buildup as I thought I would. I was ready to rip someone's head off and my wolf would have been forcing his way into the front, if not for Jazmin running into my arms crying. It took me a second to realize what had happened. The rational part of me knew she was faking it, but I did not care the thought of having her in my arms overruled everything else and I hugged her back. At some point, she released the block, and all the emotions and memories flooded my mind. I was able to see and feel exactly what happened and understood exactly why she was blocking me. I sensed Jazmin becoming emotional and unkempt and I knew her hold was breaking. Her fake tears became real ones as her hold was broken. I allowed her to cry, knowing this is what she needs right now, as I plotted what my next steps would be. Finding the source of this ridiculous rumor was going to be hard. I would not be surprised if it was that darn moon goddess. Ever since she found out that we do not fall under her control like the other werewolves, she has been trying to get rid of us, but we are ten times stronger than her. She would never take us on herself. Instead, she would use her werewolves to weaken us, but with a war in the future, she would be stupid to hurt her only backup plan. Our powers have not fully awakened yet and it would take days before I can see into the future. The war will have to wait until this threat is neutralized. Hopefully, one does not have to do with the other.