
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

After our poolside fun, sometime around lunch, Mandy disappeared inside and I didn't see her for the rest of the day. Just as I was completing the other team reviews, Gary called. And Gary hardly ever phoned unless it was business. With a sigh, I stared at the phone, before glancing at Mandy's place, exhaling and picking up.

"Hey, Jim." As soon as he spoke, I caught the swallowed chuckle.

Oh, boy. So, not business. Well, the only other reason he called was if Lucy wanted to play. I glanced at Mandy's home again. And for the first time in a long while, I was conflicted about that.

"What's up?"

"That Fae. Mi." After speaking, he caved and snorted out the chuckle.

"Yeh. What about her?" Okay, so not Lucy. As I looked across to the neighbor's yard once more, I released a lengthy exhale.

"She's ... uh ... She's kinda taken with you."

"What do ya mean?" As far as I knew, she had been told to get her little butt back to the court and rethink her priorities.

"She ain't encountered anyone like you." Gary laughed aloud before adding. "Not that many folks have."

"Yeh, so?"

"Just thought you should know. She's asking around."

Great, now I had a Fae wanting to hunt me down. What could possibly go wrong with that?

"Anyone tell her anything?"

"Nope. But she damned sure tried."


"Two of the guys. At the same time. Rode 'em awful hard." He paused to stifle another laugh before adding. "When they didn't crack, she rushed off in a huff, her tiny red dress over her shoulder."

At that image, I laughed along with him. "Okay. Well, thanks for the heads up." As I flicked my glance to Mandy's house, I added. "How's Lucy?"

"Horny as fuck. As always. She wanted to come by and visit you." he paused and let out a quick laugh. "Guess I shoulda warned you about that as well, huh?"

As we laughed, I kept staring at Mandy's home; my laughter petered out before his. "Yeh. You should. Alright, man. Stay safe."

"You too, sir."

Without bothering to correct him to use my name, I hung up and leaned back in my chair. Not much I could do about Mi. Nor Lucy, for that matter. After a final chuckle, I stood, rolled my cracking shoulders, and made a quick dinner. As I ate, I stared hopefully next door. Mandy's lights were on. Should I go over? What if Susan was there? Hmm, what if she was? Nah. Not yet.

After a solid night's sleep, I awoke early and finished my morning run, swim, workout routine. Afterwards, Mandy was not visible when I left the shower. Where was the little minx? My chest tightened. It wasn't simply that I missed the sight of her; I had promised Charles that I would keep an eye out.

I needn't have worried. After stepping on to the rear deck, clasping a warm mug, I gazed at her yard. My jaw dropped and splashes of hot coffee seared my shaking hand.

While Mandy had returned to her lounger, as she had the day before, this time, she had upped her game. Stretched out under the morning sunlight, she was completely nude; eyes closed and wearing headphones. Her entire frame, pale triangles or otherwise, now glistened with suntan oil. In time with whatever music she was hearing, her toes tapped in the air. A grin slid across my face. Oh, you little tease. You horny, sexy little tease. Gods above, I wanted her. I had her. Almost.

"Play ball," I muttered to myself, letting my smile widen as I picked up a towel.

After gulping my coffee and peeling from my shorts, I crept to her yard. As I came closer, I could make out more details. Her elongated nipples cast shadows over her slowly heaving, gleaming chest as she hummed along with the music. Once atop the deck, I made sure not to cast a shadow over her as I settled on the warm lounge chair beside her. When I set my outstretched hand onto her tight, flat stomach, she yipped in surprise. Though her muscles convulsed, her eyelashes only fluttered as she rolled her lips.

With a chuckle, I leaned to my side and dragged my fingertips over Mandy's sparkling body. Although whimper after whimper escaped her as she arched upwards and twisted in the sunlight, her eyes remained screwed shut. She loved this little game. While moving as slow as I could, I swirled and slipped my fingers over her breasts, tapping her tall thick rubbery nipples before gliding downwards. Endless soft moans slid from her as my hand drifted across her roiling stomach and down each quivering thigh.

As my fingers dragged over her pelvis, Mandy pushed her hips off the lounger, pressing into my palm; moist droplets flowed from her curling cleft as its perfect little petals swelled. A long groan ripped from her when, after lifting my hand, I raked my clawed fingers along her ribs. As she twisted, giggling snorts mixed with her moans. The aroma of her sweetness added to that of suntan lotion and the faint chemical smell of the pool.

Just as she arched into my fingertips, I clamped them to one of her rubbery stems. With eyes still squeezed shut, but face now bright red, a yowling moan flew from her as she pushed her warm, slick cone into my palm. Yeh, I also liked this little game.

Time slowed while I roamed the little minx's frame, sliding my wandering fingertips everywhere but where she most wanted them. With wide lips pulsing open, panting between groans, she twisted on the squeaking lounger.

When I pulled my hand from Mandy and rolled onto my back, she was still writhing, and it took several seconds before she slapped down onto her chair with several loud huffs. After snuggling down in my towel, I closed my eyes and let the warmth sink into my bones. After only a minute or so, she squelched as she ground her thighs together.

"Come on ... Please, Jim..." Her wavering, low voice dripped with need.


Her lips smacked shut and her long nails clicked along the lounge chair's side as her hands clenched. Through my slitted eyes, I watched a hand raise and slide, fingertips dangling, towards her gleaming nib, but then drop back to crush the chair.

This close to her, I was also driving myself crazy. As I gritted my teeth, my cock pulsed and twitched, oozing cool ribbons of pre-cum onto me. It ached for release. As we lay there, the silence was only broken by her smacking lips and soft huffing as she tried to calm herself. Once several minutes had passed, she again hummed to the music; her nails tapping in time with the muffled beat coming from her headset.

After waiting a little while longer, I slapped my palm on her and pushed my fingers into her sloppy folds. As she yelped, I spread her petals wide and sank my digits deep into her tightness. After clamping her hands to the lounge chair sides, Mandy thrust her wobbling tits into the sky and simply seized. In slow motion, her glistening lips drew apart in a silent scream as she shoved her head back; burying it in her towel. Inside, her slick silken walls crushed my digits, slowing their thrusts.

Even as she turned to me and her eyes started to open, her entire frame spasmed and a vast cloud of saliva vapor flew into the air with her high-pitched scream. When I pressed into her magic spot and rubbed hard on her searing hot little clit, a bellowing cry flew from her. Each scream was accompanied by a powerful surge of muscular contortions; her body whipped from side to side and slapped on the lounger.

As the sun beat down and the potent sugary scent of her sex intensified, I pumped my hand, forcing screams and snorting breaths from the squirming little tease, until she could only muster soft whimpers. Only then did I slow and pull my fingers from her to caress her puffy, drooling petals.

At last Mandy's eyes fluttered open; they glittered as she stared at me. In her passion, the headphones had fallen away; music blasted from them as they dangled beneath her chair. After lifting my hand from her still quivering pelvis, I raised my shiny, dripping fingers to her lips before gliding them inside. At first, her eyes widened, but soon sparkled as she slurped her own juices. Inside, her little tongue swept over and between them as her head rolled to pull more of my digits into her.

After I tugged my hand from her mouth, she smacked her lips, ran her tongue around them several times and flashed me a grin.

"Let me guess, you've never tasted yourself either?"

"N—no." She paused and stared at my fingers, then down at her still pulsing folds before returning to me.


"It's so sweet." The grin widened on her face.

"Yes, yes, it is." I chuckled and added with a smirk. "It's so sweet and pretty. I can't wait to devour that little pussy."

It took her a full second or two before her tired mind deciphered what I had said. Mandy's eyes flew wide and fluttered while her pelvis curled upwards. Already beckoning me to her? As another chuckle left me, I noisily ran my tongue around my lips. A loud moan burbled from Mandy as her head dropped back onto the lounger; a powerful shudder swept through her writhing shiny frame.

"But lunch before dessert."

With that, I stood. Her gaze flashed to my wobbling mast, and I winced as it swayed before me. Though her eyes softened and she reached towards it with one outstretched hand, I gave her a smile and headed to my house to make sandwiches. After returning with two platters and some wine coolers, I placed them at the edge of the pool. Mandy smiled as I walked over and held out my hand to lift her to her feet.

As she wobbled, I guided her into the cool crystal waters. As we leaned against the side, next to each other, we munched in silence for a while. After sweeping a strand of her long dark hair from her face, Mandy rolled her lips and stared at me.


"Yes?" I caught another strand before it blew across her and pushed it behind her ear.

"Why me?" She clamped her fingers around my wrist and pressed her cheek into my palm.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" As I caressed her soft warm skin, I smiled, though these were the key questions to which we both needed answers.

Ignoring me, she repeated. "I'm serious, why ... why...?" She released my hand and gestured at the soaked, crumpled towel atop her lounge chair. Mixed with the flowery aroma of her shampoo, the faint sweet aroma of her need lingered on the next breeze as it blew another strand across her flushed face.

"Why not you?" As I reached for it, she met my fingers with her own and held me tight to her chest, letting the hair blow the strands around between us.

"Well, for one thing, I am married."

"So?" Just as I opened my mouth to continue, I caught myself. I had been about to confess I had slept with hundreds of married women over my long life, but she didn't need to know ... that. Not yet. And ... memories of Debbie and others slid into me ... perhaps never. Instead, I took my hand from hers and picked up my bottle. "Would you prefer for me to leave you alone?"

With a chuckle, I took a swig and added. "Heck, I have a friend who would love to set me up with her friends. Or hell, ride me again herself. And she's married. Happily, so."

My hand shook; I instantly regretted the words even as Mandy's face hardened. Then, as I lowered my bottle, her fingers slashed out to snatch my wrist.

"No!" Even as the echo of her shout reverberated in the rising wind, her eyes watered. "Please don't ... stop. I don't know what this is, but I ... like this ... and you."


"Because I want it all, Jim." Ablaze, her eyes were unblinking as her tongue raced around her lips. Words poured from her as she crushed my wrist with her fingers. "I want ... No, I need to experience all the things I never did and..." As she paused, she glanced at her home before returning to me. "And I trust you. More than..." Once more, her gaze flashed to her house before reverting to me. "I don't know why. Maybe it was how playful you always are with me ... with Susan. With everyone. But we aren't only toys to you, are we?"

"No, never toys." With a sigh, I swept the back of my other hand along the side of her face. What could I say? What should I say? That I would live forever? She would die and leave me? That she may get killed by some fucking vengeful, jealous Fae? Or some angry bloodsucking freak? When she pressed into my hand as a tear slipped down her cheek, I exhaled and forced a small grin onto my face. "I care about you, Mandy. I just..." This time, it was my turn to look at their house.

"I love Charles too, Jim." Mandy settled her lips on my hand and stared at me as another tear dribbled down her cheek before adding. "I don't want to hurt him. But this. With you. This is something I need ... for me. Please Jim."

As I swallowed, my eyes went from her needy face, to her home, and briefly to the sky, where the annoying fucking gods watched and laughed from their thrones. As they always did. Move the pieces, sit back, and be entertained. Also, there was something else behind her dark pools. Something she was not yet willing to share with me. What was really going on between her and Charles?

When she spoke once more, her voice was so low it was almost lost in a puff of wind. "And I want you to push me. To keep pushing me."

"What do you mean?"

As she placed another kiss on my hand, the one that had pumped her into madness earlier, she blinked before dragging her tongue over my skin. Shivers raced along my spine and my hardness throbbed. Her eyes flicked to the water; she'd caught the sudden lurching of my dark purple bulb.

"I don't know, but I think you're going to be very good for me." She paused and her hand slid beneath the surface. Her fingernails, soft fingertips, and finally her silken fingers found my shaft. "I just wanted you to know..." As she glided her hand down my rod, I gulped and she bit her lower lip before repeating. "I trust you and want it all."

"All?" As soon as the word left my lips, I groaned when her fist skimmed upwards.

Just then, as her palm ground over my tip, visions of Debbie flashed into me. Though I wanted to thrust into Mandy's hand, I froze as my heart iced. All. That had been Debbie's cry as well. She had wanted it all. Then she'd wanted even more. I'd seen it before and should have known better. But she blinded me. No, that was bullshit. I had blinded myself.

And now, as I stared at Mandy; grinning up at me as her palm rolled over my tip ... Could I risk it again? And what was I risking? No matter her demise, Debbie had loved every second of her life. Every single sex-crazed second. Who was I to hold Mandy back from what she wanted? Or needed, as she had clarified?

No. Unlike the Baron and his minions, I was here to help. To guide. And to educate. After all, I had centuries of experience in every damned thing. No, with Mandy ... I would care for her and I would let her try everything. While only time would tell what would become of us, I owed the little tease that much.

And, with her hand gliding back down my shaft, she was sexy as hell. When Mandy tore her other hand from mine to take a long swig of her wine cooler, she stared at me. A sudden burp popped from her lips. A giggle followed. And it was the cutest sound I think I had heard in years.

"Lightweight?" A laugh tore from me as I thrust into her sliding fist.

"Yeh, I'm not a big drinker."

As good as her stroking hand felt, I turned away so she wouldn't see my smile. Given what she had just said, I had just thought of something else. More than a pool fuck, like the one she'd watched before with her daughter. No, for Mandy, I wanted this to be much more memorable. Much more intimate. From now on, I wanted everything with her to be memorable and intimate.

As such, after tugging free of her grasping hand, I gathered our trash and stepped from the pool. Behind me, Mandy kept eyeing my swaying rod as she moved to reapply suntan lotion. Even though another gust of warm air raced over me, a shiver slid up my spine. She wanted it all. Okay. Okay.

Once I'd tossed our garbage, her eyes widened when I took the bottle from her before pouring the warm lotion into my palms. She gulped when I stepped in front of her while placing my hands on her chest. As my fingers smeared the greasy oil into her, it wasn't long before she was swaying. When my palms rolled over her cones, pressing into their iron-hard stems, whimpers forced from her lips.

At first her knees shook, but soon her entire body began to shudder while my oil-slick shiny fingers glided over her roiling pelvis, coating her petals; she puffed out rapid breaths between deep bites into her lower lip. After I had finished skimming down each leg in turn, Mandy was left shaking. One trembling fist was clawed deep into the back of her lounge chair. As I grinned and wiped my hands over my own chest, she stared at me while struggling to slow her breathing.

"My turn."

When I held out the bottle, she dropped her gaze to it while biting her lower lip. Through loose strands of dark hair blowing across her face, she stared at me as I shoved the bottle into her quivering fingers. Once I'd clasped my hands behind my head, I spread my legs.

While I waited, my heart thumping, she rolled her lips, swallowed and squeezed cream into her palm before looking back up at me. When her gaze drifted downward, her face reddened. After everything we had already done, she was embarrassed by this? How cute. How adorably cute. Gods, I wanted to bowl her over and take her right then once more, but this was her time to ... shine. To do something she wanted to do. Perhaps I needed this as well. To reinforce that these actually were her decisions. That Mandy was not my minion. She could leave. Pick up her towel and go inside. If she made that choice, I would not pursue her.

At first she was tentative, keeping her hands skimming over my scarred upper frame, coating my neck as her gleaming dark pools stared deep into my eyes. When she lifted onto her toes to coat my arms, I swayed forward to rub against her rubbery spikes; a whimper slithered from her as her eyes ignited. When I began to engorge once more, she settled back onto the flats of her feet and trapped me between her legs. Her entire frame shook as she flicked her gaze down between us, where, as I rocked forward, my shaft disappeared beneath her as dripping warmth coated it.

As she quivered, Mandy's eyes went wide, and she paused, staring and gulping air, before drifting her shaking hands down to my rod. As soon as her hot fingers skimmed over my ridges, it lurched upwards. At first, Mandy started, but soon a cute little giggle escaped her and she tightened her fingers before stepping back to let me rise up before us. A moan dragged from my lips as I stared down at her, grinning as her hands roamed, twisting along my rod.

At that point, as her rolling fingers pressed over my globe and pushed out a long trail of pre-cum to the deck, I made my decision.

"I will give you anything and everything you want. All that you desire." As I spoke, she lifted her gaze and tremors raced through both of us when our eyes met. "And I will push you further than you can ever imagine."

With that, I lowered my arms, removed her from my shaft and lay down on my lounge chair. At first, she stood there, mind reeling with what I had said, before rubbing her palms together and walking towards her lounger.

She never made it there.

As soon as she came close, I reached out, grasped her wrist and tugged her to me. As I pulled her oil-slick, warm frame downward, Mandy's bright blue eyes sparkled, and she lifted her leg to straddle me. While her taut pelvis settled over my throbbing shaft, she managed a quick glance down before I placed my outstretched hands on her back. When I pressed her onto me, those hot sharp peaks followed by her soft cones mashed into my chest. Though the sultry wind blew her hair around, neither of us cared.

Despite our oil-slicked bodies sliding against each other and Mandy's weight squeezing my shaft into my belly, I nestled her in my arms and held her close. Her heart raced atop my own as rapid puffs of air flew from her parted lips. Her eyes gleamed; her pelvis bounced with my pulse as it thumped through my trapped flesh. As soon as I let my outstretched fingers wander along her tensing back muscles, whimpers fluttered from her trembling lips.

We lay like that for long seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks. Time was irrelevant. Mandy wanted what I could give her. What I had promised to give her. Everything she asked for and more. When Debbie's ghostly visage slid past my mind's eye, she flashed me a grin. I wasn't sure if it was a knowing grin or a happy one. She'd always desired the best for me. And I had a feeling Mandy would be the best thing to happen to me in a very long time.

"Jim?" Once again a gust of wind kicked up and her voice was so soft I would have missed it; had I not seen her lips move.


"I really am a naughty little ... slut."

As soon as she spoke, the old fear reared. Slut? That had been Debbie's word. Why had Mandy used it? When I blinked, Debbie's image was gone, but there was something behind Mandy's eyes. Something needy. Something long hidden from ... everyone. Please, oh Gods, don't let Mandy be like Debbie. Please, oh Gods. Whatever secret she carried—please, not like Debbie. I couldn't take another one like her.

"I know," I replied, keeping my concerns hidden by a tight grin as I finally pushed the blowing dark strands from her face.

"I really like being..." When she paused, she lowered her teeth and nipped at my chest as she mashed her stomach across my pulsating shaft, pulling a groan from my gritted teeth. With a grin, she added. "Your naughty little slut."

"I know." After gasping for air, I clenched my fingers against her skull as I nodded.

"I've never been like this before." After speaking, she settled her lips against my skin; her cheeks caved inwards, and another groan tore from me.

"I know." Was all I could get out before her tongue dragged along my chest as her eyes, blazing with lust, remained locked on mine.

"How do you know?" As a shiver sped up and down my spine, she rolled her taut pelvis from side to side over me, crushing my shaft as her wetness dribbled onto my balls.

"If you had been, you wouldn't be married to Charles."

Mandy was silent for a long time before replying in such a low voice, I once again almost missed her words. "You're right."

"I know." With that, I couldn't take it anymore and gripped her ribs, pulling her upwards and letting my helmet rise through her hot, leaking folds.

Teeth buried in her lower lip; Mandy kept her gaze locked on me as her little fingers gripped my shaft. When she shoved my knob into her outer lips, the tight gates pressed around my tip.

"I want you, Mandy ... as my naughty little slut," I murmured, just before she pitched forward, slamming her lips against mine and driving her tongue into my mouth. As she unleashed a primal groan into me, I pushed down on her and pierced her slick, pulsating tightness.

Her entire frame bucked against me as I shoved downwards, plunging my shaft into her as her muffled cries filled our grinding, mashing lips. As her legs swept up to clamp tight to my hips, her eyes blazed, and she ripped her mouth from mine. A spray of saliva shot into the air as she screamed and shook atop my thrusting pelvis. Each stroke impaled her further, and she stared down into me, tongue whipping around her wide lips.

"Yes! God!" Her chest arched upwards, pushing her wobbling cones into the sun as I drove her onto me. She yelled into the air. "Fuck me, Jim!" Her head flew forward, and she gripped my shoulders as she stared from under dangling tresses. She huffed for several seconds as her eyes gleamed before adding. "Fuck your naughty little slut, Jim."

All I could do was nod as I struggled to breathe. While she spoke, her insides were clenching me so tight they were slowing my thrusts; her legs clamped me as I pounded her ever downward with each bouncing thrust.

When my hardened ridges gouged deep into her vice-like inner walls, Mandy wavered, once again grinding to a halt only half embedded. With rapid breaths blasting from her lips, her eyes flicked between us to the remaining shaft before staring at me; her shaking jaw hung open.

"Do you still want it all, little slut?" I said with a chuckle.

Although I expected silence, or a quick nod, I gasped when, eyes wild, she spat her response at me while grabbing my root and tugging upwards. "Yes!"

With a gulp, I slid my hands to her hips and rotated them to the left. Then the right. With each long, slow, corkscrewing motion, moan after warbling, desperate moan tore from her. Soon Mandy's head tilted back to roll along her shoulders as she thrust her wobbling chest upwards. Beside me, her thighs clamped tight, helping drag her downward while her hand shoved my flesh into her distended crimson lips.

Like a rocket, Mandy's head flew forward. Eyes white-rimmed, she gawked at me. Her body, inside and out, froze. For a split second, even the quivering ceased.

Mandy's mouth ripped wide, and she screamed into my face as every one of her muscles convulsed. Air rushed from my lungs as she crushed my rod with her inner walls; her nails sank into my flesh. Her pelvis raced up and down, jackhammering herself ever downward as she shuddered and blasted silvery saliva into the morning sky. Eyes unfocused, she trembled, bounced and screamed her way downwards until...


Her beautiful, blazing azure pools became saucepans and Mandy paused to stare down at where we were now joined. Still shuddering inside, she swallowed as her fingers roamed downwards towards my glistening base, all that now protruded beneath her distended red lips. When I lifted her other hand to the throbbing bulge under her stomach, a feral moan slipped from her as she flicked her eyes to mine. Fingers clenching, she pressed their tips into my fully embedded cock.

"Now, show me." I ran my hand over her pelvis to reposition it on her hip. "Fuck me, naughty little slut." I paused before adding with a smile. "Make me fill your tight little pussy with my cum."

Was the last sentence too much? As her eyes sparkled, she sucked in air; she was already feeling the warm splashes bursting within her. With a high-pitched cry, she flung herself upwards so fast she tore from my grip. All I could do was attempt to regain my hold on her while she sped downwards, then bounced before flying upwards, again and again. Inside, her walls spasmed as she pounded my pelvis, sending wet splats of warmth over us with each loud fleshy impact.

Once again, her head rolled back and her chest puffed out as she accelerated, riding me with a chaotic, almost unworldly intensity. Her screams began as convulsions wracked her, but still she raced up and down, smashing her pelvis into mine. Each push downwards dragged her hard nub inwards against my sliding pole and its weaving hard ridges.

"Good. Very nice, little slut." At my words, she gawked at me; dark tresses, now matted with sweat, fluttered in the wind as she bounced. With a grin, I managed to force out a few more words. "You really do like to fuck, don't you?"

With a groan, Mandy sucked on her lips and bobbed her chin before accelerating even more.


At the single word and my raised eyebrow, she swallowed and struggled for air before clawing deep into my flesh and forcing out a reply. "Ye—yes ... I like to fuck ... you."

"You don't like to fuck poor Charles?"

"He..." She raced faster and wet spray reached my chest as the lounger creaked under her rapid impacts. "He ... No ... Oh, God..." A primal groan tore from her lips and she panted before flinging out more words. "You're massive. I can feel your pulse so far inside ... So deep." She flew up and down, struggling to breathe as her insides pummeled me. "He ... We don't ... Much ... Anymore."

"Well, that's a damned shame." At least I had a partial answer as to why Mandy was riding me and not him. Perhaps, but still not why Charles wasn't fucking her. "You're a hot bodied fuck machine, my naughty little slut."

Once again Mandy's eyes became impossibly wide and then unfocused as she froze in mid stroke.

As Mandy's insides crushed my rod, I slapped my hands to her ribcage and held tight. Just in time. With an ear-piercing cry, her entire body whipped from side to side before flying upward and slamming into me again. Over and over, Mandy flung her shuddering, torquing frame up and down as scream after warbling scream ripped from her wide lips.

So focused on keeping her from flying off to the concrete, I almost missed my thighs suddenly bucking and my balls rolling upwards under her jackhammering little body.

"I'm going to cum way up inside you, naughty little slut."

Her head flew downward to stare at me once more. As wet splashes from her violent bounding now sprayed my chin, her sharp nails clawed deeper, and she threw her pelvis higher and faster.

With a grunt, I clamped tight to Mandy's ribs and slammed her back onto me. Her saucer-sized black pools locked on mine as a long groan matched my own rising growl. Inside, her walls pulsated along my flexing, expanding shaft.

"Here it comes..." I paused and pressed in with my thumbs to catch her rubbery nipples. As she arched forward, I added. "Slut."

When the first jet raced free, Mandy's eyes dulled and her open jaw shook. Within her, slick flesh spasmed, undulating around my rod. The little woman was milking me. Her whimpers became burbling cries with each successive blast. It had been a while and soon warm dribbles spurted and flowed from her distended lips to coat my root and trickle onto my rolling ball sack.

Once my cock ceased flexing, with her insides still pulsing along me, I lowered Mandy to my chest and wrapped her tight in my arms. Shudders tore through her as she lay alternately panting and gnawing along my skin.

For a long while.

At last, she slowed and soft warm drool trails slipped from her open lips to roll over my chest or be smeared by her shiny raven hair as her head lolled atop me.

"You really do have a body made for fucking." As I spoke, I ran my fingers through her matted dark tresses; shivers speckled over her skin and her teeth clamped onto me. With a smile, I added. "My naughty little slut."

Unable to speak as she gasped for air, Mandy only managed to roll her head and stare at me; her eyes twinkled, and she managed a tired grin before wincing as a tremor raced through her.

While holding her tight to me, my rod shrank and slipped from her at last with a wet plop, unleashing a gush of fluid. Too exhausted to move, she lay motionless, but for her heavy breathing and the soft gnawing of my chest. For a while, she uttered whimpers as tremors sliced through her and fluids seeped from her still stretched pussy. Soon after, under my gentle caresses, her head lolled down, her eyes fluttered shut, and steady puffs of warm air slipped from her fluttering lips.

As she slept, murmurs would periodically slip from her as she snuggled tighter to me. But I kept still other than to glide my hand down to cup one firm buttock. With a sigh, I suppressed a chuckle. She was definitely naughty. She'd proven that the first time she'd showed off for me in her bathroom. Oh, and the panty-less dinner. And Mandy was also little; I squeezed her solid cheek in my palm and a whimper slipped from her lips. Taut and little. How her petite frame could take all of me inside her was ... impressive.

But the "slut" part? I mean ... I guess, sorta, considering ... she was married. And if calling her that got her fucking like a madwoman ... Well, okay, I was good with that. But that was her word, not mine. Which begged the question? When I pressed my fingers into her solid globe once more, she moaned and pushed her lips into my chest. How did a fuck machine like Mandy end up with ... and stay with a man like Charles, as nice as he was? The baking sun was high in the sky and as I pondered that, my eyes closed. Blackness took me.


At the sound of Mandy's phone buzzing, I flailed my hand around and snatched it, pulling my eyelids apart just in time to see her eyes flutter open. As she groaned, her hand flopped upwards, and I shoved it into her palm.

As she pulled the phone to her face, she flicked her tongue over her dry lips and stared at me; I glanced down. It was Charles. A smile slipped onto my face as she hesitated. Her eyes met mine. She swallowed as she tracked my arm moving above her; drifting downwards.

With another gulp, she tapped the "receive call" button.

After a cough to clear her throat, she managed an even tone. "Hi, dear."

Locked on me, Mandy's eyes blinked when both my hands cupped and squeezed her round buttocks. As I mashed her against me, a burbling spurt of warmth dribbled from her pussy and a whimper escaped her quivering lips.

"No, no. I'm fine. Just ... uh, had a big lunch."

While my hands played over her, her teeth clenched as Charles' muffled voice described his trip so far. When my cupped fingers dipped into her sloppy, puffed folds, she arched her pelvis upwards while chewing her lips and staring, wild-eyed, at me. As she struggled to reply to his question, I grinned and let my fingertips pulse and sweep between her shaking legs.

"Yes ... Yes ... Oh ... I heard..." Mandy had to clamp her teeth when I pushed one fingertip into and dragged down her slit; pushing out more wet goo as it moved. At last, she flung her head down before tossing it upwards in a cloud of matted hair and spitting out. "Tomorrow. Okay ... What time is your...?"

When my fingertips left her cleft to circle her tight rosebud, Mandy's entire frame tensed as her eyes widened at me over the phone. With a grin, I pushed into it. Her mouth opened in a silent groan and the phone quivered in her hand. Though Charles asked why she'd gone quiet, she only stared at me, wild-eyed; deciding if she should pull free or ... Her legs drifted apart, and I swirled my finger before plunging it deeper; Mandy's blueeyes fluttered as her tongue zipped around her lips.

This was a fun little game I was really learning to enjoy.

At last, she pried her jaw open and words flew from her. "Oh ... sorry. Dropped my fork. Your ... flight...?"

As Charles spoke, Mandy's eyes widened when I sank a second finger, and became wider still with the third. No sooner had I pressed the third digit into her, then I started pressing out against the ring, pushing her wider as I rubbed her clamping walls.

For a second, Mandy continued to stare at me, jaw hanging open, but then fell forward. When my other hand slipped under her to rub her battered folds and the sharp hot nub atop it, her teeth bit deep and she burbled a wet moan into my chest.

Though Charles asked if she had heard him, Mandy could only gnaw along my skin as her rectum clenched my poking, sliding digits. At last, as her husband asked once more, she tore her head from me and stared, eyes white-rimmed as she inhaled and spat out. "No. No. That's fine dear."

When he asked about me, I raised my eyebrow as she gritted her teeth so tight her neck muscles spasmed. After hissing out a long puff of air, she swallowed before managing a reply. "Of course, I'll be here. Jim? Yes, I think Jim's fine."

After that, Mandy's head slapped down to gnaw when I formed my fingers into a wedge and shoved deeper into her widening ring. Beneath her, she mashed her pelvis into my ever faster rubbing palm as it raced along her spiky nib. Wet splashes joined her rapid breathing and the soft sounds of the leaves rustling while she sought to listen to Charles.

"Yes ... yes ... he's called to check on me." After mustering the resolve to force out that much, she collapsed once more to stifle a loud moan with my flesh. Her head still against my chest, she pulled her lips off me only long enough to add. "No, he came over once and..." Bouncing now, she struggled to hold the phone with her fingers, slippery with saliva. At last she forced out more words. "Oh ... Oh ... Um, said hi ... but ... My butt ... Um, no, he mostly ... He just waved."

With my hands both driving downwards into her ass, and flitting under her shaking frame, pressing into her sloppy folds and slick, hard clit, all that Mandy could do was grunt. As I smiled into her red-faced stare, her teeth slid along my spit-coated chest and her squirming body bucked atop me; wet spray spurted and dribbled from all three orifices.

Well, she'd said she wanted to try it all.

After clenching her teeth and dragging her head back to gaze at me once more, Mandy forced air through her flapping lips and leaned into the phone once again. As she spoke, bubbles of saliva spattered the screen.

"Sorry, dear. Yes, Jim has been checking on me." Eyes squeezing shut, Mandy paused and clamped her jaw, before spitting out a rush of words. "Thanks. No, come home. See you tomorrow morning. Love you."

After slamming her finger on the "end call" button, she tossed her phone to the deck. With her head now lolling, she was no longer gnawing–she was chewing my flesh. While crying out as she devoured me, her nails clawed deep into my ribs when I grunted and pushed my hand into her ass to the wrist.

With one hand trapped between us, racing ever faster against her clit, and me now fisting her with long, winding thrusts, Mandy's entire body was continuously bucking and twisting.

"Let me guess." As I smiled at the part of her crimson face that I could make out under her sweat-streaked black tresses, I added. "Nobody has been this far into your gorgeous ass before either?"

Eyes glossy, tears rolled down Mandy's cheeks as she bounded under my assault. After ripping her teeth from me, she violently shook her head before staring at me as a primal moan tore from her.

When I raised my eyebrows and lifted the corner of my lip into a snarl, she huffed for air and opened her lips to speak. However, just then a huge muscular contraction tore through her, peeling her shaking frame upwards before slapping it back onto me. At the wet splat, the wind was knocked from me and I almost missed her rapid fire response.

"No ... nobody has ever ... Done ... that ... Been in my ... gorgeous ass."

As I held in a chuckle, I let my smile widen. "Well, it certainly is your lucky day then, isn't it, my naughty little slut?"

As soon as I spoke, a growling whine ripped from her mouth as she stared at me, eyes white-rimmed. Her body froze. Her ass clenched so tight that my wrist was trapped in the taut ring of flesh. As one shiver twitched through her frame, her jaw dropped and her eyes ... disappeared as every muscle vibrated. Yes, vibrated before she let a head-rolling scream out into the back yard while all those muscles now contorted and shuddered.

As her limbs shook and her torso squirmed back and forth atop my sweaty frame, Mandy's head flopped limply to my chest. While gasping for breath, blasting silvery bubbles across my well-chewed skin, her heart hammered; warm fluids pulsed from between her trembling legs.

After extricating my fist from her, I ringed her closing anus with my glistening digits; whenever an aftershock sliced through her, it twitched. With her quivering limbs hanging and her head, surrounded by disheveled raven hair, flat against my chest ... Yeh, she was done.

It took a long time before I dared slip my hand from under her. Even then she cried out and tried to press into me, though her eyes stayed screwed shut and drool slid from her quaking lips. Soon, after a final twinge torqued through her, Mandy's breathing became shallow and regular; she rose and fell on me while her heartbeat slowed.

As I caressed her sweat-slick ribs, I lay back with my eyes closed and let her sleep. She was still fast asleep when I lifted her and carried her in my arms before lying her on her own lounger.

It was only after I lowered her, that her eyes fluttered open. When she tried to lift her arm to wipe the hair from her face, it collapsed back to the lounge chair. With a smile, I leaned down and pushed the sweat-soaked strands behind her ears.

When I straightened, her slitted eyes followed me. As I grinned, I gestured at my house.

"Dinner tonight. Six, sharp. My place."

After rolling her lips, Mandy forced a tired grin and croaked out. "What should I wear?"

"Something that will make me want to fuck you all night long, my naughty little slut."

As her gasp faded behind me, I turned and headed home. Yep, this was fun.